How To Detect A Password In A Word 2003 Or 2007 File
Apr 14, 2010
My users like to upload password-protected Word documents into our custom document management system. I'd like to add a validation to check for the password and refuse the upload if it has a password.
Automating Word - with COM interop - is out of the question because this is a server side application.
I need to create some mail merge documents and was wondering if anyone knew the best way of doing this from Currently I have set up .dot template files with bookmarks and then use COM to open these files pass the data and save. I can then stream the file to the users desktop. The issue i have is that to get this working when i release it is by installing Wrord on the server which I would prefer not to do.
way of passing data to word docs and then opening them to the user. The reason why i need to use word, is that the user needs to be able to modify the doc.
I'm working on a web app and need to stream various files. I can do pdfs, images, and older Office documents. However, when I try to do with 2007 documents, it breaks. Here is my code:
Response.Buffer = true; Response.Clear(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); switch (FileExtension.ToLower()) { case "pdf": Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; break; case "doc": Response.ContentType = "application/msword"; break; case "docx": Response.ContentType = "application/"; break; case "xls": Response.ContentType = "application/"; break; case "xlsx": Response.ContentType = "application/"; break; default: Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; break; } Response.BinaryWrite(buffer);
The error that I get is:
An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource 'http://DomainName/GetFile.aspx.
I am using the below code to Export DataTable to Word,Excel,CSV format & it's working fine. But problem is that this code export to MS Word 2003,Excel 2003 & CSV version. I need to Export my DataTable to MS Word 2007,Excel 2007 & CSV because I am supposed to handle more than 100,000 records at a time and as we know Excel 2003 supports for only 65,000 records.
how to export DataTable or DataSet to MS Word 2007,Excel 2007 & CSV.
I am using the below code to Export DataTable to MS Word,Excel,CSV format & it's working fine. But problem is that this code export to MS Word 2003,Excel 2003 version. I need to Export my DataTable to Word 2007,Excel 2007,CSV because I am supposed to handle more than 100,000 records at a time and as we know Excel 2003 supports for only 65,000 records.
how to export DataTable or DataSet to MS Word 2007,Excel 2007.
I have a Telerik Radgrid i export the data in RadGrid with gridexporting property of radgrid in Excel 2003 i.e .xls but the problem is that my some client's computers have excel 2003 and some have 2007 when this exported radgrid excel data going to be opened in 2007 this shows some message that due to .xls file going to opened in 2007 but after clicking ok button on message its allowed me to open the file, i just wanted to stop this message.
I am trying to manipulate the XML of a Word 2007 document in C#. I have managed to find and manipulate the node that I want but now I can't seem to figure out how to save it back. Here is what I am trying:
// Open the document from memoryStream Package pkgFile = Package.Open(memoryStream, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); PackageRelationshipCollection pkgrcOfficeDocument = pkgFile.GetRelationshipsByType(strRelRoot); foreach (PackageRelationship pkgr in pkgrcOfficeDocument) { if (pkgr.SourceUri.OriginalString == "/") [code]...
I am loading documents into our Oracle database and then retrieving them for the users to view. So far PDF, DOC, XLS, CSV, etc. all perform as expected, however; DOCX, XLSX, etc. files have one annoyingly persistent issue. When the document is downloaded by the user and they open it you get the first in a series of messages: The file 'thefile.docx' cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details: The file is corrupt and cannot be opened. and then: Word found unreadable content in 'thefile.docx'. Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you trust the source, click Yes. After clicking yes the file opens and all of the content appears correct. Including images, formatting, tracked changeds and comments, equations, etc. I have tried multiple methods along these lines to no avail. I simply want the files to open without the false-positive error messages. I am using VS2010, with the website targeted at .Net Framework 2.0.
objConn = New OracleConnection(gstrConnectionString) objConn.Open() cmd = New OracleCommand cmd.Connection = objConn cmd.CommandText = "select DOCUMENT_NAME,DOCUMENT_TYPE,DOCUMENT from DOCUMENT_TABLE where DOCUMENT_ID='" & strDocumentID & "'" dr = cmd.ExecuteReader dr.Read()
I am loading documents into our Oracle database and then retrieving them for the users to view. So far PDF, DOC, XLS, CSV, etc. all perform as expected, however; DOCX, XLSX, etc. files have one annoyingly persistent issue.
When the document is downloaded by the user and they open it you get the first in a series of messages:
The file 'thefile.docx' cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents.
Details: The file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
and then:
Word found unreadable content in 'thefile.docx'. Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you trust the source, click Yes.
After clicking yes the file opens and all of the content appears correct. Including images, formatting, tracked changeds and comments, equations, etc.
I have tried multiple methods along these lines to no avail. I simply want the files to open without the false-positive error messages.
I am using VS2010, with the website targeted at .Net Framework 2.0.
objConn = New OracleConnection(gstrConnectionString) objConn.Open()
How to open word document 2007 and save formate as .xps at server side.
I want the user to open word docx at server side user will click the button to open document which will be execute at server side. I want to show to my client a xps formate of docx which will be converted at server side(from .docx to .xps).
My code is running on local correctly. but at iis5.1 it's not working & giving an exception :-
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005.
ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.
To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.
I'm starting to size up a project where I feel security needs strike a little closer to home. What tools and techniques could I look at to attempt to raise an alarm when a valid login is used, but the owner of the login has given it away or had it stolen. I would prefer ASP.NET, then MVC 3, oriented stuff.
My requirement is : I have to open a word document in Microsoft word from my web application and the word document is stored in the server location.
In javascript i wrote a code to open the word document like below. var dsWordApp = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application"); var WordDoc = dsWordApp.Documents.Open(FileName)
Using above script i am able to open the local word doc files but i am unable to open the server side word doc file.
On Previous version of my application, if I want to export my data from SQL Server to Excel 2003 file, I just retrieve data from the SQL server and then straight away show "Open, Save, Cancel" dialog box to get the data on Excel 2003 Format. Here is the existing code in C#.
public void ExportToExcel(string StrFileName, DataTable dt) { if (dt!= null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)[code]....
but when I want to Export to Excel 2007 format with the same. I don't have any Idea to export it.
Am trying to open a .pps/.ppt file through my code.....due to secure reasons this file is password protected,
However i will not like the end user to put a password when accessing through my application.
Hence i want to pass a password as a parameter while open such a password protected file.
Here is my code.
Reference URL: Dim oApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Application Dim oPres As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Presentation Dim objpresset As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Presentations oPres = objpresset.Open(filename, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue)
Where can i provide password while opening a ppt file...
I want to load the data from an EXCEL 2007 file to SQL Server 2008 database. I am geting following error.
The Microsoft Office Access database engine could not find the object 'Sheet1$'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
Following is the complete source code. Kindly any senior member guide me what is the problem in the following code.
I've been thrown into the middle of this project without knowing all the background. If you've got WTF questions, trust me, I have them too.
Here is the scenario: I've got a bunch of files residing on an IIS server. They have no file extension on them. Just naked files with names like "asda-2342-sd3rs-asd24-ut57" and so on. Nothing intuitive.
The problem is I need to serve up files on an ASP.NET (2.0) page and display the tiff files as tiff and the PDF files as PDF. Unfortunately I don't know which is which and I need to be able to display them appropriately in their respective formats.
For example, lets say that there are 2 files I need to display, one is tiff and one is PDF. The page should show up with a tiff image, and perhaps a link that would open up the PDF in a new tab/window.
The problem:
As these files are all extension-less I had to force IIS to just serve everything up as TIFF. But if I do this, the PDF files won't display. I could change IIS to force the MIME type to be PDF for unknown file extensions but I'd have the reverse problem.
Is this problem easier than I think or is it as nasty as I am expecting?
I'm developing a website that has modular section. I would like it that when a new aspx (and aspx.cs) file is placed in a subdirectory of the application that I can ask the class some information...The idea is that when the file is placed in the directory a new menu item is added to the menu. To do that I need to "ask the class" for its name, icon, description, etc. Is there a way to determine the class that is defined in codebehind file and to instantiate an instance of it?I know I could look for and parse a config file for each plugin but I would rather not have to go that route.
I am opening and reading and I need to detect the encoding of the file that I am reading. There are different system users who will be using different encoding in their files so I have no control over this.
While the default encoding normally works there are special foreign language (non-English) characters that are not being read correctly, instead there are garbage characters in their place that I see "myString" above. Good foreign characters are visible in the file but the result in myString are unreadable garbage characters that are not valid.
I have researched this and it has been suggested to determine the encoding of the file and then use that encoding, but I have not been able to find out how to to do this.
so in a nutshell: how can I use to detect the encoding of an excel file?
My question is similar to but I have to do the same using IIS, ASP.NET and C#.
None of the methods in the HttpResponse class provide feedback if the data was sent or not, TransmitFile just does its job (or not) and does not provide any means of knowing the result.I was thinking of using the .Filter property but then again, the filter is based on the HttpResponseStream which does also not provide any feedback.