Cannot Link The Ads.xml To The AdRotator File
Jan 26, 2010I'm new to and got stuck on page 124-126(Build ur own web site.). I just cannot link the Ads.xml to the AdRotator file.
View 16 RepliesI'm new to and got stuck on page 124-126(Build ur own web site.). I just cannot link the Ads.xml to the AdRotator file.
View 16 RepliesHow do I upload a file on the web server and save the link of the file in a database?
View 3 Repliesi have created basic .aspx files .one is login.aspx and registration.aspx...Now in my solution explorer i also added class file i.e StudentInfo.cs and wrote some properties in my question is
1. i want to connect Studentinfo.cs class to my login.aspx.cs...So that i can call the methods in to do it?
ok i have a file link not in the vs 2010 project .basically i have a list page in which i want to show the files, one file each for different organization. how can i make a link to that xml file which exists outside the project
View 1 RepliesHow can I use impression tag which is within advertisement
How it affects for different images...
I have a problem using the AdRotator control with Internet Explorer 8. It works fine with Mozilla Firefox but with IE8 neither the Ad image appear nor the NavigateURL work.Here's an example of the Ad code:
[Code] ....
But again it works fine with Mozilla Firefox. I can't use the Mozilla Firefox instead, I have to use IE8 for certain reasons.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008, VB Web application.
NavigateUrlField does not work as expected! Althrough it is assigned properly MyAdRotator.NavigateUrlField = "AdvertURL" the rendered code is missing href attribute of the link e.g. <a id="blahblah" target="_blank">etc. I tried with absolute paths/urls and relative as well but, it still shows up only the images properly while link is missing.
View 5 RepliesMy adrotator binded to xml file cannot flash banners without refreshing aspx page Can u provide me some help please(code snippet)
View 1 RepliesI would need an ad rotator that shows different banners but that changes banner every 5 sec or so. Is it possible?The list of url�s for the images comes from a database with linq2sql. Is there any other method, for example JQuery that someone could explain to me in case the ad rotator dont work?
View 2 RepliesI can plug a http url into the adrotator fine but everytime I plug an https url in it give me a "cannot find advertisement file or file is invalid. I know these https urls are fine - I've checked them out. .
I have a table in a sql db that is storing some images that will be display on a header of page.How can I display the images using the adrotator? I am working with C#. DB Table:HeadImgs
hID - ID
headImage - Image
published - varchar(5)
I am trying to load an AdRotator into my mast page. I have been able to get rid of the errors for it,
loaded the images into the images folder,
created the xml file which I just copied from microsoft website,
added the links for the images in the xml file.
Enabled it
set visibility to true
gave it height and width
Still nothing shows up when I run the site on the localhost. The page source doesnt mention anything of it either.Here is my code for the AdRotator: [Code]....
Here is my xml file: [Code]....
I want to implement the functionality like below.
1) Use AdRotator to view the Ads.
2) Change Ads on every 15 sec.
3) When user is on page where Ads are displayed now user clicks Back-Forward and come back to that page. This time if user come back within 15 sec. Same image will be displayed and no money will be diducted for that. So here I will need to show Image from cach.
4) Only once load images from server. For each other cycle to display images fetch it from cach.
I have difficulty in implementing Steps 3 & 4.
I am using with C#.
I have a adrotator which I am binding through the database. I have following column in database table
displaying the text data on the right side of the adrotator, as it is only showing the data of the first record. might be because i have used Rows[0].
I was wondering, wether it is possible to use the AdRotator to rotate through a List of links.
This would be my business class.
public class AdRotatorData
public String Name {get;set;}
public String NavigateURL {get;set;}
public String Description {get;set;}
I would like to bind a List to the AdRotator control and modify the output of the AdRotator control to display the Link rendering with the Name and NavigateUrl and some text from the Description property below.
Is such thing possible? The ComponentArt AdRotator component provides such features, but I can't afford the entire control package.
I am using an AdRotator Control which bind with SQLDatasource and it working fine My query is how to assign a CompanyName which is field in my SQL Table on the Tooltip property of the AdRotator Control.
Below is code i have applied just wanted for tooltip
<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" Interval="3000" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel id="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:AdRotator ID="AdRotator2"
NavigateUrlField = "NavigateUrl"
AlternateTextField = "AlternateText"
ToolTip = ? />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Timer1" EventName="Tick"></asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlAdsRightImage" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:sportcal2007ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="sp_AdsRightImage" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:Parameter Direction="ReturnValue" Name="RETURN_VALUE" Type="Int32" />
If I am going to use the AdRotator with Database and set the properties from the table fields, how can I set the impression?
View 5 RepliesI am making a news portal ,there i want to display the different ad of different size using adrotator ,dynamically from database.
View 1 Replieswhen I reference a assembly. It's reference gets added to the project file in my case ( ABC.csproj)
Also when I take a look at the web.config file there is a section called <assemblies>. And lot of assemblies are added there.
What is the difference between link to the assemblies in the Project file and the assemblies in the web.config file?
I want a view to contain an <a> link to an .htm file stored in another View folder. When I try this I get a "resource not found" error:
Where should I place .htm files in the ASP MVC project. And what does the URL string that references those pages look like?
I'm making a website that requires ads being repeated down the length of a page with dynamic length. I want the ads to be displayed down the entire length of the page, but I won't know that length until after the data has been displayed. Is there built in functionality for this in .NET? If not, does anyone see any workarounds I could employ to do this for me?
View 1 RepliesIs there a way to use two adrotators controls on one page and stop the same advert appearing at the same time in both controls?
I have the following but it doesn't work:
protected void AdRotator1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (AdRotator1 == AdRotator)
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and C#. I am not using AJAX.
I have added an Adrotator in my page. I want to refresh the adrotator after every ten seconds. Currently when the adrotator refreshes, the page is also getting refreshed.
How to refresh the adrotator without refreshing the complete page and not using Ajax?
I have implemented a adrotator to display random images using ajax. I also need to display another image at left side corner on the adrotator image continously.
View 4 Repliesmaking a file link
View 5 Replies