Detect New Aspx File And Get Information From Them?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm developing a website that has modular section. I would like it that when a new aspx (and aspx.cs) file is placed in a subdirectory of the application that I can ask the class some information...The idea is that when the file is placed in the directory a new menu item is added to the menu. To do that I need to "ask the class" for its name, icon, description, etc. Is there a way to determine the class that is defined in codebehind file and to instantiate an instance of it?I know I could look for and parse a config file for each plugin but I would rather not have to go that route.

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How To Encrypt Information In Aspx Page

Mar 23, 2010

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C# - How To Detect If A File Is PDF Or TIFF

Apr 28, 2010

I've been thrown into the middle of this project without knowing all the background. If you've got WTF questions, trust me, I have them too.

Here is the scenario: I've got a bunch of files residing on an IIS server. They have no file extension on them. Just naked files with names like "asda-2342-sd3rs-asd24-ut57" and so on. Nothing intuitive.

The problem is I need to serve up files on an ASP.NET (2.0) page and display the tiff files as tiff and the PDF files as PDF. Unfortunately I don't know which is which and I need to be able to display them appropriately in their respective formats.

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The problem:

As these files are all extension-less I had to force IIS to just serve everything up as TIFF. But if I do this, the PDF files won't display. I could change IIS to force the MIME type to be PDF for unknown file extensions but I'd have the reverse problem.


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Detect The Encoding Of An Excel File?

Sep 30, 2010

using 2005

I am opening and reading and I need to detect the encoding of the file that I am reading. There are different system users who will be using different encoding in their files so I have no control over this.


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so in a nutshell: how can I use to detect the encoding of an excel file?

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Feb 18, 2010

My question is similar to but I have to do the same using IIS, ASP.NET and C#.

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Web Forms :: Detect Text File During Uplaod?

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Make IE Detect File Type Without Extension?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm trying to let the user download different documents where the data is stored in an SQL DB. In firefox, the filetype is correctly read, but not in IE. I'm trying to do this without having to set the ".pdf" or whatever extension the document has, because I haven't got that information. I only have the filetype.


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Detect File Existing In HTTP Format?

Sep 14, 2011

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dim filepath as string = "http://order/venommain.asp?f=N&username=0E3706&password=0E12Y6&docs=-1&folders=-1&sv=&e=-1&nw=&q1=TITLE+CONTAINS+PDFFILENAME"

response.redirect(filepath) // it works and open PDFFILENAME


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Web Forms :: Firefox Cannot Detect The File Type When Downloading From Live Server

Apr 28, 2010

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Feb 10, 2010

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Create a new ASP.NET web site application with Visual Studio 2008. So following three files will be created automatically


How btnSave is being recognized by .cs file without defining it anywhere as an object of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button?

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Aspx Cache / Change A Css File Or An .aspx File, The Change Does Not Show In The Browser?

Jan 11, 2011

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PS. I have tried chrome and firefox

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Oct 5, 2010

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I would also like to inform the scenario after which this problem came to me. I was working in VS 2008 , VS 2005 and VS 2003 in the same machine.Could this have caused the issue ?

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Get Information From The User And Send It To A Pdf File?

Aug 24, 2010

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How To Save Table Information As A XML File

Aug 2, 2010

Bellow is my SQL syntax


I want to create a XML file on my project's App_Data folder.This XML use as the source file of my AspxMenu.I know how to bind XML data to AspxMenu but i dont know how to create XML file .I want to save this table information as a XML file on my App_Data to save table information as a XML file.

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C# - Generate Pdf File After Retrieving The Information?

Mar 9, 2011

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SQL Server :: Upload Notepad File, Notepad File Have Information Regarding Asset?

Nov 3, 2010

I want to develope one window application, using this user can able to upload notepad file, notepad file have information regarding asset.One notepad file would have more than one asset name. Each asset have no or parameters as per asset no of parameter and name of the parametermay differ or it would be same.Here i am mentioning sample of the notepad value.Asset : FirstAssetName

Param1 : Value1
Param2 : Value2
Param3 : Value3


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