Forms Data Controls :: Showing Image In One Column In Radgrid Using Values From Database?
Jan 19, 2010
I am having one column in each row of my radgrid in which i want to show an image. I am getting values from database saying 1,2 for that particular column and for each of these values i want to show different images for different values. For Example if i am getting 1 from database i want to show "roseImage" and for 2 i want to show "lotusimage",
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I have been reading this forum post: have found that I have to have the column which contains the image path showing in the gridview, in order to reference it using e.values("columnhere"). Is there a way I can do this without the column showing? I have tried setting the visible property to'false' but it still doesn't like it.
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Jun 8, 2010
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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Deleted">
<asp:Image id=ImgDeleted runat="server" Height="13px" Width="21px" ImageUrl='<%# [code]...
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1) DocNumber 2)Title
query select docnumber,title from tbl_docs.
Now the issue is that that every document doesn't has document number. I want to make invisible the docuNumber column of the grid viwe if all values in the docNumber retrieved are null.for example:
docnumber tite
null Document 1
null Document 2
null doucment 3
null document 4
if returned result match above where all docnumber are null then make the gridviwe docnumber column ivisible eslemake the greidviwe column visible.
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Dec 29, 2010
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Oct 21, 2010
Just wondering if anyone has ever managed to find a way to have a datagridview image button column in a template field which display different images on different rows depending on some data element in the row. Our application needs to display a series of fees charged against an account column which will be either less then 500, 500 to 1000 or >1000. Some of those fees are charged at a full rate, others at a partial rate, and some are not charged at all. The user would like to see a simple 3-state graphic which would convey the simple info: full-charge, partial-charge, or no-charge. Sounds easy enough but I've not yet managed to find a way to do this. Every time I attempt to modify the individual cell's graphic it seems to want to change the graphic for all the rows.
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Jul 21, 2010
i have developed some code in that need to render image ..I have these images in my database.i m using code like the below ..
i m getting other column but not getting the image...
asp code.
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Jul 21, 2010
I just hit the same problem as described here: [URL] - GridView paging with ObjectDataSource. I see the column headers but no data, and I know for a fact my method returns a DataTable with data in it.
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a DropDownList on my webpage using an Access Database to fill it. However in my database record there a multible values with the same name.
My situation now:
What I want:
I only want to show every value (name) just once!
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Nov 22, 2010
I have put in dynamic (from db) image alts for images shown on my site, and when i check the page source i can find the alt tags all working fine.
However, google doesnt seem to be finding them, and i have tried an online tool which searches for image alts, and it is unable to find them.
I am assigning alts in a datalist, on item_databound - is this where i am going wrong?
At what point should I assign the image alts so that google can see them?
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Mar 6, 2011
I'm currently working on a small project and therefore created a gridview, including one bit column which has been linked with a checkbox in both the itemtemplate as the edititemtemplate (autopostback = true).Databinding for these two checkboxes has been linked (two-way) to the bit column.Now I want to display the gridview to end-users. They should be able to just click on the checkbox so they value in the database column gets changed as well (as I want to run update queries behind it), but not passing via the command column 'EDIT'.=> problem I'm having now is that the bit column in the database doesn't get updated.
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Apr 27, 2016
I saw post [URL] .... which is converting rows into column item,quantity ,price. I have one other image field .how can bind image in this program?
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May 7, 2015
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Jan 10, 2011
I know this might sound like a simple quesiton, but I am having problems allowing me to upload images along with other information (name, image, biography, wbsite links) to a sql server database, as well as showing images from the database using a drop list control feature. I am using [URL] for hosintg. VB language.
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Feb 15, 2010
how to retrieve database image to the image control?
in the database, i have a column in database that store the url for the images. and how am i going to retrieve it to the form?
the "dtrSelect["Food_Pic].ToString()" is the url for the image.
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Sep 24, 2010
I want to show my database records in circle. If i use grid view or data grid or datalist then records will show in table structure. I want to show dynamic records in circle not as like forum view.
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Oct 5, 2010
how can i store image into database and view it in grid view?
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Feb 17, 2011
I am attaching an image to a listview from code behind, the image depends on a value from the database and there are 5 different images.It sometimes works fine and then will randomly come up with an error, when nothing has changed, the error is:[Code]....
It doesn't seem to make sense to me because ImageUrl IS a member of image. Here is my code:
And code behind: [Code]....
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Mar 2, 2010
How can i load the QuoteNumber database column values into dropdown list which is autogenerated column.I am able to generate the QuoteNumber value and same inserting into database simultaniously all the Quotenumber values should load into dropdown, these two should happen in one click button event.My QuoteNumber dropdown name is "DDQuote" Code for generating Quotenumer and same inserting into database.
Protected Sub btnAQ_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAQ.Click
Console.WriteLine(updateRecord("insert into quotes (PartNumber) values ('" + txtPart.Text + "')"))
End Sub
Function updateRecord(ByVal query As String) As Integer
Dim connectionString As String = "Database=fabdb;" & "Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=pacvision"
Dim rowsEffected As Integer = 0
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(query, connection)
rowsEffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Return rowsEffected
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
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Jan 10, 2011
I must be missing something very basic here.I have an asp:Image control where Visible="false." The idea is that I don't want the image to be displayed unless there is a value in a database column that contains a value for ImageURL, in which case my code behind switches visible to "true"But in IE8, these image controls are displaying as broken images, even when Visible="false". Why is that? And how do I fix this?.aspx:
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Mar 15, 2011
im trying to build a gallery using C#.
Ii've made a Listview showing photos from database as thumbnails in a "kind of a film strip", including a pager.What i need is that when i click on a thumbnail inside the ListView, to show the large photo in a image control outside the listview. this should work using the selectedIndexChanged event,
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Oct 27, 2010
how to display the sum of the grid values (column).
I have 2 datagrids and i want to show the total of the values in a particular grid column.
in a column, each row has vaules E.g. 4 , 6, 7 etc .
I want to show them in a label as the total of the above ie, 17
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a dataset into which I load an xml file using DS.ReadXml("~/Example.xml"). I have a column labeled show which is a checkbox. Below the gridview I have a button which says show all. When this is pressed, I want it to check every checkbox in the gridview and save the dataset back to the xml file.
My xml file has the following format:
My code is as follows:
Why doesn't this code work? I get the following error whilst executing it:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
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