Change Dropdownlist - First Letter Of Month In Starting?

Jun 20, 2010

How do I change my dropdownlist so the first letter of the month are in upper? - And would like my text [Mounth] to be at the top of the dropdownlist when it is active. Right now is on the bottom. Hope can help these small things.


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<form runat="server">
<asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" BorderStyle="Double" BorderWidth="3px"
DayNameFormat="FirstTwoLetters" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" ShowGridLines="True"
OnDayRender="Calendar1_DayRender" >
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<add key="MailFromAddress" value="<user name>"/>
<add key="MailToAddress" value="<user name>"/>[code]....

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myMessage.From = New MailAddress(AppConfiguration.MailFromAddress, AppConfiguration.SenderName)
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Dim mySmtpClient As New SmtpClient()
mySmtpClient.EnableSsl = True[code]....

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Nov 30, 2010

Heres the situation: I need update a column from my table (T1) from two other columns in a different table (T2).

My constraints are:

That I have to match the first 4 letters of a column in T2 to one column in T1 I have to identify that the first letter in a column in T1 corresponds to one letter in the middle of a string in a column in T2 For instance:

My Table (T1):

Order Type Combined
0090 0001 YYXX 1YY
0091 1001 YYXX YYY
0092 1002 XXXX 2XX

Table 2 (T2):

Order Value
00900001YY XX
00911001YY XX
00921002XX XX

The Combined column in T1 is what i'm trying to complete. The T1.Place column contains the first character that I want to check for.

If it's a "1" then I want to make sure the 5th letter in T2.Order is a "0" If its a "Y" then I want to look for a "1001" If its a "2" then I want to make sure the 8th letter is a "2" in T2.Order
If all that matches then I was the last two letters in T2.Order + T2.Value to be combined and put into the appropiate spot in T1.Combined

Here's what I have:


I know it's a little complex, but i'm really stuck on it and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Jan 16, 2011

i want the Dates saved in DB to appear on Calendar control .. It works fine ONLY when it's current month, but when i change Month to Feb ,, all dates are deselected !! Here is my code: (What should i do, so when i change month in Calendar saved dates will show on calendar?? )


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Localization :: System.Globalization.CultureInfo() Change The Month Of Date?

Jan 25, 2011

I am Using javascript calander to select date into textbox. I have Set the Date Format MM-DD-YYYY . Now when i convert this text string to DateTime then my Actual month of date is changed.

IFormatProvider theCultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB", true);
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDate.Text, "mm-dd-yyyy", theCultureInfo);

For example If i Put in Text Box 2-12-2011 (12 Feb 2011) Then After Converting It will 12-01-2011 00:02:00 .

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Web Forms :: Display Date In TextBox From Day - Month - Year DropDownList

May 7, 2015

I have 3 drop down lists for days,months and years,also i have a textbox to show the selected values from the 3 drop down lists when i select a month it shows in textbox and if i select another month it shows in textbox beside the first selected month.i want not to repeat the values in textbox.

the code:

protected void ddl_day_from_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
txt_exhib_dateFrom_add.Text ="";
day_from = ddl_day_from.SelectedItem.Value;
txt_exhib_dateFrom_add.Text = day_from +"/";

[Code] ......

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Web Forms :: Select Day / Month And Year In DropDownList Using Date From TextBox

May 7, 2015

i have complete date in a textbox i want to make the selected value in drop down list_days equal the day part of textbox,the selected value in drop down list_months equal the month part of textbox & the selected value in drop down list_years equal the year part of textbox to make the user update it if he want i tried to find the answer but i coudn't.

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Show A Dropdownlist Of Months So The User Can Select The New Month?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm building a pretty simple application where a user can enter/modify/delete data from a table. Right now, the only field is month, which I'm storing as an integer (1-12). The actual table has more fields but I'm simplifying for the purposes of this question.I have the entry part. For modifying, I've set up a gridview with an 'Edit' button:


The code is putting the gridview row into edit mode. Now, I want to show a dropdownlist of months so the user can select the new month. Also, I would like the dropdownlist to default to the value in the database. I can't figure out how to bind months to the dropdown list ddlMonth.

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Data Controls :: Adding Day Month And Year Date DropDownList In DetailsView Control

Dec 19, 2012

How can we add a drop down calendar to one of the cell of details view.

Actually i want to add three drop down list one for month , other for year and third one for days.

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Crystal Reports :: Calculate Current Date(month) Minutes One Month?

Feb 25, 2011

How to calculate current date(month) minus one month in crystal report?

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Web Forms :: Get Start And End Date In A Month Based On Month And Year

Jun 7, 2012

lblperiod.Text = " period " + "01/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedItem.Text + "---" + System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedValue;

i want the daate ie the 1st to  the end of month when page is loaded i get the current months 01/06/2012 - 30/06/2012  but i want it on dropdown changed

i mean whever the user selcts in dropdown for month & year i want the period for the same

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Display Next Month Calendar Instead Of Current Month?

Feb 8, 2011

i’m using ASP.NET.

i created a calendar, using the below code.


As normal when page load, it display a calendar with current month.

Is it possible, on page load to display Next Month calendar, instead of current month? After page load as usual, I need to navigate to previous months, next month and all, like normal calender. Only thing is to display Next month instead of current month on page load.

I tried this code


Calendar1.TodaysDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1)

But it’s not displaying the Next Month calendar instead of current month.

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