Gridview - Built In Grid Controls (or Similiar) Provide Effecient Data Paging

Apr 26, 2010

know in 1.0 the grid display controls would pull all the data in, and then provide paging but the paging was done in memory.Are there any smarter controls that provide paging where they only pull the data relevent to current page being displayed?ie. select 10 rows for the current page, instead of doing a select of ALL the rows in the table.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Can Use For Dynamically Built Function

Jan 8, 2010

I have a Gridview that I am trying to add Paging to, however when the 2nd page is selected I get my EmptyDataText.n reviewing multiple sites and forums they have stated to send your Datatable to a Session - What am I missing here?


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Forms Data Controls :: Handle Sorting And Paging When Objectdatasource Is Being Built Dynamically?

Sep 7, 2010

i am building my objectdatasource dynmically when certain buttons are clicked on the page.. and with that the gridview is being displayed with the results of the objectdatasource that was built.

So my gridview code looks like this:


How can i enable sorting and paging if the datasource is being built on button click event?

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C# - Can Reuse Built-in IIS Authentication But Provide Own Credentials Checking

Feb 14, 2011

I'd like to use built-in IIS authentication with non-Windows accounts. There's this module that does that for basic authentication, but it in fact does both the authentication and credentials checking.The problem is I also need to support digest authentication and I could try to do it, but it would be a lot of hassle - I need to generate challenges ("nonces") securely, store them and check for replays, etc. - lots of things I can screw up and make determined attackers happy. So I'd prefer to reuse the digest authentication functionality in IIS, but use my own module for credentials validation. How can I do that?

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DataSource Controls :: Enabling Paging On ObjectDataSource That Is Built Dynamically In Code Behind?

Oct 28, 2010

I have the following on my aspx page


Then in my code behind i have the following set up in 4+ button events, since each button serves a different purpose.. Prior to this past week, i was only working with 2 gridviews on the page.. that were linked to this datasource.. so everything was fine.. but recently had to add a Datalist to display the results a certain way.. I got it all working, but now that more records are in the table the datalist is growing in length on the page and cant figure out how to modify the current code to enable paging without having to redesign the logic all together to get it enabled.

Based on what i have below and above, is there a solution i can implement to implement paging ONLY for the Datalist? Or if it cant be specific, if enabled, will it affect the gridview that is already configured to enable paging, which already works?


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Paging - Paging Links Not Use JavaScript?

Nov 18, 2010

Is there a way to use the GridView paging and having the links not use JavaScript. So that when you click on the page number 5 (for example) that link is a hyperlink.

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Paging In Grid View?

Jan 11, 2010

I want to customize my grid view paging to look like

|<< < 6,7,8,9,10.....98,99 > >>|

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Forms Data Controls :: Enable A Paging Of Grid View?

May 21, 2010

I have a grid view and enable the allow paging and allow sorting . when i compile the website but can not work paging and sorting ? how to solve this

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Forms Data Controls :: Automatic Paging In Grid View?

Feb 4, 2011

how can i have automatic paging in gridview conrol after specified time?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Control Paging With Dropdown

Dec 20, 2010

I am using grid view control with paging Like-:

void grdUpdateColumn_RowCreated(object
sender, GridViewRowEventArgs

if (e.Row.RowType ==
DropDownList ddl
= new
//adds variants of pager size
ddl.AutoPostBack = true;
//selects item due to the GridView current page size

li = ddl.Items.FindByText(grdUpdateColumn.PageSize.ToString());
if (li !=
ddl.SelectedIndex = ddl.Items.IndexOf(li);
ddl.SelectedIndexChanged +=
//adds dropdownlist in the additional cell to the pager table
Table pagerTable = e.Row.FindControl("pagerTable")as
//e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0] as Table;
TableCell cell =
"padding-left"] =
void ddl_SelectedIndexChanged(object
sender, EventArgs
//changes page size
grdUpdateColumn.PageSize = int.Parse(((DropDownList)sender).SelectedValue);
= 1;
//binds data source
Grid view Like -:

It's working fine but problem is that if i select 10 and record from dropdown and record also has 10 then paging is not showing.

That's mean i select 10 from dropdown and record is 10 then dropdown also disable with numbers, suppose i need to select again 5 then i can't do this.

View 3 Replies

How To Use GridView Paging - Grid Disappears

Jan 23, 2010

I'm binding a dataview to a GridView and am trying to use GridView Paging. When I click on one of the page numbers, the Grid disappears.

If Page.IsPostBack = False
GridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = False
GridView1.AllowPaging = True
GridView1.PageSize = 5

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: What's The Best Grid Control For Paging Without Creating A Stored Procedure

Jan 6, 2011

I have been using the GridView control, to display data, but now my two datasources (Informix, and VisualM/Mumps) makes it very difficult to create a store procedure to with paging. Is there a better data grid, that will allow my users to scroll/search the current data set?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Won't Return Anything At All Unless Provide Values For All 4 Parameters

Feb 25, 2011

i've got a gridview and sql datasource. Its connected to a stored proc that has four optional parameters. In VS when i set up the data source, if i use the test option, and dont supply any values for the sproc, it returns all the values in the table which is what it should do. Now when i try to fill the gridview, it wont return anything at all unless i provide values for all 4 parameters.

It's not even trying to search because i had sql profiler open and nothing shows up until i provide all 4 values. any idea why it's doing this? How do i get it to actually bind even if provide less then all 4 (or none) of the values?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View That Be Filled Using Code Behind , And It Be Displayed With The Default Paging?

Nov 21, 2010

I have grid view that be filled using code behind , and it be displayed with the default pagingmy problem is I want to add two label behind and after the paging links and fill them with certain text such this example

label1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ..... label2

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Gridview Paging Does Not Work If The Grid Is Not Loaded During Page_load?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a gridview which I load with data on click of a button. For some reason the paging did not work. The paging number shows up but clicking on page # 2, 3 or 4 does not take you anywhere. the grid just disappears on clicking them. right after that when i click the button to generate the grid, the grid came up this time the gird is on page 2 or 3 instead of 1. I have the following on page_indexing properly.


View 12 Replies

Databinding - Gridview Paging Does Not Work If The Grid Is Not Loaded During Page_load. Tried All Methods

Oct 26, 2010

I have a gridview which I load with data on click of a button. For some reason the paging did not work. The paging number shows up but clicking on page # 2, 3 or 4 does not take you anywhere. the grid just disappears on clicking them. right after that when i click the button to generate the grid, the grid came up this time the gird is on page 2 or 3 instead of 1.

I have the following on page_indexing properly.

Protected Sub GV_Document_Hide_PageIndexChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs) Handles GV_PSIDocument_Hide.PageIndexChanging
GV_Document_Hide.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
End Sub

I even tried by adding the databind() code inside the pageindexchanging as suggested in other threads but that didn't make any difference.

The only way I could get this going was by populating/loading the grid on page_load. I have to assign datasource & databind it every time irrespective of even postbacks. I tried IsNotpostback then the paging failed again Why does gridview needs loading on page_load every time if the paging needs to work properly?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Built In Enable Selection Option In Gridview?

May 17, 2010

Im pretty new to but am getting there slowly but surely! Its definitely growing on me.

The problem im looking at at the moment is i have a gridview displaying data from my SQL database, which works fine. I have enabled the selection option on the gridview which has placed a select link next to each row. Perfect.

What I am looking to do is be able to click the select button, and have the details from each column on that row go into variables when the page is posted back. I will then write these back to a different table in the database later on.

I see that when i click the link it is posting back the number of the row i have selected, but how do i use this to get the data from each column out of the gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Use All The Built - In Editing Functionality Of A GridView Without Setting A DataSource?

Jan 6, 2010

I would prefer that all middle tier methods that are used by GridViews be in the form that allows them to be used by ObjectDataSources...

<DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Delete)> _

However, I am working on a project that I did not create. So, I was wondering if there is a way to use all the cool built-in editing functionality of a GridView without setting a DataSource? In other words, I am binding the datasource in the code behind (this works), and I have the following in my GridView...

<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True"></asp:CommandField>

And in the RowUpdating event (after the update button is clicked), I would like to call a stored proc to update a table and then use this kludge to get the GridView out of "edit" mode...

e.Cancel = True
grdWeeklyTime.EditIndex = -1

Is this possible or do I absolutely need to specify a DataSource in the GridView dropdown in design mode and then check the Enable Editing checkbox?

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ADO.NET :: How To Make Effecient Search On Large Amount Of Data

Feb 22, 2011

want to make fast search over 5,00,000 records in web application.

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Forms Data Controls :: Provide The Filter Functionality To Gridview Like The Excel Filter?

Oct 31, 2010

I need good css for Gridview just like the mac css

can we provide the filter functionality to gridview like the excel filter.

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How To Display The Complete Data From The Grid View When The Paging Is Enabled

Mar 31, 2010

I have a problem while displaying the data from the grid to the excel.I have implemented pageing and the problem is the page that is displayed is only exported to the excel not all the pages.

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging Parent Gridview Until Nested Gridview Selection Is Made?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a parent gridview5 with child gridview 6, today i deployed it to our dev server and on that server we have alot more records, so for the nested gridviews i need to enable paging on the parent gridview5. Doing so works fine, until i make a selection within the child gridview6, once any selection is made, and i try to page the page throws an error, i have the following bound to the parent gridview5.



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Data Controls :: Filter GridView Using TextBox And Paging In GridView

May 7, 2015

In my Page I am using gridview. I am binding the gridview on page load and on paging event with one method. suppose as Bindgridview1();.

There is one search button for searching the records of user with different method suppose as Bindgridview2();  . 

when I am searching the records with Bindgridview2(); paging doesn't work and directly bind with Bindgridview1(); which is on page load when I clicked next page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Grid View Header - Grid View Row Created Event Versus Gridview Row Databound Events

Aug 24, 2010

It happened to add an extra Gridveiw Header in row_databound event , It did worked fine on !Postback but disappered on Page.Postback . Quick google search guided me to move the event to Row_Created event and every thing is okay .

Can any expert post some pointers , differnces between grid row_created vs row_databount with some sample table data created dynamically behaviour of both the events in !Postback and page.Postback .

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Sorting, Paging And DataBinding / When Control Causes A Postback GridView Is No Longer Sorted?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to extend the GridView control to enable sorting and paging for any situation.

When using my control I am fetching data from a database and filling a DataSet with it, then binding the GridView upon every page load. My first question would be, is this the correct approach?

To sort the GridView I am overriding the OnSorting method which stores the sort expression and direction in the ViewState, then creates a DataView and utalises the Sort method to sort the underlying data. It then sets the Data Source to this DataView and rebinds the GridView.

Paging is handled by OnPageIndexChanging which simply sets the PageIndex property and again rebinds the GridView.

My problem is; when any control causes a postback my GridView is no longer sorted, presumably because it is persistently rebound. If I don't rebind it then the GridView is empty on postback since the data isn't automatically stored in the ViewState. I have considered saving the data source in the ViewState but I would assume that this is bad practice for large amounts of data? - also DataViews are not seralisable.

The only solution I can think of currently is to override OnDataBound and sort the data every time. This results in a double sort when paging triggers a postback which seems inefficient. Code illustration of this below,


I'm looking for the cleanest 'best practice' solution as this is a learning exercise more than anything else.

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