Force This Logic To Use The CultureInfo Attached To The Current Thread Instead Of The InvariantCulture?
Nov 18, 2010
I have an ASP .NET Web Forms application that makes use of the 'WebMethod' attribute for making AJAX calls from jQuery. I'm dealing with trying to localize the application so I recently created a web method that looks something like this for testing purposes:
I have an HttpModule that is setting the 'CurrentCulture' and 'CurrentUICulture' properties of the current thread to 'pt-BR' (Brazilian Portuguese) at the 'BeginRequest' event.
Client side, I have a jQuery AJAX call to this 'HandleDate' web method that is providing the dateValue parameter as '18/10/2010'. In the 'pt-BR' culture this should evaluate to October 18, 2010 (day/month/year date format).
When I execute this I'm getting back an error indicating that the 'System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter' is blowing up stating that '18/11/2010' is not a valid value for DateTime. The stack trace included with the error indicates that this was thrown by the 'System.ComponentModel.DateTimeCoverter.ConvertFrom' method, which accepts the object to be converted in addition to a CultureInfo object representing the culture that should be applied during the conversion.
I fired up Reflector and it appears that the 'ObjectConverter' is invoking the 'DateTimeConverter' using CultureInfo.InvariantCulture instance, which I think is the problem.
How can I force this logic to use the CultureInfo attached to the current thread instead of the InvariantCulture?
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public DateTime PrintedQuoteDate {
DateTime printQuoteDate = DateTime.Today;
// cInfo = CultureInfo object
return Convert.ToDateTime(printQuoteDate , cInfo);
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IFormatProvider theCultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB", true);
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