Web Forms :: Round Date Time TextBox Field To Nearest 15 Minutes?

May 19, 2010

I have a textbox that the user enters a time into, so 04:10 PM, I would like it to round to 04:15 PM, likewise 04:06 PM would Round to 04:00 PM.

Is there any built in controls that handle this, are there any code samples out there?

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Web Forms :: Capture Date And Time From Different Textbox And Store In One Field In The Table?

Jul 26, 2010

i have two text boxes to capture date(dd/MM/yyy) and time(03:03PM) 12hr format.

i want combine this date and time store in table as single field . how to capture in code behind

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DataSource Controls :: Format A Date Field In DataView.RowFilter To Consider Date Only - Not Time

Jan 27, 2010

I am filtering dataview using my Date Column but the result is not proper because the Field value also stores time, so I want to convert this Date Field to only Date during Filter. How can I achieve this? Here is my code. And the actual value I am getting in the Dataset Field "CreationDate" is a DateTime field which is like

2010-01-21 14:35:25.203
2010-01-22 12:55:18.033
2010-01-26 12:10:06.990

But I only want to neglet time value and want to compare Date only.


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DataSource Controls :: Set The "time" Value Stored In A Date Time Field In Other Words

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to set the "time" value stored in a date time field, in other words, I want to change the value

05-13-2010 08.47.34


05-13-2010 00.00.00


05-13-2010 23.59.59

What statement would I use to accomplish this?

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VS 2008 - Converting Character Field To Date / Time

May 3, 2010

I am reading a dataset/datatable where I have a a varchar field (25) that represents date and time in following format (this is orginally a db timestamp format): 2010-05-03 08:48:00.000 Prior to binding the datatable to a gridview I need to show date time as: 5/3/2010 8:48:00. How can I easily convert to the needed format?

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SQL Server :: Combining Date And Time Into A Timstamp Field?

Jan 11, 2011

I have two datetime fields in my table (one is date and one is time). I would like to combine these two fields into a "timestamp" datetime field in my table.

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Web Forms :: Date & Time Control - Select Into A Single Textbox?

Mar 7, 2011

Anyone came across a date & time control? I'm looking for one that allows user to select a date (dd/MM/yyyy) and time (hh:mm) into a single textbox.

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Web Forms :: Split Date And Time From DateTime And Display In TextBox

Dec 4, 2013

There is a "singleline" Textbox in my page in which both date and time are fetch from database table column "DateTime".

I want Time to be come below Date in that "singleline" Textbox.

I can't take that Textbox as "multiline". How to split date and time in singleline Textbox?

How to achieve this?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert Date And Time To Datetime Field

Apr 10, 2010

how do i insert date and time together ? what is the format for this. i tried like this but its not working.

string startDtime = TextFromDate.Text + " " + Stime;
is this the right way ? dd/mm/yyy +" "+ 00:00
or i need to make a string that contain this : dd/mm/yyy00:00
its not writing any eror it just do nothing .

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DataSource Controls :: How To To Filter A Datetime Field For A Date Without The Time

May 16, 2010

I want to filter a datetime field for a date without the time...

I want all fields that contain the selected date regardless of the time.

What should I use as the filter expression?

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Web Forms :: OnChange Event In Textbox Having Date Time Picker Control

Apr 6, 2012

I am having a DOB text box. This text box also allows to enter the date and also to pick the date using ajax CalendarExtender.

I used to set the dirty message when we edit some thing in the page.

When I enter some thing on the text box and click on the cancel button, dirty message will occur.

The problem i am facing is that, in Edit mode, I used to get all the records and assign to the text box. In that scenerio, the dirty message si automatically set since the DOB gets changes.

Please find the below code.

<asp:TextBox onkeyup="SetIsDirty();" TabIndex="4" onclick="ClearErrorMessage();" 
ID="txtEndDate" runat="server" CssClass="input-value"></asp:TextBox>
<ajax:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server"  TargetControlID="txtEndDate"  Mask="99/99/9999" MaskType="Date">  

[Code] ....

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Create Textbox For Date Field On .net?

Jun 16, 2010

i'm trying to creat a form which contain textboxs, and i want to use one to fill in date by clicking in that zone.i use asp.net/vb

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Databases :: MySQL - CSharp To Assign Null Date Time To A Class Field?

Feb 21, 2011

Using MySQL 5.

In my SAP.NEt project, defined a constant:

public static DateTime NullDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;

I have a function:

protected static DateTime GetDateTime(DataRow row, string columnName)
return (row[columnName] != DBNull.Value) ?
Convert.ToDateTime(row[columnName]) :

In the source code:

public DateTime StationFeedTime{ get; set; }
StationFeedTime = GetDateTime(row, "StationFeedTime");

I ran a SQL to fetch records from MySQL, this field is Time field in MySQL.

Got an exception inside the function:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.TimeSpan' to type 'System.IConvertible'.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Minutes From An INT Field In SQL To HH:MM?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a computed column "Time" in an SQL2005 table that contains minutes, e.g 75 that is created from datediff.

In a GridView control, how can I display it in a HH:MM format ?

I know how to format it when using a datetime field, but this is an integer field.

I can change the "Time" column to another format if required.

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AJAX :: Why Buttons OnClick Event Only Fire 2nd Time Round

Mar 11, 2010

Basically I am using a ModalPopUpExtender and it works fine, except that the OK button has an OnClick event that only fires when it is clicked for the 2nd time.. obviously i can progress with populating my OnClick event method for later on - its just annoying that a user has to click my button then ok in the pop up twice before they can get their intended result!

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SQL Server :: Round Function Doesn't Act Like Math.Round In VB.Net

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to calculate a customer tax.


I really nead any appropriate function to fix it.

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Web Forms :: Display Session Timeout Time Left In Minutes And Seconds?

Jul 25, 2013

sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout - 10;

I Set session timeout I wnt to show the remaining session timeout on the page and show in the format seconds i.e. 7.45min remaining

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Web Forms :: Calculate Relative Time - Minutes / Hours Or Weeks Ago In Words

May 7, 2015

I would like to get the accurarte (days, minutes, months and years) differnce between two date time variables and not just who is greater.

Is there a better way to do it then run DateTime's methods (TotalDays, TotalHours, TotalMinutes. etc...) and do the calculation?

The bottom line is to display something like "a minute ago", "an hour ago", "Three weeks ago", etc...

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AJAX :: Date Time Picker Date Validation For Start And End Date?

Jul 10, 2010

i used below code for date time picker validation but it's not working.

Actually I want a date time picker which date dd/mm/yyyy format date. With validation for start and end date. Also for manual entry it should take only no. and for date rest like / or, will be auto formatted.means user should not be able to enter it.

I m using c# .net 2008.


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Forms Data Controls :: Comparing Time In Field Vs Current Time?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a date/time stored in a smalldatetime field (ms sql 2005) that i want to compare with the current time and receive a difference. If the difference is less than 30 minutes, do this....if more do that....

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Forms Data Controls :: Asp 3.5 Time Field In FormView / Update/insert Time Fields?

Oct 20, 2010

This is the sqlDateTime overflow problem again. Background. As I'm sure you know dates must be between 1/1/1753 and 12/31/2999. If you have an empty date field, it throws and exception. So I created a function (below) that solve the problem when attempting to update or insert a record with a date field. Works great.

Public Shared Function MakeDateField(ByVal pasDate As String) As Nullable(Of DateTime)

If IsDate(pasDate) Then
If pasDate <= System.DateTime.MinValue Then
Return Nothing
Return CType(pasDate, DateTime)
End If
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Return Nothing
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
End Function

So I thought about using a time field. I have the field, have the validator in place and then attempted to test the page. It resulted in my least favorite error message "sqlDateTime overflow".

I can think of several workarounds like adding a date or a fixed date to the time field, or converting it to a string. Each of these is problematic.


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State Management :: Session Time - Page Should Be Logged Out For 60 Minutes

Aug 22, 2010

My page is logging out in 20 minutes. I want my page should not be logged out for 60 mins.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Data On Gridview Based On Time Form 15 Minutes

Nov 9, 2010

I have a Transport Detaisl in DB , i want to dispay data on gridview with marquee scrolling up. Cabs are scheduled for drop every hour. So if drop is at 7pm i hav to dispaly on data of that hour from 6:30 to 7:15 later after 7:15 i have to display next hour data ie 8:00 pm drop data. I am able to get scrollin g data on gridview but how to schedlue it to scroll for such timings

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Web Forms :: Validate Date In TextBox Greater Than Or Equal To Current Date?

Sep 5, 2013

validation to check the date  greater and equal to the current date .

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