.NET Requests Always BeginRequest And EndRequest On The Same Thread?

Sep 5, 2010

Does BeginRequest and EndRequest for an ASP.NET HttpApplication always occur on the exact same thread for a given HTTP request from a client?The reason I ask is that I am seeing some very strange behavior where a ThreadStatic variable is not null inside of an Init method for an IHttpModule. I set this ThreadStatic variable to a value on BeginRequest and null it on EndRequest.

However, my IHttpModule Init method should be called outside of the BeginRequest/EndRequest period, so the only way I can think of that this ThreadStatic variable would have a value when my Init method is called is if EndRequest occurs on a different thread than BeginRequest and thus the value is still not null later on when ASP .NET tries to use that same thread to create a new HttpApplication instance...

I am running IIS 7 in integrated mode.

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lock (this)
if (!isGoodPassword)
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Web Forms :: URL Routing & PostBack Not Firing BeginRequest Event

Sep 13, 2010

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We have a search box that does a search and redirects to a routed URL.

When we search for the first time (aka Press a button that forces a postback) everythign works as expected. we get:

1. BeginRequest event.

2. Determines Route

3. Calls Routehandler to match the route item to the actual destination page

4. Routes the url appropriately.

After you do one search successfully and try again it fails to call the BeginRequest event. Because of this the routing data never gets called and so the url is never routed to its correct destination. What is weirder still if we append a "/" (trailing slash) to the url after the initial postback it DOES work properly again.

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Going back (after 1 successful search) you then need to use this url or else BeginRequest will never fire:

mydomain.com/Search/ < (note the extra "/" at the end)

why the BeginRequest event never fires unless the slash is appended?

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May 6, 2010

I'm developing IP Blacklisting HttpModule in asp .net application and I found one very annoying thing. Each request to the asp net page generates tens of "subrequests" to application resources like images, client side scripts, styles etc.

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As you see, one request to Login page causes BeginRequest to fire 18 times, there is 18 dictionary loads, 18 lookups etc. That's not the way I want it to be.

Is there any other event that is raised only once per each request? Where do you place the blacklisting mechanism in your applications? I know I can do it through ISAPI filter, but the catch is, this site is on the shared hosting and I'm not sure I can use it on their IIS. Also I'm not sure if ISAPI filter can access some piece of cache with this blacklist (I don't want to load it from DB on each request, that's obvious).

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Mar 30, 2010

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Is that any solution to solve the problem?

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IHttpModule.BeginRequest Firing 2X, Application_BeginRequest Firing 1X?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm running VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 SP1.

I want to implement hit tracking in an HttpModule in my ASP.NET app. Pretty simple, I thought. However, the BeginRequest event of my HttpModule is firing twice for each page hit. The site is very simple right now...no security, just a bit of database work. Should log one row per page hit. Why is this event firing twice?

Moreover, IHttpModule.BeginRequest actually fires a different number of times for the first page hit when running for the first time (from a closed web browser)...3 times when I'm hitting the DB to provide dynamic data for the page, and only 1 time for pages where the DB isn't hit. It fires 2 times for every page hit after the first one, regardless of whether or not I'm touching the DB.

It's interesting to note that Application_BeginRequest (in Global.asax) is always firing only once.

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C# - Set Thread As Background Or Not

Jan 2, 2011

I need an explanation regarding some advice I got on this site. I'm doing a newsletter sending app, and I have my mail sent in a seperate thread so the process doesn't slow down the whole web site. A couple of people advised me to set the threads IsBackground property to true. I did this, but was also courious about what this does, so I googled a bit.

As it turns out, setting the IsBackground property to true indicates that "it's okay if the process shuts down while this thread is still running.". Or as microsoft puts it "Any remaining background threads are stopped and do not complete." I don't know if I got this the wrong way but, wouldn't it be better to leave the IsBackground property to false, so that the spawned thread can complete its work regarding the main thread?

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A Process In A Thread?

May 8, 2010

I want to execute a process, but after the process is done i would like to execute a query so i know this process is done.The process called ffmpeg is quite big so i start it and wait til its done with this coding:

ffmpeg.Start(); // start !

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Thread ID From ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem?

May 18, 2010

after invoking an async method using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem how do i lookup the assigned thread id?

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Trying To Refresh A Page Through A Thread?

Apr 3, 2010

So basically here I am trying to wait for my server to connect to my website signaling it that its done and so the page needs to be refreshed(cause sql was updated). Thing is when I try to use the response/request in the thread it simply doesn't want to work.

Here the code



Errors I am getting are:

1. If I have the headers clear thing there it gives requires integrated IIS pipes or something like that.
2.If I don't have the clear headers it says the headers were already sent.

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Can A Client Be Considered As A Thread

Feb 24, 2011

Can we consider that two clients accessing the same method of a web service at the same time are two threads (with all problems involved...) ?Is it the same thing for methods in an asp.net web application ?

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