Create Textbox For Date Field On .net?

Jun 16, 2010

i'm trying to creat a form which contain textboxs, and i want to use one to fill in date by clicking in that zone.i use

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Web Forms :: Capture Date And Time From Different Textbox And Store In One Field In The Table?

Jul 26, 2010

i have two text boxes to capture date(dd/MM/yyy) and time(03:03PM) 12hr format.

i want combine this date and time store in table as single field . how to capture in code behind

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Web Forms :: Round Date Time TextBox Field To Nearest 15 Minutes?

May 19, 2010

I have a textbox that the user enters a time into, so 04:10 PM, I would like it to round to 04:15 PM, likewise 04:06 PM would Round to 04:00 PM.

Is there any built in controls that handle this, are there any code samples out there?

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DataSource Controls :: Format A Date Field In DataView.RowFilter To Consider Date Only - Not Time

Jan 27, 2010

I am filtering dataview using my Date Column but the result is not proper because the Field value also stores time, so I want to convert this Date Field to only Date during Filter. How can I achieve this? Here is my code. And the actual value I am getting in the Dataset Field "CreationDate" is a DateTime field which is like

2010-01-21 14:35:25.203
2010-01-22 12:55:18.033
2010-01-26 12:10:06.990

But I only want to neglet time value and want to compare Date only.


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DataSource Controls :: : Update A Date Field To The System Date But It's Not Working?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to update a date field to the system date but it's not working. Could someone please help with the syntax?


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Mvc: How To Automatically Fill The Date Field With Today's Date

Jan 23, 2011

Assume that a model has a datetime datatype.

So in view there will be a blank field ask you to input datetime.

Is there a way to fill this HTML field with today's date/datetime as default value?

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Clearing Value Set In Page_load / Initialize A Date Field In The FormView to Today's Date?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a page with a FormView on it. The page is strictly for adding records to a Table. I have the FormView bound to an EntityDataSource and everything works greate except for one thing.

I want to initialize a date field in the FormView to today's date. So, in my page_load event I have:

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//Initialize SetupDate to today.
TextBox setupdate = (TextBox)fvJob.FindControl("txtSetupDate");
setupdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

The first time this page loads, the txtSetupDate field is initialized.

Although, and subsequent loads of the page doesn't initialize the Text Box. I step through the code in the debugger and I can see that the code is executig, but something (the FormView bind?) is "clearing" the Text Box.

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Web Forms :: Validate Date In TextBox Greater Than Or Equal To Current Date?

Sep 5, 2013

validation to check the date  greater and equal to the current date .

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Forms Data Controls :: RowDataBound Event Calculations-sum(field) Where ClientID=@clientID; Date + Int = Date?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a databound gridview that displays basic customer information. I have added a template field to the gridview, but I am having trouble with the coding for the RowDataBound event. I need to take the sum of all payments made by the customer in each row and store it in a variable for further calculation. Also, I need to take an integer value (say 30, representing 30 days) and add it to a date, and return a date.

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Data Controls :: Determine Date By Subtracting Days From Current Date Dynamically From TextBox

Jan 17, 2013

in my asp.net_vb code web. there are 9 textboxes whcih is used for entering numerical/dates

first is lve.text in whicj numder is entered

second one is lvefrom.text

thirdone is lveto.text

when user fills (lve.text) 5 and enter 15 Jan 2013 in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show 19 Jan 2013. i had posted this earlier and got reply which is mentioned below. this code below gives me 20 Jan 2013 instead of 19 Jan 2013.

tw text boxes lve.text (number filled) and lve from.text (date filled). when user enter a numder in lve.text and select a date fro date picker in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show date selected in lvefrom.text + number of days in lveto.text (eg if number of days is 5 and date selected in lvefrom.text is 15 Jan 2013 then lveto.text should display 19 jan 2013. because the starting day is also counted in my case.

Protected Sub lvefrom_TextChanged1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvefrom.TextChanged
Dim ObjLocDate As New Date
Dim IntLocDays As Integer
IntLocDays = Convert.ToInt32(lve.Text)
ObjLocDate = lvefrom.Text
ObjLocDate = ObjLocDate.AddDays(IntLocDays)
lveto.Text = ObjLocDate.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
End Sub

fourt tex box is pfx.text, fifth is pfx1.text, sixth is pfx2.text

when use filles pfx.text 3 then pfx1.text should display 12 Jan 2013 and pfx2.text should display 14 Jan 2013. these are the prefix for leave( as 12 to 14 Jan 2013 is prefix.seveth is sfx.text, eighth is sfx1.text and nineth is sfx2.text

when user fills sfx.text 3 then sfx1.text should display 20 Jan 2013 and sfx2.text should display.

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Select Date From JQuery Calendar And Display The Date In A Textbox?

Sep 1, 2010

I'd like to use the jquery calendar control to populate a date into an textbox.

When the user selects a date I want the date populated in the textbox to be only Saturday dates. So if the day they select is not a Saturday I want the date of the next Saturday after the date the selected.

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Web Forms :: Date Textbox Kept Empty Takes Date By Default

Jan 10, 2014

I am having one form in which payment mode have 2 radiobuttons cash and cheque when cash is there cheque panel remains in visible and when cheque is clicked panel opens in that there is cheuqe no,date and bank name.

my problem is that when i store cash data the cheque date by default stores date 1-jan-1900

but I don't want this to happen .....


<asp:Panel ID="pnlcreate" Visible="false" runat="server">
<table width="100%">
<asp:Label ID="lblmsg" runat="server" ForeColor="#CC0000" Visible="False"></asp:Label>

[Code] .....


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
qry = "Insert INTO PDC_Receipt Values('" + txtRce_No.Text + "','" + txtdate.Text + "','" + txtEnroll.Text + "','" + txtStudname.Text + "','" + txtUni.Text + "','" + txtCourse.Text + "','" + txtfeeoffered.Text + "','" + txtfeepaid.Text + "','" + txtfeerem.Text + "','" + txtAmount.Text + "','" + RadioButtonList2.Text + "','" + txtcheque_no.Text + "','" + txtcheque_date.Text + "','" + txtBank_Name.Text + "')";

[Code] ....

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How To Check The Textbox Date With The Database Date

Jun 23, 2010

the date in sql database is in yyyy-mm-dd format . i have a textbox where in date is eneterd in dd/mm/yyyy format i need to check the textbox date with the database date. how do i do it i tried converting the textbox date using format function but it didnot work


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How To Display Record In Gridview According To The From Date Textbox To Todate Textbox

Mar 5, 2011

i have two textboxes 1 button and 1 gridview and 1 buttondatabase structure :i have to text boxes textbox1 in which user enter from date and in textbox2 user enetr to date and after button clickevent the gridview will display the record between fromdate and to date..

SELECT Ticket_no, journey_date, Travels, route, sel_seat, seat_opt, net_pay, name, mob, book_date, PNR_no FROM a1_ticket WHERE journey_date BETWEEN journey_date1 AND journey_date2 ORDER BY ID DESC
journey_date1 =textbox1
journey_date2 =textbox2

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Getting An Error When Trying To Return A Date Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a date field (OrderTimeStamp) in Database which allow nulls.When I try to return this field in my LINQ Query I get this following error.Cannot Convert expression type System.Nullable<System.DateTime> to return type System.DateTime

I do not get this error when I try to return other fileds which also allow nulls. Like FirstName and LastName. Then Why I get error when I try to return a date field?


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MVC :: Use JQuery To Add And Edit In Date Field In Page

Dec 27, 2010

How Can I use JQuery to Add And Edit in Date Field in ASP MVC Page

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C# - Get Date From Datetime Field Mysql Query?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to fetch date from a datetime field, when i select this field in database i get the result as 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' i want the result to be like dd/mm/yyyy

I am developing website using C# using Mysql.query i have made is:

//***to get next date
string nextdatequery = "SELECT next_dt
FROM testcase.heardt where fil_no=?
and next_dt>?;";

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Web Forms :: From And To Date.Both Are Using Required Field Validators?

Feb 5, 2010

I have 2 date fields - From and To Date.Both are using required field validators, regular expression validtors and compare validators. When the user enters an invalid date range, e.g. 02-29-2010 to 02-29-2010 (non-leap year), the comparevalidator throws an 'from cannot be greater than to date range' error.Why am I seeing this error when From is not > To.Here's the code snippet


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Web Forms :: Make The Date Field Null?

May 27, 2010

In the below code when I remove the optional end date and click save it should just take the value as blank, but it doesn't

when I remove the date and click save it saves but still shows the same date as before...when I make it to null it should remain do i do that

#region Save Package
protected void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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MVC :: Make Field With Date In Format: Dd/mm/yyyy ?

Aug 30, 2010

I have in model:


And in view:


But when I write in this field date: 30/11/2009 I see validation error: The value '30/11/2009' is not valid for publication_date.

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Databases :: Parameterized Query And Date Field?

Sep 17, 2010


This is a query to an old FoxPro database on a server (Same Network). This work in the execution, but just passing the date values as aaaa/mm/dd.On my page when a pass two DateTime Parameters from two TextBox it throw "Unable to recognize the string as a valid DateTime Value"I'm using Ajax Calendar exterder on the textbox to be more specific.Here, (My Country) the format i'm using es dd/mm/aaaaAnd when i select the datepicker it comes in this format, and then a get the DateTime error type.I can get the rows in the query builder just passing the date like "2010/01/15" and "2010/01/30" for example.Hay can i force the texbox to get this format aaaa/mm/dd?

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ADO.NET :: Convert Selection Of Date Field Into Char (10)?

Mar 22, 2011

Let's say I am pulling data from SQL using a function that returns one field - date. I can see that in my model code for a getter, setter, and other things are set for DateTime. What happens if I go into the function and convert selection of my date field into char(10)?

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Web Forms :: Convert String Field To Yyyymmdd Date

Mar 31, 2010

I have a textbox on my web page with a value of" 4/3/2010 I want to convert this to a date field with a value of 20100403 (yyyymmdd). Notice in the textbox that the month and day are one digit. But I want my date field to have the leading zero for month or day if it's a single digit. How can I do this?

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SQL Server :: How To Convert Nchar Field To Date And Display As Mm/dd/yy

Nov 29, 2010

using sql server 2005. I have a field containing a date that is stored in a table as nchar(8) with values being like (sample):


and I'm trying to write a query where this will be returned as mm/dd/yy, ex:


does anyone know the sql syntax to do this?

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VS 2008 - Converting Character Field To Date / Time

May 3, 2010

I am reading a dataset/datatable where I have a a varchar field (25) that represents date and time in following format (this is orginally a db timestamp format): 2010-05-03 08:48:00.000 Prior to binding the datatable to a gridview I need to show date time as: 5/3/2010 8:48:00. How can I easily convert to the needed format?

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