Geting This Error: System.Runtime.interopservice.ComException On Windows Authentication?

Oct 22, 2010

I am using Windows Authentication in every thing is ok in local but when deploying on different system of same domain then its working getting error in this line SearchResult userObject = adSearcher.FindOne();



My code is

WindowsIdentity winId = id as WindowsIdentity;
if (id == null)


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Crystal Reports :: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: No Error?

Jun 10, 2010

I am running into this strange Cyrstal Report runtime error. To give a bit of a background I am deploying my web application on a 64 bit Windows 2003 server using Crystal Report 11.5.3700.0 where the IIS 6.0 is running under 32 bit mode as one of the forums mentioned that this version of Crystal report can only run under 32 bit mode.So as expected all works ok under the development environment but when I open the reports on to the production server error It recieve this error at the following code line.No error.Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: No error.Source Error:


Line 66: document.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection(Globals.GlobalSettings.DATABASE_SERVER, Globals.GlobalSettings.DATABASE_NAME, false);
Line 67: document.DataSourceConnections[0].SetLogon(Globals.GlobalSettings.DB_USERNAME, Globals.GlobalSettings.DB_PASSWORD);
Line 68: document.VerifyDatabase();

Can you can see, the error message itself says no error which of no use to me. Has anyone encountered this problem before. I am using Visual Studio 2005, ASP.NET 2.0. .NET 2.050727.No error.No error. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: No error.Source Error:


Line 66: document.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection(Globals.GlobalSettings.DATABASE_SERVER, Globals.GlobalSettings.DATABASE_NAME, false);
Line 67: document.DataSourceConnections[0].SetLogon(Globals.GlobalSettings.DB_USERNAME, Globals.GlobalSettings.DB_PASSWORD);
Line 68: document.VerifyDatabase();

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Access :: "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only."

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"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot update. Database or object is read-only." I am using access db. I can't find out the solution .

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Crystal Reports :: Access Denied Exception "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException"

Apr 22, 2010

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But i am getting the follwing exception: Access is denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Access is denied

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MVC :: Runtime Error: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=?

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Security :: Windows Authentication Error?

Apr 11, 2010

I have deployed my website on my local machine, I have checked "Integrated Windows Authentication" under Directory Security tab, and addedthese lines to activate Windows Authentication.


But It is generating error on line:Line 36: <identity impersonate="true" userName="******" password="******"/>

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Security :: Error Getting Http Handler With Windows Authentication?

Jan 15, 2010

This is really weird I am really stuck on this issue. Now the Environment is WIN2K3 Server is my web server Database is SQL 2008 is in the domain itself I have deployed the application which was using the SSO from the parent Share Point Site and was having forms authentication Now the Users to access the application can be outside domain /inside domain so we have logic to get the internal employee or external But the Problem starts when we have got the request to have the application ready for Internal Users like a Intranet application and we need to have the windows authetication in place Now the problem was with WINDOWS authentication I am not able to get to the HTTP Handlers I have in my code thats really wierd as all was working well having the forms auth. I have changed the following things to make it windows auth. Changed the AUthentication in WEB.Config Unchecked the Anynomous user from Directory Security in IIS.

My Problem is ALL application works well except when I tried to call http_handler It is giving me 404 0 2 in IIS logs page not found when I tried to say window.location = "myhandler.myextension?id=285dc559-8293-44f3-a018-4e7024c82e5b" Gives me Page not found error.

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Mar 13, 2010

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<script type="text/javascript">

var radioButtonList = document.getElementById('<%=RadioButtonList1.ClientID%>');
document.getElementById("_secondTR").style.display = "block";
else if (radioButtonList[1].checked )
document.getElementById("_secondTR").style.display = "none";
<table style="width: 100%">
<tr id="Tr1">
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList1" runat="server" BackColor="#FFCC99"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="117px" onclick="ShowHide()">
<asp:ListItem Value="1">Yes</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="0">No</asp:ListItem>
<tr id="_secondTR" runat="server" style="display: none">
<asp:RadioButton ID="Five" runat="server" GroupName="1" BackColor="#669999" />
<asp:RadioButton ID="Four" runat="server" GroupName="1" CausesValidation="True" BackColor="#669999" />

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C# - What's The Difference: Windows Authentication, Passport Authentication And Form Authentication

Sep 17, 2010

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Jan 8, 2010

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Security :: Windows Authentication / "Permission Denied" Error?

Feb 15, 2010

I am writing an internal web app for a company who wont to use their existing Active Directory Logins (rather than a seperate SQL Database User Login Table).

To do this I have done the following

<authentication mode="Windows">
<identity impersonate="true"/>
<deny users="?"/>
<!-- Allow Public Users to Access -->
<allow users="*"/>
<roleManager enabled="true"

This seems to work on my localhost but I have a couple of questions for you guys.

1) How does this process know which active directory to authenticate against? I know in code you can do

LdapAuthentication adAuth = new LdapAuthentication("LDAP://Server");

But there seems to be no way to do this in the web.config (I'm guessing it will just use the active directory on current machine it's running on?). Is there away to specify which active directory I'd like it to authenticate against?

2) If a user tries to access this remotely (i.e. not on their native windows account) what will happen, will it just default to a login form or just throw a "Permission Denied" error?

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Security :: What's The Difference Between Basic Authentication And Integrated Windows Authentication In IIS

Jan 4, 2011

What's the difference between Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS?

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Security :: Enable Windows Authentication And Disable The Anonymous Authentication In IIS?

Mar 10, 2010

I set authentication mode to Windows in the web.config and I enable Windows Authentication and disable the Anonymous Authentication in IIS 7 on win 7, but HttpContext.Current.User is always null.It works fine when I host the web app in IIS 6.0.

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Security :: Avoid Windows Login Userid And Password Window When Use Windows Authentication Mode For Website

Dec 30, 2010

I have been trying to avoid the windows login userid and password window when I use the Windows Authentication mode for a web site. I need to capture the the windows logon user name without prompting for the user id and password and display that on the web site. I had tried almost everything... changed authentication,security setups on IE and IIS etc... still not being able to avoid the window...

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Windows Authentication Of Intranet Website And Reappearing Windows Login Box

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to enable automatic Window authentication working on our ASP.NET Intranet. I've changed the Authentication on our IIS 7.5 server from Anonymous to Windows Authentication Enabled only, and changed the Web.config file for the website to:

<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?" />

The Windows login box appears when accessing the website via IE 8, I enter valid credentials, but the login window keeps reappearing as if it does not accept my credentials. By repeatedly cancelling the login box it disappears, and my login name can be viewed on the website. Is there any possible reason for the login box to keep popping up even though valid credentials are being entered? I've restarted the servers / cleared browser cache etc. Also, ideally I would like the user to enter the login details once in the login box and not be required to reenter login details whenever he reopens the browser.

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Installing Windows Application On Client System (Example: Windows Update From Microsoft Site)

Nov 23, 2010

I have a ASP.NET application. From that, User register, User will get email after registration. My Req : When user click on link provided in email. Then it should go to my ASP.Net application page . That page should install a wincows application on Client system through web ( I was inspired by Microsoft Windows update from Microsoft site)

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Security :: Changing From Forms Authentication To Windows Authentication?

Sep 3, 2010

What do I need to do in order to change an application from Forms Authentication to windows authentication?

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Use Active Directory Authentication When Windows Authentication Fails?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a web application (intranet based) which uses Windows Authentication. Unfortunately there are public computers that have public logins at some company locations. My web app doesn't support these public logins because I need to know the user workingSo, even though these public users are windows authentication users, my app will fail because I have no user account setup for that particular account. I want to then try Active Directory Authentication.In my Default.aspx.cs I'd have something like this

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
userContext = new UserContext(); // If the authenticated user isn't a user in my system then throw an exception

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Security :: Setting Up Windows Authentication In Windows 2008 RC2?

Sep 8, 2010

We have a working version of application (Intranet) with uses Windows Authentication deployed in Windows 2003. The application uses HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get the logged-in user. Here impersonate is turned off.Right now, we are move to Windows 2008 RC2 where this Windows Authentication problem arised. I have Digest Authentication and Windows Authentication enabled. And also I have enabled Anonymous Authentication enabled to avoid the Login dialog of IIS in the end-user IE. Now I am getting HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name as Empty. When I impersonate using username and password, I am used to login using that user but all the users uses the same user to login.Does any has solution for this?Deployment Server - Windows 2008 RC2 (IIS 7.5)Development - Windows 7 (IIS 7.5)I am new to IIS 7.5. Please give me a solution

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How To Setup Windows Authentication On Windows 7 Development Environment IIS 7.5

Nov 2, 2010

My overall goal is just to get the logged on users information for an Intranet site I'm developing without them providing their login (since they are already logged into their computer). So far I just get 401.1 errors and it keeps asking for my login/password. Even though I provide my login/password, it still won't let me in.

I've Enabled Windows Authentication from IIS > Sites > Default Web Site, added this to my web.config:

<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?"/>

My Application Pool is setup as Integrated / ApplicationPoolIdentity for .NET Framework 2.0.

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Error: This Assembly Is Built By A Runtime Newer Than The Currently Loaded Runtime

Feb 28, 2011

I have downloaded published (code behind files are no there, combined with dll in bin folder) web application from window server 2008 where it is hosted, & open it with visual studio when i debug that application it shows following error: "Colud not load assembly because this assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime" I don't know how can i solve this problem and test application locally.

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How To Convert Forms Authentication To Windows Authentication

Sep 15, 2010

I've been asked to convert an application from forms authentication with roles using the aspnetdb database to use windows authentication instead.

what is required to do this? can I still use the roles defined in the app and stored in aspnetdb?

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Mixing Forms Authentication With Windows Authentication?

Feb 12, 2010

I have an (ASP.NET 3.5) intranet application which has been designed to use forms authentication (along with the default aspnet membership system). I also store additional information about users in another table which shares its primary key with the aspnet_users table.

For users who are part of our domain I store their domain account name in the secondary users table, and I want to automatically log in users whose domain account name matches a name stored in the table.

I have read the guides which are available - they're all from two years ago or more and assume that you are able to activate Windows Authentication on a separate login page that allows you to extract the domain account name. From what I can tell, though, this is not possible in IIS7 (the overall authentication method is applied on all pages and cannot be selectively deactivated, and both authentication methods can't be applied on the same page).

Is there a way of getting IIS to pass through the windows domain account name of the requesting user? I don't need proper AD authentication, just the domain name.

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