PHP Site To Post Data To .net Webservice

Jul 15, 2010

ve got a site running on php and I need my form to post data to an ASP.Net web service. All I have from the ASP.Net web service is a url ending in .svc and then I open up the url I get another link that I can click on which ends in .svc?wdslThis is all pretty new to me so I'm not sure where to begin, any pointers?

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JQuery :: Unable To Get To The Webservice Using Ajax Post

Oct 15, 2010

I need to pass a customer id to get some data back for a customer from a webservice. I can't figure out how to get to the webservice, I have a breakpoint set in the webmethod but it's not being hit and the alert box is not popping up either. For a test I am just trying to show some value from the returned data in an alert box. Note I am just hard coding the customer id of 1001. The webmethod takes a parameter of string customerid.


Does some one know what's missing or how to debug this issue?

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Site .net 2.0 Interact With WebService 1.1?

Mar 18, 2011

Here it goes, I've been asked here to create a WebService that will work on .NET framework 1.1 so other project can interact with it to get the job a little .dll(1.1 also) can do.

The main idea behind this is to be able to upgrade the application and the rest of the projects while being able to use this old .dll through the WebService.

Is it possible to comunicate with a WebService that works on the framework 1.1 from an ASP application working on 2.0 or higher.

Actually, what I've tried raise an error like so : The request failed with the state HTTP:401 : Access Denied.

But when I access the webservice(asmx page), it does work, the page shows all the method available. Also the project build perfectly.

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May 10, 2010

I have a new asmx web service (written with .Net 3.5), I'll be accessing this service from a Silverlight 3 app, and I want to add the service to an existing web site (written with .Net 2.0). How do I go about doing that? I tried the obvious route of just copying the entire project folder to the web site, but I experienced a number of errors when trying to view the asmx page from a browser.

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C# - Download File From Webservice - In ASP.NET Site

Feb 10, 2010

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VS 2010 Securing WebService Inside Web Site?

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I have an existing website that I am adding a webservice (asmx) file too so that I can make client call backs to a certain function.I found this article on securing webmethods in an API [URL] a...ntication.aspx But is there a way to set the security up for the API itself instead of each individual webmethod? Kinda like have a page load method that gets called regardless of what API you are using and checks if you have a valid session.

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Post From One .NET MVC Site To Another?

Jul 8, 2010

Is it possible to post a form from one MVC site so that it invokes the POST action in a controller on another site ? I can do a GET easily, but a browser redirect is always a GET as per my understanding and I am unable to invoke the target site's POST action.e.g. http:/ invokes ... in the ResultController, the Get version of the "SignIn" action gets invoked, but I need the "Post" version to be invoked as I need to pass in parameters in the POST header.

Currently I am resorting to using a GET and am passing params. using the query string which is not ideal for my scenario.

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WCF / ASMX :: Call A Webservice On A Site That Requires Authentication?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a production web application that uses <authentication mode="Windows"/> I have added an .asmx page with a method in it. I'd like to test making calls to it from a separate client web app. When I do this I get the error: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied What do I need to do in my client app to access this webservice?

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Mar 31, 2011

I would really appriciate if someone could show me example of how to use api webservice of another site and retreive content (or whatever data is returned) and publish that content localy on omy own site. Api webservice I´m planning to use has support for HTTP GET & POST and SOAP 1.1 and 1.2.

I created my site with webmatrix and razor.I tryed searching on the net but I'm having hard time finding relevant content.

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C# - SoapException Server Was Unable To Process Request On ASMX Webservice In MVC Site?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm getting an exception when trying to access an .asmx webservice within a MVC site. I've tried numerous things like updating the web reference within the console application and building another quick app to test, but can't get passed this issue. If I pull the URL out of the svc variable, I can browse to it directly.

Exception Details

occurred Message=Server was unable
to process request. ---> Value cannot
be null. Parameter name: uriString
Source=System.Web.Services Actor=""
Lang="" Node="" Role=""


at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage
message, WebResponse response, Stream
responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String
methodName, Object[] parameters)
at ClarityIntegration.SendTrackerDataToClarity()
in [REDACTED].Reference.cs:line 78
at [REDACTED].Program.Main(String[] args)
in [REDACTED].Program.cs:line 33


var svc = new TrackerClarityService.ClarityIntegration()
Url = url,
Credentials =
new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "pass", "domain")

The exception was coming out of the Web Service itself. There were some global variables not being initialized directly through the .asmx call that were being initialized by the application itself.

Some simple checks on variables within the Web Service and setting what needs to be set have fixed up the issue.

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Web Forms :: Get Remote Site Url From HTTP POST?

Oct 3, 2010

I have a remote website form which sends variables to a page of my asp website. This is a standard form with http post. How do I access the url which sent the request to the page? Is this an environment variable? Http_referrer?

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Web Forms :: Do A Programmatic HTTP Post To Another Site

Nov 29, 2010

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I would just like to use error handling etc, rather than just blinding doing the normal post and hoping it works.

Can you do HTTPS POST from some page event using server side code?

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Design Pattern(s) For A Webservice Enabled Telerik Treeview For Navigation Of A Document Site?

Oct 11, 2010

I am currently working on a document management system in ASP.NET 3.5 using the Telerik AJAX toolkit. It consists of masterpage with a title banner across the top and a RadTreeview down the left hand side for navigation through the site. The treeview uses a combination of static nodes and dynamic ones. The dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice. When a node is clicked the relevant page is navigated to, reloading the masterpage and displaying the content of the target page.

The problem comes from the fact the treeview's dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice and therefore as the user navigates through the tree to find a document the treeview behaves as you would expect. However, when you get to the bottom of a tree of dynamic nodes the navigation to the page of the navigateurl causes the relevant page to be loaded and then the treeview resets itself to a collapsed state. This means the user could be deep in a nest of documents but when they view one, the tree collapses and they have to start their navigation all over again. This limitation is not going to be acceptable from an ease of use perspective.

According to Telerik, this is the designed behaviour for performance reasons - the node only ever worries about populating the next set of nodes and therefore the treeviews state is not remembered in viewstate.

So, the meat of question is. Is the masterpage/async treeview navigation design pattern a valid one? Are there any other ways to have an ajax treeview on a masterpage, that remembers it's state when another page is navigated to? I have considered a siglepage/updatepanel/partial page rendering model but the opinions I've seen on the net infer that this is bad idea. It confuses users that expect back/forward browser behaviour to navigate through the site but in a single page world they would end up leaving the site.

I also thought that maybe using a single page container and an iframe may work but this seems to be moving away from the "standard" design pattern of using masterpages.

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Nov 24, 2010

How to count no of site hits of a site with out using postbacks i.e we should not count

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Feb 13, 2011

My employer would like me to create a login page with our logo that:

1.User enter their login and password on our page

2.posts the login/password to the form on one of our client's login pages

3. Takes them user to the client's site, logged in.

I tried searching but most examples don't show how I can then bring the user to the client url, logged in. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Aug 26, 2010

I have the following code where the function codeaddress geocodes the text feild value and returns geocoded value , geocoded value is stored in variable example ,how will i return the variable v2 to the function call and post to asmx webservice.


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Configuration :: 2.0 Site On IIS 6 - Loads Super Slow And Sometimes Throws "Page Not Found" On Post Back?

Jan 24, 2011

Looking for advice on how to troubleshoot an application (not something I wrote) that is on the old 2.0 Framework. It acts "crazy" sometimes when selecting an item from a drop down list. Sometimes the page will reload like it should on the post back with the new data, while othertimes, it just throws a Page Not Found error. What's the best way to troubleshoot and eliminate the various variables of IIS6, 2.0 Framework, SQL Server, the VirtualMachine, etc.

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Mar 2, 2011

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Create Dynamic Data Site And MVC - 2 Site Together

Apr 16, 2010

I have created firstly ASP.NET MVC 2. and write more functionality. After I create asp.NET Dynamic Data Site. now, when I click on run button in Visual Studio, mvc app. opened in browser as [URL]. and asp.NET Dynamic Data Site as [URL]. but i want to merge this app. in one. can I use asp.NET Dynamic Data Site and asp.NET MVC-2 at the same time?

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Social Networking :: Post Tweets To Twitter Account And Post To FaceBook Wall?

Aug 6, 2012

code to integerate twitter and facebook in my application,

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SQL Server :: Post That Have DateCreate 2010-12-01 There Is No Post Deleted?

Dec 20, 2010

I have this SP.When I run it and there is no post that have DateCreate 2010-12-01 there is no post deleted but there is no error catched.


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C# - Post The User Text To The Server Using $.post()?

Mar 16, 2011

im updating my page using jQuery/javascript once a user types something.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('button').click(function () {
var x = $('textarea').val();
$('#test1').append('<div id="test">' + x + '</div>');
return false;
<textarea style="border: 0" cols="77" rows="2">.......

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Data From Webservice And Putting In Dataset?

Sep 30, 2010

I m getting data from webservice and putting in dataset. I m doing paging for that datagird.

OnPageIndexChanging is the event I m using. When I click on 2 in paging, no data is displaying but the grid is displaying.

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Data Controls :: Import CSV File Data To DataTable Using WebService

Apr 27, 2016

I am trying to import a CSV file using web service bt i stuck while displaying it in gridview.

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Cannot Bind The Data Through WebService

Feb 7, 2010

in binding data thru webservice. In my code, I created a dataset public DataSet ViewMembersbut when I run my code, I got an error like
Quote:Error2Argument '1': cannot convert from 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter'

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