Can Put Code In The BeginRequest Handler To Check Whether Any Such Tasks Are Due

Mar 23, 2011

I am writing a quick-and-dirty in-house ASP.NET application that needs to be able to run a task after a specific period of time. If it was a proper application, I'd probably use a windows service but I don't really want to bother with the extra complexity of that.I could put code in the BeginRequest handler to check whether any such tasks are due, but of course nothing would happen if nobody is using the the moment the best option I can think of is something like ShellExecute("nohup sleep 1000; wget http://server/dummypage.aspx") (if you'll excuse the mixed windows/unix nomenclature).

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May 6, 2010

I'm developing IP Blacklisting HttpModule in asp .net application and I found one very annoying thing. Each request to the asp net page generates tens of "subrequests" to application resources like images, client side scripts, styles etc.

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As you see, one request to Login page causes BeginRequest to fire 18 times, there is 18 dictionary loads, 18 lookups etc. That's not the way I want it to be.

Is there any other event that is raised only once per each request? Where do you place the blacklisting mechanism in your applications? I know I can do it through ISAPI filter, but the catch is, this site is on the shared hosting and I'm not sure I can use it on their IIS. Also I'm not sure if ISAPI filter can access some piece of cache with this blacklist (I don't want to load it from DB on each request, that's obvious).

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'SelectPackage_Click' is not a member of 'ASP.offer_aspx'.

here my page directive:


Here is my markup. Eventhough SelectPackage_Click is present in the code behind, it is not wired up with the button control.


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Nov 15, 2010

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if (websiteAcess ==

allow user;

deny user;

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How To Programatically Check A CheckBox In Code Behind

Jan 25, 2011

I have on my page.aspx CheckBox with IDs representing the month.


<asp:CheckBox ID="January" runat="server" Text="Janvier" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="Febuary" runat="server" Text="Fevrier" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="March" runat="server" Text="Mars" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="October" runat="server" Text="Octobre" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="November" runat="server" Text="Novembre" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="December" runat="server" Text="Decembre" />

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Feb 23, 2011

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How can we know from the client, whether web service is running or not? I mean through the code

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Feb 1, 2011

I want to check the status code for a web url without using the IP address as I have many websites configured with the same IP and only hostname is different for them. The HttpWebRequest resolves the IP Address and use it.

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Creating A Check All Box In A Gridview From The Code Behind Page?

Mar 30, 2010

I am creating a check all box in a gridview from the code behind page by

CheckBox checkAll =


i click in the checkbox -- the page reloads and the checkbox disappears.

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Code To Check For Integrated Pipeline Mode?

May 3, 2010

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