Finding Values In A Telerik Radgrid?

Nov 26, 2010

I've tried to find the answer, but am not having any luck and am wasting to much time trying to figure it out. Using RadGrid from Telerik, latest version of their Ajax Controls, I've added a Select to each row, and can't figure out how to get the value of the selected row. Prefer to get the value of the ID column (from ID field in my database) or other specific columns. C# or VB example will work, VB preferred.

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Alternative To Telerik RadGrid?

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Is anyone able to offer any decent alternatives to the telerik ASP.Net controls.

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I have a RadGrid with filtering. I set AutoPostBackOnFilter="true" and CurrentFilterFunction="Contains" on my columns. Ok it works fine, user don't have to open drop-down list to select type of filter. But now, I want to hide filter buttons.

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Set Telerik RadGrid To Edit Mode By Default?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a checkbox column in a RadGrid that I want the user to be able to check/uncheck it and set the attached property. When the grid renders however, the checkboxes are disabled, because the grid is not in "edit mode". All the examples I'm finding want me to go through a lengthy process of selecting the record, putting it into edit mode, changing the value, saving the value.... yada yada yada...I just want the whole grid to be in edit mode (or the column, or whatever works) from the get-go, so the end user can make a one-click change to the data value. I know there must be a way to do this, I just can't seem to find it.

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Telerik RadGrid Doesn't Display On First Page_Load But Does On Postback

Mar 17, 2010

I have a page with a drop-down. Based on the selection in the drop-down, data gets loaded and populates a RadGrid. I am using a custom user control for the EditTemplate, so I can't use radGrid.DataBind(). Instead, I have to use radGrid.MasterTableView.Rebind() in association with a NeedDataSource event handler.

My problem is that when I load the page initially, I populate the drop-down and automatically select a value (first item in the list) which triggers the databinding on the RadGrid. I can step through the code in debug mode and see that the grid is being populated with data, but when the page displays, it doesn't get rendered. When I then manually choose an item from the drop-down, which triggers the same grid databinding code, it displays properly the second time.

How do I get it to display the grid the first time the page loads?

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C# - Extra Column Appearing When Paging In Telerik RadGrid?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm getting a blank column when switching to another page using the default pager in the telerik radgrid. As data for each row, it shows the type of data i am using for the rows (SearchRecord)

Anyone have any clues as to why this may be happening? It doesn't show up on initial population of the grid, but only when I do paging. My columns are built dynamically but i confirmed that when my columns are built, they are the correct number.

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Telerik Radgrid GridDataItem.DataItem Is Empty When Updating?

May 10, 2010

When handling the OnUpdateCommand event on a RadGrid the DataItem is null.

I thought that this would also represent the data item being represented by the row.

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protected void rgAllocatedClients_UpdateCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridDataItem)
var gridDataItem = e.Item as GridDataItem;
var client= gridDataItem .DataItem as Client;

This works find when handling the ItemDataBound event but not when handling the UpdateCommand event. I really need this as in my Client class is the Id of the row I want to handle the update for.

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Telerik RadGrid Doesn't Seem To Export Grouped Data?

Jan 5, 2011

I've got a DNN application using Telerik RadGrid. We're exporting some data from the Grid but when we drill down on the grid control and export the data we only see the initial top level data, never the updated Grid. Here's my table tag and supporting code. I'm not an expert in ASPX/C#so please forgive my newbie-ness.

<mastertableview autogeneratecolumns="False" datakeynames="AccountId" datasourceid="SqlDataSource1"


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Find Html Anchor Control In Telerik:radgrid ?

Sep 22, 2010

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Best Practice To Manage Telerik RadGrid Grid And Column Widths?

May 25, 2010

I wanted to ask what is the best practice to manage width of the radGrid.

For my application most users are running 1280 x 1024 so I would be happy to set my overall grid width to 1100. However, depending on the form in use, I sometimes have horizantal scroll bars. To solve this, I have been playing with the width of the grid, and also I have played with setting the itemstyle-width for one or two columns. Sometimes I accidentally get it right, and sometimes it is not quite right.

What is the best way to manage this? Do I set the grid, and then all columns, or just the grid, or just the columns? I guess there is a best practice, so just wondering how you handle it,

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Using Telerik RadGrid - How To Set The Date Format For Autogenerated Column In Edit Mode

May 23, 2010

Using VS2008, and Telerik radGrid version 2010.1.519.35

I have a about 50 DNN modules using telerik radgrid and I need to display my dates in dd/mm/yy format. It is possible to do this easily in view mode, but when I switch to edit mode, it is more of a struggle. I can write a snippit of code to reformat the displayed date values to dd/mm/yy, but for inserts the user must enter mm/dd/yy.

IOW, I need to change the culture of the form to en-GB culture.

In my DotnetNuke App, I have made a change to the web.config, but it still assumes en-US format.

I am not sure whether I need to set this at web.config level, page level or at the column within the control.

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How To Change The Data In Telerik's RadGrid Based On Calendar's Selected Dates

Feb 24, 2010

I was creating another usercontrol with Telerik's RadGrid and Calendar.


The problems are, (1) when I click the submit button. the data in the RadGrid is not changed. (2) how can we check if there is nothing selected in the Calendar controls, because there is a date (01/01/0001) set even if we do not select anything from that calendar, thus Calendar1.SelectedDate != null is not enough.

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Get The Values Of A Cell In A Selected Row Of A RadGrid On Client Side?

Jun 23, 2010

I am putting together a module that will drop into a DotNetNuke portal and I'm populating a Telerik RadGrid with data. I have followed every tutorial and example I can find, but the result keeps coming back with "object Object", "null", or "undefined".

I need to:

1) get the value of the "BookingID'" column for each row that is selected

2) pass the value into a url string that opens up in a RadWindow.

I'm trying to do all of this using javascript, but if you know a better way, I'm down for anything at this point.

Here is my current JavaScript and a stripped down radGrid:


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How To Change Values Of Fields In GridView/RadGrid EditTemplate When A ChkBox Is Checked

Oct 19, 2010

When a 'Update' is clicked the row shows the Edititem mode.

I have a check box that when it is 'clicked' I want the other fields to dissapear/become read-only.

How can this be done client or server side?

My best guess is for server side I have something like this below.. but then in the event how do I get access to those items in edit mode and change them ?

<asp:CheckBox ID="cbNR" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
Checked='<%# Boolean.Parse(Eval("NR").ToString()) %>' />

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Forms Data Controls :: Showing Image In One Column In Radgrid Using Values From Database?

Jan 19, 2010

I am having one column in each row of my radgrid in which i want to show an image. I am getting values from database saying 1,2 for that particular column and for each of these values i want to show different images for different values. For Example if i am getting 1 from database i want to show "roseImage" and for 2 i want to show "lotusimage",

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Telerik RadWindow JavaScript Return Values?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a parent page that launches a telerik radwindow and passes it an argument.

Once the radwindow is done processeing the value, I need it to return it to the parent page, and I would like the parent page to have access to this value in my code behind page.

I have tried to pass the value to a hidden field on my page and then trigger a page refresh and my code behind watches to see if the value is working.

I can't seem to get this to work. I get the return value in the parent javascript, but i can't get it from my hidden field from the code behind.


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Finding Shortcut For Enter Attribute Values?

Apr 29, 2010

When you are entering an attribute value, what is the shortcut to jump out of the quoatation marks? It's a lot like hitting enter after you select an enum value for, say, a color or anything like that, that is also in quatations marks. When you hit enter, it fills in the value, jumps outside the quotes and lets you happily continue coding on your way. However, in instances where you are filling out, say, an id value, there is no Intellisense and hitting enter, tab, or whatever will not jump out of the quotes.

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Efficiently Finding Unique Values In A Database Table?

Feb 11, 2010

I've got a database table with a very large amount of rows. This table represents messages that are logged by a system. Each message has a message type and this is stored it it's own field in the table. I'm writing a website for querying this message log. If I want to search by message type then ideally I would want to have a drop down box listing the message types that have come up in the database. Message types may change over time so I can't hard code the types into the drop down. I'll have to do some sort of lookup. Iterating over the entire table contents to find unique message values is obviously very stupid however being stupid in the database field I'm here asking for a better way. Perhaps a separate lookup table which the database occasionally updates listing just the unique message types that I can populate my drop down from would be a better idea.

The platform I'm using is ASP.NET MVC and SQL Server 2005

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Finding Final / Effective Web.config Values (from Inherited Configurations)?

Apr 25, 2010

Are there any apps that can show the final configuration as applied to a particular application directory? What I'm picturing is something along the lines of FireBug's CSS viewer.

Basically, it should show the equivalent single web.config file (as if you only had one), with all the values that apply to the directory in question, with each element (or even attribute) annotated with its source (the real .config file it came from).

deploying applications into foreign environments (eg, customer sites) where they sometimes have strange configs, that add in global includes (eg, they put the include in machine.config, instead of the web.config for that app) or have allowOverride=false, etc.

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MVC :: Finding Example For Passing Values To Partial Views (and Or To View Database Pictures)

Aug 11, 2010

I probally just tired but I would have swore I had seen an example of this some where for MVC 2,

I want to call a partial view that shows the products information with a GUID passed to the partial view.

I guess you would call it calling a sub but have that sub in a view that i can strongly wire up.

What i need is tutorials for passing a value to the partial view.

Like if i had pictures and i wanted to call a ascx that would show the picture. and have many to a page.

An example about pictures wired into a entities database would rock.....

I did try to look around on here to find some but my mind just gave out on me today....

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