Web Forms :: Application BeginRequest Event Raised Too Often To Handle It?

May 6, 2010

I'm developing IP Blacklisting HttpModule in asp .net application and I found one very annoying thing. Each request to the asp net page generates tens of "subrequests" to application resources like images, client side scripts, styles etc.

Now in my application I'm listing to the BeginRequest event and when it is fired I'm loading Dictionary with blacklisted IPs from application cache and check user's IP against it. I've made a simple log of what is actualy happening during each page view, here are the results:


As you see, one request to Login page causes BeginRequest to fire 18 times, there is 18 dictionary loads, 18 lookups etc. That's not the way I want it to be.

Is there any other event that is raised only once per each request? Where do you place the blacklisting mechanism in your applications? I know I can do it through ISAPI filter, but the catch is, this site is on the shared hosting and I'm not sure I can use it on their IIS. Also I'm not sure if ISAPI filter can access some piece of cache with this blacklist (I don't want to load it from DB on each request, that's obvious).

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Web Forms :: Determine Which Gridview Control Raised Postback?

May 17, 2010

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Consider the scenario for asp.net gridviews and depending upon that I'll get idea to proceed with Infragistics controls.

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