Cannot Bind The Data Through WebService

Feb 7, 2010

in binding data thru webservice. In my code, I created a dataset public DataSet ViewMembersbut when I run my code, I got an error like
Quote:Error2Argument '1': cannot convert from 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter'

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In my project I have have a query in my Webservice

cmd=new SqlCommand("Select * From Record ;",conn);
DataReader reader=cmd.ExecuteQuery();

now I want to return this Extracted data which may contain various rows and column

How can it be sent.???

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AJAX :: Broadcast New Data Using Webservice?

Jun 8, 2010

I am working on an application just like any fast food restaurant uses for example McDonalds.

Basically, application consists of three parts.

1) Web Application # 1 to take orders (Used by the clerk(s))

2) Web Application # 2 to process orders (used by the chef back in the kitchen)

3) WebService returns new orders (with PENDING status) to Web Application # 2.

Write now, Application # 1 adds new orders to the database. Application # 2 calls the WebService to get new ordes by REFRESSHING the page again and again. Refreshing the page over and over again is the problem.

I want the WebService to automatically send new data (oredrs with PENDING status) to Web Application # 2 whenever Application #1 add new order.

Application # 1 can call WebService (sending true flag) to let it konw that something has been added so the WebService can broadcast new date to Application # 2

Here is the flow which I am trying to achieve

Application # 1 (Takes new Order)
Application # 1 then call WebService (sending true)

WebService (if true is received), send new data to WebApplication # 2, cause postback on Applicatin # 2 automatically

For Example just imagine when you walk in McDonalds

Clerk takes your order -> New order is automatically send to the Kitchen (to process order)

Here is the breakdown

Application # 1 = Clerk taking order
WebService = Mechanism which is sending new order to Kitchen
Application # 2 = Monitor in the Kitchen receiving orders.

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WCF / ASMX :: Return XML Data With WebService?

Jul 10, 2010

i have a data library dll and first is it possible to use it in webservice forexample i call it as using DataLibrary; then in web method i will use it like

public boolean MethodName(int a)
return true;
return false;

and also i have to tell my all data connections are in DataLibrary.dll

my second question is i will use webservice to communucate with flash i will send flash a DataSet but flash cant read DataSet so i have give it as XML right?

so how could i change my following method which returns dataset to return xml ?


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PHP Site To Post Data To .net Webservice

Jul 15, 2010

ve got a site running on php and I need my form to post data to an ASP.Net web service. All I have from the ASP.Net web service is a url ending in .svc and then I open up the url I get another link that I can click on which ends in .svc?wdslThis is all pretty new to me so I'm not sure where to begin, any pointers?

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Passing JSON Data To A Webservice?

Jul 8, 2010

I have two parameters (categoryName and categoryDescription) that I need to pass to the web service using JSON. I found the syntax to pass categoryName but have not been able to get the correct syntax to pass both parameters. Here is the code.

<script src="js/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {


View 4 Replies - Passing Data To Webservice Using JSON?

Jun 22, 2010

I have successfully returned data from a ASP.Net webservice in JSON format (using a service method that required no parameters) but have struggled with making a webservice call that requires a parameter.


<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet:=True)> _
Public Function TestWebService(ByVal Description As String) As Stock
Dim res As New Stock(Guid.NewGuid, Description)
Return res


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Error CS0029: Cannot Implicitly Convert Type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute To Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Aug 5, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 I have a Class Library project (called Media) to which I added a Web Reference (not a Service Reference) to a third-party web service (wsdl). In the Class Library project a proxy class is created for using the service along with several classes for the types used in that service.

I also have a second Class Library (called Sync) that references the first one. And then I have a Web Site project that references the second class library. All of this is .NET 3.5

So Web Site > Class Library (Sync) > Class Library with web service reference (Media)

I want to step into the generated code, so I fire up the web site in IIS 7.5 and trigger the call to a method in the second class library (Sync) that in turn should call the web service proxy. I was fully expecting to hit the breakpoint, but instead got an exception:

Unable to generate a temporary class(result=1). error CS0029: Cannotimplicitly convert type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute to Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class? Don't I already have the generated class from the first Class Library (Media)?

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How To Save Data Through Ajax Webservice Without Postback

Mar 15, 2010

Or is there any simpler solution ?

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AJAX :: Webservice Returns Wrong Data?

Jun 25, 2010

So I have a WebMethod that I call using jQuery. The method is supposed to return a unique URL to a image file created dynamicly.

The WebMethod is called in a for loop so anywhere from 1 to 50 calls gets fired async.

The problem is that the webservice seems to be using the same instance of the object, so that it returns the same value to a couple of the requests.


Shouldn't the WebMethod create a new instance of the class for each call, so that all values are stored individually in memory?


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WCF / ASMX :: Import Table Data Using Webservice?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm starting using web services in .net , I'd like to know how to achieve this:

I need to import table data into a database, currently what we do is uploading via ftp the text files, and then running a process in php in the webserver.

Could this be automated by sending those text files (or xml, or whatever format is necessary) to a webservice as an argument, and that the webservice handles the insert and validating process of the data?

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JQuery :: Get Data From Databse Using Json With Webservice?

Dec 23, 2010

i want to get data from my database and dispaly it in my web page using json with webservicei'm going to post my code i create a webservice and add method which return string to get all data so my code like this


and in my page


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Merge Data From Database With Data From Webservice?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm not too familiar with webservices, so I was wondering the following:

I'm receiving data from a webservice. I want to save this to the database, but first I have to compare it to the data that's already there. I can get a recordset from the db and loop through it. But how should I compare it to the data from the webservice? Retrieve all the info from the service, put them in objects and create an equals method, and, if it doesn't exist, add a new record? This seems to me, that's the way to go, but since it's, in my opinion, a common task, maybe there's some object/method that does this automatically for me.

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