I'm beginning to see the end of my first pet web project here, but I have this msgbox that's giving me a bit of a headache, it's loading but not getting focused:
How to write data in MsgBox?Sorry, I do not know how to say this.I have label1 and button1.When I click button1, it displays the MsgBox for writing data.When I write data, it appears in label1, when I click Ok.
i m using asp.net Usercontrols How to show alert msgbox if user doesn't select atleast minimun 1 checkbox from asp.net checkboxes
if i have disabled some checkboxes on page load event then after user forgot to check checkboxes and click on button then still msgbox will popup "you haven't select checkboxes"
edit my this code ...to show msg box on button click event if i have disabled checkboxes and if user haven't select any of the checkbox
I need to create a dynamically expanding div tag, and I am not too sure how to go about it. Basically, I have a bulleted list control, which will be inserted inside a div tag. The div tag's height is set to about 70px. When more than 5 list items are added to the bulleted list control, I want the div tag's height to expand to show the rest of the items. What I was thinking is when there are more than 5 list items, to have a little linkbutton with the word more, and to click on this button, which will then expand on the div tag.
i am creating check box's dynamically and assigning them names like "chk_1" and "chk_2".now if later in my code i want to check if they have been checked how can i do that.if i do something like if chk_1.checked is True then i am getting error that chk_1 is not declared.
i am using VB.net 2.0 i can post my code if needed.
Im creating a web application in asp.net visual studio 2008.. in my application, i have manually created a menu control.. since, the menus changes by needs, i wish to load it dynamically from sql table..simple application which loads a menu control dynamically and i can develop mine using those concepts.
i have on website with name theweddingstore.ie now i have done url rewritting for this website but now we want to make "http://www.theweddingstore.ie/prakash" to "http://www.prakash.theweddingstore.ie".I can't start how to make it and i am totally confuse any anyone guide me and i have dedicate server.
i m trying to create some sort of dynamic textbox in my web form, i have a textbox where i enter a number and i want to create textbox as much as the number,
i tried to create tables formed by only rows, it worked but the problem is that the textbox are not created in the page, they are created at the buttom, how can i center the textbox created or position them,
I'm fairly new to ASP.NET but I have developed quite a few WinForms apps in C# where I've used the System.Drawing.Bitmap namespace extensively without much issues.
Today, I decided to write some code to dynamically create some PNGs on the fly in my Page_Load event and everything seems to work fine. But I notice this scary looking warning on the microsoft documentaion site. What is up with that ??
I am unaware of any other ways to deal with images in .Net except using System.Drawing.Bitmap ...
I am currently using datasets for my data access layer. I currently store the connection string in the web.config file. I need the ability to change the connection to another database before any queries are processed. Is there an event that is triggered or a base class that can be modified that intercepts the process of retrieving the connection string from the web.config file? Is there any way to handle multiple database connections using the same code base and also take advantage of the connection pooling? I understand the best method is to get rid of datasets and use custom data objects.
Newbie in using AJAX . Programming in C# and using SQL as a database. Here is my scenario. User selects a project and I want to display the subprojects related to that project. Here is the query I use to retrieve subprojects.
"SELECT SubProjectName,StartDate,Description FROM SubProject WHERE ProjectName'"+ddlProjectName.text+"';
Currently I store the results of the query in a Dataset. I want to get the SubProjectName in the Header of the Accordion and StartDate and Description values to the text box for each accordion. ( This is what I need to do in each accordian for each subproject)
I have a requirement whereby one or more image buttons need to be created in a user control at runtime. The number of buttons is determined from a database where a user can add one or more rows that contain an image for each button, so if a user adds 3 images to a table, 3 image buttons are created. Ive used this code but I get an error at runtime
The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases.
this is the usercontrol aspx
I basically want one or more buttons to render within the div in the usercontrol. Ive only got the code written for one button at the moment while I test the rendering, eventually they will be rendered in a loop of records taken from a database. Whats the best way to do this ?
Can I dynamically create controls in Silverlight without a postback to the server (even an asynchronous one). Does silverlight drag-n-drop requires postback?
I'm asking this because I've an asp.net application where I dynamically create/delete lots of controls. So after the postback I'm getting error with view state stating that the control tree doesn't match the view state tree.
I have a GridView with a column of checkboxes. I also have a panel pnlSubmitOffer which serves as a modal dialog with ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender:
I need a set of controls (text boxes and datetimepickers) to appear on the modal dialog based on how many checkboxes in the GridView are checked, i.e. a set for each checked record. Thus the controls should be added to the panel dynamically. But I don't know how to do it, as btnSubmitOffer click is not handled, because the modal dialog appears first. I was told that the controls can be added dynamically using javascript, but my knowledge of it is not enough.
I have a requirement in which i want to create an aspx form in which I want to define the name of the controls in the xml file and on the basis of the xml file i want to create the aspx form. if in the xml form there are 10 controls then dynamically 10 controls will be created i have following type of xml
I have a dropdown list on my homepage which users select a category. After selecting the category, user will fill a form which has related controls to that category in it.
As I have many categories, I just want to have single ascx page and adding controls to it dynamically according to the user choice.
For example: One chose Telephone category, he will face a form having drop down lists asking, what brand? what color? And one chose, book category, he will face drop down lists asking which type? howmany pages?
So 1 ascx must do my work at runtime done as I have alot of categories.
I am going to take these criterias from a database table which has CategoryID and Criteria colomns.
And if I can do that, will it be possible to add field validators to these dynamically created controls.
I want to display a aspx page dynamically by reading the function from class1.cs file.
In need to implement the code in .cs file i.e in Bussiness logic layer.In a class file i need create the instance for each webcontrol but i struck up at a point that where the instance of the webcontrol to be added and also how to use the function of BLL in aspx.cs file.
Am crating instance like this,
Textbox txt=new Textbox(); panel.add(txt);
But i want to implement thesame in BLL instead of adding object to panel in aspx.cs i want to call it from BLL.Appreciate your response.
I created a table dynamically with its row cell contain textbox. Now I need to show a hovermenuextender popup window on each rows textbox. I spend more time for this. But not getting till now.
This is my code for dynamically created table private void GenerateTable(int colsCount, int rowsCount) { string qry2 = "select lchannelname,ltransformdata from latestchannel where lenable=1"; DataTable dt = ob.getDetails(qry2); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("combined", System.Type.GetType("System.String"), "lchannelname+ ' '+ltransformdata")); //Create the Table and Add it to the Page Table table = new Table(); table.ID = "Table1"; Page.Form.Controls.Add(table); int flag=0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); row.Width = 200; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.OliveDrab; cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.OliveDrab; cell.BorderWidth = 1; cell.Width = 200; tb.Width = 200; // tb.ReadOnly = true; tb.Text = dr["combined"].ToString(); tb.ID =flag.ToString(); cell.Controls.Add(tb); row.Cells.Add(cell); table.Rows.Add(row); AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuExtender hrv = new AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuExtender(); hrv.TargetControlID = tb.ID;
Here I am confusing for which way is using for popup panel1 hrv.PopupControlID = Panel1.ID; hrv.PopupPosition = AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuPopupPosition.Right; Panel1.Controls.Add(hrv); flag++; } } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int numOfColumns = 1; int numOfRows = ob.selectLatestEnableCount(); GenerateTable(numOfColumns, numOfRows); }
I want to popup this Panel1 on textbox through hovermenuextender <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="125px"> <div style="border:1px outset white;padding:2px;"> <div><asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" ImageUrl="~/images/close.png" runat="server" /> <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkButtonHide" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Hide Channel" ForeColor="olivedrab" OnClick="lnkButtonHide_Click1" /> </div> <div> <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/element_up.png" /> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonUp" runat="server" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Go Up One Pos" ForeColor="olivedrab" OnClick="LinkButtonUp_Click2"/> </div> <div> <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton3" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/element_down.png" /><asp:LinkButton ID="lnkButtonDown" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" Text="Go Down One Pos" ForeColor="olivedrab" OnClick="lnkButtonDown_Click1"/> </div> </div> </asp:Panel>
Never really worked with the asp tables but for this project it makes more sense, I am having trouble addding rows dynamically from the sql datatable i am pulling. In hte datatable it has 12 rows with 14 columns, I need to make this into a table, with a dtagrid I would be done but I have to pull other data that they could add columns, so a table I am told is easier.
This gets my data and I can see it
mydataTable = new DataTable mydataTable = GetData(sql) mydataTable.add.row(myDataTable.rows(0)(0))
I get nothing but errors trying to do this, what is the correct way to add rows to an asp.net table
Can I add this all to a datagrid and then add the extra columns I need if they are there with out using a table.