Completely Disable ControlState In Website Application?

Jun 24, 2010

How to completely disable ControlState in an ASP.NET website application to get rid of <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/ACBDEFGH...XYZ=" /> on every page?

Searching for a solution, I only found meaningless answers making no difference between ControlState and ViewState, or replies saying that "we cannot disable control state". The second assumption seems to be false, since StackOverflow pages do not have ViewState hidden field.

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Apr 21, 2010

Completely disabling viewstate

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How To Completely Disable JavaScript Errors Using VS2008 And IE

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to prevent VS from breaking on JS errors.

I have the following settings:

In IE, under Tools->Internet Settings->Advanced (tab)->Browsing
Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) is checked.
Disable script debugging (Other) is checked.

In VS, under Debug->Exceptions->Common Language Runtime Exceptions JScript Exceptions (thrown and user-unhandled) are unchecked.

In VS, under Tools->Options->Debugging->Just-In-Time
Script is unchecked.

There are some JavaScript errors that I just don't care about and it is driving me insane having to deal with them.

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Completely Hide Website From Search Engines?

Feb 20, 2010

Whats the best recommended way yo hide my staging website from search engines, i Googled it and found some says that i should put a metatag, and some said that i should put a text file inside my website directory, i want to know the standard way.

my current website is in, while i believe that it must be a common way for any website whatever its programming language.

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MVC :: Implemented NHibernate / Application Completely Unstable?

Jun 1, 2010

I tried to figure out NHibernate (a first) First went through chapter 23 in Asp.Net MVC in Action 2, and read some articles to get the drift.

Then I modified the sample in the above book to work with my own database and my own table. Finally got that working. (Started messing with this yesterday's 7:30 AM, so .... I'm tired...)

Then I worked this into my own project (the shared mvc template some of you might have looked at).

Now my application became completely unstable. Sometimes it work, but other times it bombs out where my controller factory (Castle) set the component lifestyles:


Each time with some LoaderException that read like {"Could not load file or assembly 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)":"Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc"}

Man I fiddled all over the place, having xcopy copy dll's (see krok.web properties got a post build event) and many other things I that does not really make sense.

And from the darned instructions, having all your dll's in a folder which get copied out to the web project's bin folder and dont know what else.

Seriously...if someone can download this and have a look (better not if you dont know Castle Windsor and NHibernate)

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Forms Data Controls :: View Of Website Completely Disturbed Due To Update Of Internet Explorer New Version

Oct 3, 2010

Two websites that are being developed by me is online in my office network. Our IT department has updated Internet Explorer and the view my websites is completely disturbed. Now we have Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702 In most of my pages the setting is that from top to bottom, in top there is a panel holding dropdown, textboxes and just under this panel there is another panel with gridview. When the pages load the first panel with the search controls are ok.

When i supplied search parameters then gridview resulted overlaping the above panel and it scrolls behind the above panel. When there is one record populates to gridview the whole gridview would not be seen but the count label shows one record.

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How To Disable Website

Feb 13, 2011

I want to have a way to disable my website. I don't understand how you can use a file called app_offline.htm with at least 512 bytes of messages code in it if the Web Developer creates .aspx files. If I used Notepad I don't think it would work.

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how do i disable the back button in a website?

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Web Forms :: Disable Access To Images In Website

Jul 17, 2015

How can i disable images(image folder) in my website. URL...

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Disable Website To Respond Request Except Static Files?

Nov 2, 2010

I have 2 website on my IIS which have the same physical location on disk. Example: path on disk : path on disk :

I want that only response for static files like images, css and js files.

My main goal is to serve static files from a cookieless domain (using for cookieless requests). But if I write to browser i see the same content with I want to block all request to except images, css and js request.

I don't want to set another folder for because it is very hard for me to change all images url to new url.

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Visual Studio :: Disable C# Prompt When Opening Website?

May 4, 2010

In both VS 2008 and VS 2010 when we open websites using FILE > OPEN WEBSITE we get a prompt asking us if we want to convert the website to .Net 3.5 or .Net 4.0.

I know once you answer it wont ask again for that site, but it gets annoying when we have alot of websites. We cannot convert the sites because the servers they run on are too old.

Is there a way to disable this prompt permanently?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Copy Function On HTML Website

Feb 6, 2013

Want to disable copy function on my html website.

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Drawback To Creating A Separate IIS Application Pool For Each Website / Application?

Jan 5, 2010

Currently, on our production IIS web farm, we host about 15 applications in a single App Pool (Default App Pool). There are two websites and about 13 virtual directories.A colleague has recommended that we change our IIS configuration so each application is a separate App Pool (with identical settings).

Is there any drawback or potential issues to doing this?Is it possible that ASP.NET applications could have been built with the requirements that they are all within the same App Pool?

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Disable The Addressbar And Standardbuttons Bar In IE When Application Launches?

Sep 14, 2010

when my application launches in the IE from start page to main page i want to hide the addressbar and the standardbuttons bar of IE through the codebehind and here am using masterpage concept so i have to write the code in master only i think so.

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Configuration :: How To Deploy An Application Containing A Website And Console Application On IIS

Jul 20, 2010

I have an application which has a website and a project. The project contains an executable file which I'm trying to run as a process from the website's Global.asax file's application_start(). When I run this application from localhost, everything runs smoothly but when I deploy the application on IIS, application_start's code is executed and I can see the process name in the taskmanager but I cannot see the window which the console application normally starts in (when i run the application on localhost) and neither is the code executed.

Here's what I'm doing:

-- copied website and project in wwwroot
-- made a virtual directory of the website
-- when i run the website, I see the process in taskmanager but the code is not executed.

I am new to deployment and IIS, and would really appreciate I someone could tell me what i'm missing

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C# - Disable Script Debugging In Visual Studio 2010 When Running Website Project?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm creating a website in Visual Studio 2010. I would like to use Visual Studio for C# debugging, but it also uses Visual Studio as JavaScript debugger. Is there a way to disable script debugging for Asp.Net website projects? I run my projects by hitting F5 in my Visual Studio. (I've noticed that when I attach the debugger manually, I can specify the type of stuff I would like to debug.) Note: I would like to debug, but not with Visual Studio. The developer toolbar is enough.

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Feb 8, 2011

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Jul 18, 2010

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when i try to execute this query i got this error

how can i run this query complete?

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User Controlcan Be Completely Self Contain?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to make a UserControl that have all data process, initialize data, ajax, all self contain into one control.So I can insert to anywhere on my Asp pages.But the problem is, the UserControl contains a Script Manager and the Page that contain that User Control has a Script Manager too, so Asp doesn't allow me to have two Script Manager in one page.In case like this, I wonder if UserControl can completely self contain?Or the proper way of using UserControl is just using it like a template, and all the data process, event handler I have to do on the page that contains the UserControl?

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C# - .NET Completely Modular Design ?

Dec 25, 2010

Technology: ASP.NET 4.0, C#, forms/mvc

I am a .NET web designer and I wish to create a modular based website for people, similar to what DNN does (but I want to create my own cut down version).

The idea is that I create a base website that can 'activate' features which the client needs (and has paid for). These features may be used by many clients which require frequent future updates for all clients (so I wish to keep upgrade time down to a minimum).

For example, I upload the base web application using web deploy and it sets up the core database tables/views/SPs in the process.Then I login into the website as developer and activate the out of the box features that I wish to permit the user to take advantage of. The only way I can think of currently is via user control, resources etc..But I need a little of your experience and advice over what the possibilities / dangers are....

e.g. images for an application e.g. blog, that I have activated for a client - how do I reference those images

e.g. Can user controls be dynamically added to a web application (which is pre-compiled unlike a website - it must be a web application since I am using web deploy).

e.g. Modification of web.config to add additional routing (doesn't matter if app has to go down to do this).

I can upgrade websites features en-mass, rather than manually enhancing each individual website which given a certain amount of clients would result in an awful amount of time lost.I do not have access to sharepoint (nor do I intend to). how to automate modularity completely via a front end in would be superb! how to reference files and resources outside of the websites directory and without using virtual directories

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C# - Completely Turn Off Cookies?

Mar 4, 2010

need to turn off the cookies in my site completely

I'm doing some funky stuff serving images and scripts from a .aspx file, which causes the request to have cookies tagged to it.

So, how do I get rid of these?

I've tried setting the SessionState mode="Off" in the web.config, but that didn't seem to work.

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C# - How To Completely Ignore Linebreak And Tab In RegEx

Jan 11, 2011

Is there any way to completely ignore line break and tab characters etc. in RegEx?

For instance, the line break and tab characters could be found anywhere and in any order in the content string.


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C# - Designing All Pages Completely In Codebehind?

Aug 1, 2010

Our current web portal at work was a port from a classic ASP codebase. Currently, all pages in our project extend a custom Page class called PortalPage. It handles login/logout, provides access to a public User object for the currently authenticated user, and adds the standard page header and footer to all of our pages. Every Page in our site is 100% designed in the codebehind. The ASPX page is not used at all. Every single div, img, and block of text is allocated as an object and added from a C# function, even if it is completely static content (which we have a decent amount of). Example for a page header:

HtmlGenericControl wrapperDiv = new HtmlGeneric("div");
HtmlAnchor bannerLink = new HtmlAnchor();
HtmlImage banner = new HtmlImage();
bannerLink.HRef = "index.aspx";
banner.Src = "mybanner.png";
banner.Alt = "My Site";

Even worse, all Javascript is added to the page as a giant mess of string concatenations:

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "javascript", @"
<script language='javascript'>
fullUrl = '" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fullUrl"].ToString() + @"';.............

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State Management :: How To Logout Completely

Oct 25, 2010

I am using Logout button in my pages.Logout button calls the Logout.aspx page. Logout.aspx.cs:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((string)Session["uname"] == null)

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MVC :: Create Completely Dynamic Views?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to create a complete dynamic view engine in that absolutely all html content will be loaded from a database. This is so I have a templating engine that is totally customisable. I have something similar in classic asp and the way that works is with fillpoints so you have a master page html which will just be a string when extracted from the database and then content is dynamically added to the string to sections identified by a fill point. So for example I have my master page content loaded into a C# string and I want to load a main view and a partial view onto the page, how would you go about that in MVC? I guess I would have to keep the fill point idea as there is no other way to know where the content will go. I'm just after opinions from the community really on how to go about it.

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