Getting Variables From Database?

Jul 21, 2010


I have this VB ASP.NET sql data source that calls a stored procedure.

I also on the same page have a custom html form.

What I need to do is asign the form values the values of the database entries.

So something like:

UsernameFormField.Value = DatabaseParameter "username".ToString

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Recently i went for the interview where interviewer asked me 2 question which i was not sure for the same..

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converts it to json
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I got to this debuging my solution and I created something like:

DataTable dt =
// Adding Rows of Data to DataTable dt
HttpContext.Current.Session["SearchReturn-DataTable"] = dt;


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Feb 12, 2011

I am trying to use QueryStrings from my C# file in my ASPX file:

<asp:Button ID="LinkButtonDetails" runat="server" Text="DETAILS"
PostBackUrl='<%# string.Format("~/projectdetails.aspx?guid=<%= id%>
&name=<%= name%>
&role=<%= company_role%>
&member=<%= mem_id%>
&project={1}&id={2}", Eval("CompanyID"), Eval("ProjectName"), Eval("ProjectID")) %>' />

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Grabbing Variables From URL?

Oct 12, 2010

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<meta property="og:title" content="<% Response.Write(Request.QueryString["title"]); %>"/>

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Application Variables Work The Same In Both ASP And ASP.NET

May 16, 2010

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Dim SiteOwner
SiteOwner = Application("OwnerName")
Response.Write("This site is managed by " & SiteOwner)

This app variable is set uniquely in each clients index.asp page like so:

Application("OwnerName") = "John Doe"

Will this work? I just started learning classic ASP (for my job), and I'm reading that application variables are universal and only one copy of the variable will exist. So does this mean if John Doe sets Application("OwnerName") to "John Doe" in HIS index.asp page, will everyone that visits the common luxury car page see John Doe's name? Regardless of whether they got to that page via John Doe's page or someone elses? And if so would using a Session variable instead solve this problem? Sorry if this sounds confusing, let me know if I need to re-word it or give more detail...

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Jan 17, 2011

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For security purposes, where is it best to store information like SQL connection strings, database encryption keys, etc? Is it better to use web.config, store them in a class that accesses a database (like dataBaseHelper.cs or something), or somewhere else?

I intend to obtain an SSL cert as well. When communicating with the database, should I always use the secure connection?

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Cannot Operate On Variables Of Type Int?

Dec 15, 2010

Been using this code for most all of my regular queries but trying to do it to a stored proc is causing issues.

var test = DB.SP_test(); //DB is the entity and SP_test is the SP
foreach (var xxx in test){

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Mar 22, 2010

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And then the specific way


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How To Set Cookies And Session Variables

Jan 27, 2010

Am trying to design login page for my website and I am looking for methods other than forms authentication. The way in which I am trying is to have a table in the database that stores user information and check for the user validity.

The point where I get struck is how do i set cookies and session variables and how will I carry it through out the system. Can anyone tell/suggest me where I can relevant material so as to move forward. And also is my idea of negating traditional forms authentication and going for a model I described, is it good also does any other better method exist?

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Declaring Variables Without As, Bad Practice?

Oct 20, 2010

I just noticed that I can save a lot of spacing by not using "as" when declaring variables, in some cases (not sure if this is something new in VS2010). For example:

Dim Name as string = "Bob"

works the same as:

Dim Name = "Bob"

I prefer the latter as some of my type declarations can be very long due to the library I am working with, and omitting the types simplifies the lines and makes them more readable. I am wondering a few things:

1. Do the two methods function at all differently?

2. Is this a bad practice, or generally excepted?

3. Is there a name for this?

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Splitting String Into Three Variables

Jan 9, 2011

The following is an example of using session state, which i can handle with a single variable. But this example uses. well you can see it. Where I am stuck is splitting the string into the three variables. Also, I am not too sure about the ; vs. a comma delimiter that usually see. I think it is a pretty old example. Session("Stocks") = "MSFT; VRSN; GE" ' Get Stocks, split string, etc. Dim StockString StockString = Session("Stocks")

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Databases :: Passing Variables Through URL

Jan 19, 2010

I'm passing several variables thru the URL and want to use them in several SQL Queries that I want in my asp page. For example one of the (hypotetichal) is client_id and i want to use it in a query to gather other information.

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