Getting Values From Iframe?

Feb 8, 2011

I am using iframe in my aspx page which shows a html page that contains map and some text boxes. I need to get the values of the text box from the html page in to my aspx page which is using that iframe.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Pass Values From Parent To IFrame?

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to write a simple application that will allow a user to pass a value from the parent page to a textbox in an IFrame.

Parent Page will only contain 3 controls (label, textbox, and a button). Once a user fills in the txtbox and then clicks the button I want the value that was put in the textbox to be sent to a textbox within an IFrame.

IFrame will contain a label, a textbox, and a button. Once the value is passed from the parent's textbox control to the iframe I want to also fire a button event in the iframe that will simply be:


I am not worried about passing the value back to the parent page. My goal here is to create a testing application for my website. I want to automatically populate textbox's / radio buttons / date time pickers within an IFrame from a parent webpage. I am determining the stress on the server and testing the functional aspect of the iframe's website.

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Web Forms :: Hide Parameter Values In Iframe Src

Nov 16, 2010

i am opening an url in iframe with the src tag. The problems is when the url is opening it is showing all the variables/parameters values. I just dont want the visitors to see these values. How can i do that. Is there any function/method to do this.

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Web Forms :: Retain Control State And Values From WebPage Displayed In Iframe In A MasterPage

Dec 29, 2010

I have a MasterPage and a ContentPage. On the ContentPage I Similated a TabControl by using a Menu and an IFrame. When the menu item is seleceted it loads in the appropriate WebPage into the IFrame. Now... on one of the WebPages I am creating dynamic controls on Page_Load. But when I refresh or switch menu (Simulated TabControl) back and forth, then I lose my controls and values.

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Web Forms :: Iframe From Code Behind / Load A Dynamic iframe But It Cannot Visualize The Page?

Nov 30, 2010

i am trying to load a dynamic iframe but it cannot visualize the page.

this is my html code:


and this is my codebehind:


i am using a content update panel on the page but the div of the iframe is out of the content panel.

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Iframe Timeout / All Pages Are Loaded On That Iframe According To Menu Selection?

Dec 23, 2010

in my application iam using an iframe, all pages are loaded on that iframe according to menu selection.My problem is that while timeout the login page is loaded inside the iframe.under the menu sectionHow can i overcome this?

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Web Forms :: Iframe Dynamic Resize Or Iframe Alternative?

Feb 9, 2011

I have created a web application that docks other web applications into it.When an application is docked the app creates a link button in its "tool box" on the left hand side of the page, users can easily click on any link button to navigate to the desired docked app.

I have a web app that uses iframes to display other web applications inside it. In effect it is a docking application where users can easily access many web applications from within one main app, while staying within the main app. I am having challenges dynamically resizing the iframe based on the size of the application the user is accessing.I have searched the web and tried many ideas but have yet to discover the code that will do the trick.

First, for a docking web application is the iframe the best approach? I have see some posts on ajax but am uncertain how that will help.

Second, if an iframe is the way to do it does anyone have code that will completely liminate the need for iframe scroll bars?

Note:The applications docked in the main we app may be of any size and can change size as users interact with them.

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Web Forms :: How To Open Websites In Iframe / Alternate Way To Iframe

Mar 29, 2011

Our website application needs to open other web sites Iframe.(Our application is web based tool to help high school children to analyze the websites. It has to show news websites to in one iframe and in rest of the page there will be questions related to the news website)

But since many websites use framekiller code, these sites take control of entire page. Is there any ternative way / solution to this problem?It is necessary to be able to open other sites in our website (in iframe or any alternate way), otherwise whole concept of our application will become void.

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How To Get URL Of The Page Where Iframe Is Open From Iframe

Jun 14, 2010

i open a iframe in a page, from that page opend in iframe, i want the page url.means one page mainpage.aspx have a iframe, that iframe open open a iframepage.aspx page.from the iframepage.aspx page's button click event i want to referesh the mainpage.aspx can i do.

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C# - Int Values Get Automatically Converted Into Float Values On Binding The Text Values In Gridview?

Jun 29, 2010

I am getting int values from the stored procedure. But when i bind this datasource with the gridview i am seeing the values being converted into float. i am using Text='<% # Bind("Quantity") %' I wanna that to be displayed as int, with out zero'seg: let the value be 233, when i bind that its getting displayed as 233.00

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MVC :: How To Add Iframe

Sep 20, 2010

I have a controller called Test and there are two methods in it, one is MultipleSelect and the other is DisplaySelectedSubjects. The view for MultipleSelect has been set up and is working properly. Now I want to add a iframe in the view of DisplaySelectedSubjects to display the content of MultipleSelect. Both views are in the same folder Views/Test in the MVC project. I did the following:

<iframe src="MultipleSelect.aspx" width="300" height="400">

Yet the iframe display an error message: "The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."

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How To Get Url Of The Website In Iframe

Aug 28, 2010

how can i get url of the website which is in iframe, when i click on any links in website in iframe it is redirect to another page in the iframe then how can i get the page url.

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IE6 Iframe Display Pdf

Feb 1, 2011

<IFRAME src="somedocument.pdf"/></IFRAME>

Above is not working in IE6. The issue is only with pdf. Will display images, etc. Works fine in IE8.

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C# - How To Add Iframe In SilverLight

Mar 17, 2011

How do I add IFrame in a Silverlight 4.0 User control ?

And I want a button on the control that refreshes the IFrame.

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C# - Get The URL Of The Parent From An Iframe?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a page on the domain which contains an IFrame, this IFrame loads an ASP.NET page (c#) from the domain.

From the code behind on the domain how can I get the URL of the master page?

Would it help if the 2 pages were on the same domain, so contains an iframe with

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MVC :: Iframe From Js In View?

Nov 30, 2010

i have a problem with a view i created: the view contain a button and iframe tag that submmited on a button click(the src of the i frame build with javascript and contain a url of a report)when i click the button the report ganerated with one user and with seconed user the whole page redirected to a 404 page

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Web Forms :: How To Use Iframe

May 7, 2015

How to use Iframe in,give me any example

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Redirecting A Page To An IFrame?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a web application that's really quite simple. I have a MainMenu.aspx that contains a asp:Menu control and an IFrame. This IFrame will contain other aspx pages based on the selection from the menu.

My question is this: When I have selected a menu option and a specific page has loaded into the IFrame and this new page has a "Cancel" button that simply goes back to the MainMenu.aspx page. How would I code that in the VB.Net code-behind file of this page? I'm assuming it would be in the BT_Cancel_Click() event but I'm not sure how to code it!

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How To Trigger IFrame To Show

Jan 21, 2011

Not able to trigger iFrame to show:

PHP Code:

<iframe id="myframe" runat="server" width="100%" height="300" style="display: none" src="/default.asp"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeSrc()
<asp:Button ID="Go_Button" runat="server" Style="z-index: 101; left: 956px; position: absolute;
top: 7px" Text="Go" Width="44px" OnClientclick="changeSrc()"/>

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Open Pdf Within Iframe In Contentplaceholder?

Apr 26, 2010

im working with 2.0 and im using master pages.i have a link to a pdf file...when i click on the link i want the pdf to open within the using iframe within the content master page code is below:


i want the citizen_chart.pdf to open within the iframe....the other links open in the content placeholder. each of the other pages reference the master page,so all the links are seen in every whenever i click on the citizen charter lik the pdf should open in the iframe within the contentplaceholder.

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Web Forms :: Should Keep Using Iframe Or There Is Any Other Better Option

Mar 5, 2011

I have to convert some classic ASP code into ASP.NET Here is the scenario:?id=1234 , Page1 has two iframes frame1->frame1.asp?id=1 , frame1 has some buttons clicking on which will decide if to allow user to print info in frame2.frame2->frame2.asp?id=1, frame2 has detailed info about id=1 which needs to be printed based on action taken in frame1.Is this approach still the best one or are there any other better options?One option I can think of is replacing frame1 and frame2 by UserControls.

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How To Show A Div In IFrame Using JQuery

Jul 7, 2010

I would like to load a page using iFrame on my website. and as a final result I need to hide everything and show just one div's inner text. How can I accomplish it using jQuery?

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Using An IFRAME For A Simple Advertisment. Is It Bad For SEO

Mar 2, 2010

If you look here you will see an ad that is intended to be embedded in another site as an advertisement. Here is an example of where it is embedded.The code responsible for displaying the ad in the web site is this:

<iframe src="" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 160px; height: 600px;">

I like this approach in that, if the advertisement include dynamic content, such as "today's price," the content will be easily reflected in the hosting web page.My question is this:I realize that IFRAMEs present navigational issues, but is there a real impact on SEO and should SEO-sensitive developers avoid using it at all costs or are there circumstances where it can be used w/o harming your ranking?

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Web Forms :: Postback Using IFrame?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using iframe for integration of ASP.Net application somehow one of the page closes iframe window and opens in the new window. I went through the code and noticed that postback is occuring two times for this page and it is leaving the control. This page uses UserControl and if I remove the UserControl then it works fine.


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Redirect To Another Page Outside Of IFrame?

Nov 17, 2010

I have page and I have an Iframe inside of the page. In the page that I have inside of the IFrame, I have a link button and the link button will redirect to another page.

Is there a way I could redirect to another page outside of the IFrame (Redirect from the parent page instead of inside of the IFrame) ?

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