Gridview Selected Row Not Working

Apr 28, 2014

When I click on select on one of my rows, it does not select it. instead it almost refreshes the page (Postback?) The select button has a link "javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$MainContent$grdUpdated','Select$1')" ....

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;

[Code] ....

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Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim li As ListItem
For Each li In ListBox1.Items
If li.Selected Then
TextBox1.Text &= li.Text & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub
End Class

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I have a web form where I have three dropdowns for Country State And City and there corresponding

The dropdowns are working perfectly fine with the web service methods. i.e country loading initially and then State as per selected Country and City as per the selected City.

The problem occurs when I try to set selected values in these dropdowns as per the Values previously saved.

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The Code is as Follows:


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protected void chkIntClient_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
UserControls_AlwaysVisible uc = this.Page.Master.FindControl("Alwaysvisible") as UserControls_AlwaysVisible;
uc.Visible = true;
ArrayList raters = new ArrayList();
CheckBox chkselproducer;

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AJAX :: To Get The Selected Index,selected Value , Selected Text Using Javascript Of Combobox Control

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JQuery :: Get Selected Row Value Based On Checkbox Selected In Gridview Using Jquery

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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Checkbox In Gridview Should Be Added From One To Other Gridview Using Objectdatasource

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table a
a1 a
1 qw
2 asa

i have two grid views

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Selected Value Of Dropdown In Gridview After Gridview Databound

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Selected Row Details In TextBox Outside GridView

Dec 18, 2013

[URL] .... In this I have a select option gridview property enable selection. i want when i click the select butoon the data of this come to the text box ... like if gridview row contain item --unit --cost

item comes to textbox1,unit comes to textbox 2 and cost comes to textbox 3 

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Value Of Internal Field Of Gridview's Selected Row To Textbox Outside The Gridview?

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I have a Gridview with ID "GVSeasonsOfResort" which has selectable rows.

One of the fields in that gridview is RSLinkID which is an ID field of the table from which ths SQLDataSource driving the gridview gets its data.

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C# - How To Dynamically Populate A Gridview Based On The Selected Row Of Another Gridview

Jan 17, 2011

Suppose I have a e-shop web app. I have a product categories table in my database that populates a gridview using sqldatasource.

I want to be able to click on the select hyperlink on a row and use that event to populate ANOTHER gridview based on the ID of the product category that is clicked. E.g say the 'CDs' row is clicked, another gridview shows all the different CDs.

As a result, I need the select(sql) statement for the second table to be dynamic based on what the user clicks.

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C# - Display .NET GridView Inside A Selected Row In Another GridView?

Jun 3, 2010

I have been given a mockup that I do not know is possible to code in ASP.NET without being a real html and javascript wizard.

I want a GridView that when a row is selected, the selected row expands and below the selected row a panel of additional information is shown, which would also include another small GridView. The idea is this would all be in-line. So if the user selected row 4, then the additional information would appear below row 4 and then after the additional information the parent GridView would continue with row 5.

Ultimately I would want to do a multi-select type of set up, but first I need to figure out if this is even possible. Also, the solution must be 508 CompliantThe one solution I considered was using only one "column". Then I would put all my fields in the ItemTemplate, and my detail panel content in the EditItemTemplate and instead of selecting the row, set it to edit mode. The problem with this solution is I lose the functionality of multiple columns if I throw everything in one huge ItemTemplate.

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AJAX :: RadioButtonList.SelectedIndexChanged Not Raised When The ListItem Has Selected="True" Not Working

Jun 29, 2010

I have two radiobuttons in radiobuttonlist and based on selection, i am enabling and disabling the text box.
First time i used date radiobutton and i took date in corresponding textbox and i saved it into database and then when i came back on same page i saw the date radiobutton is checked has proper value then i clicked on another radiobutton and this time page is postback and clear my all the data which was in my other controls(I have 5-6 text boxed on my page). I dont know why?, It supposed to select my other radiobutton and enable the corresponding text box


if (!Page.IsPostBack)
if (gvCredentialTypes.SelectedIndex >= 0)
CredentialType credType = CredentialType.FindCredentialType(gvCredentialTypes.SelectedValue.ToString());
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(credType.CredentialTypeName)) //If exists, load data
String expDays = credType.ExpirationLength.ToString();
DateTime expDate = Convert.ToDateTime(credType.ExpirationDate);
// Assign the value to the controls
LoadExpirationDaysDateValue(expDays, expDate);

private void LoadExpirationDaysDateValue(String expDays, DateTime expDate)
// Determines whether value for Days or Date is present
Boolean IsDays = false;
// Check if days value is present
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(expDays) || expDays.Equals("0"))
txtExpirationDays.Text = String.Empty;
txtExpirationDays.Text = expDays;
IsDays = true;
if (expDate.ToShortDateString().Equals ("1/1/0001"))
txtExpirationDate.Text = String.Empty;
txtExpirationDate.Text = expDate.ToShortDateString();
IsDays = false;
// Set the radio button value based on whether Date or Days value is present
if (IsDays)
// Get ref to the 1st radio item
ListItem liExpirationInDays = rbExpiration.Items.FindByValue("rbExpirationInDays");
if (liExpirationInDays != null)
liExpirationInDays.Selected = true;
rbExpiration.Items.FindByValue("rbExpirationDate").Selected = false;
txtExpirationDate.Text = string.Empty;
txtExpirationDays.Text = expDays;
// Enable or disable the controls based on the radio button selection
txtExpirationDays.Enabled = true;
RequiredFieldValidator1.Enabled = true;
RangeValidator1.Enabled = true;
txtExpirationDate.Enabled = false;
RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = false;
CalendarExtender2.Enabled = false;
//compDateValidator.Enabled = false;
RequiredFieldValidator2.Enabled = false;
// Get ref to the 2nd radio item
ListItem liExpirationDate = rbExpiration.Items.FindByValue("rbExpirationDate");
if (liExpirationDate != null)
liExpirationDate.Selected = true;
rbExpiration.Items.FindByValue("rbExpirationInDays").Selected = false;
txtExpirationDays.Text = string.Empty;
txtExpirationDate.Text = expDate.ToShortDateString();
// Enable or disable the controls based on the radio button selection
txtExpirationDate.Enabled = true;
RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = true;
RequiredFieldValidator2.Enabled = true;
CalendarExtender2.Enabled = true;
//compDateValidator.Enabled = true;
txtExpirationDays.Enabled = false;
RequiredFieldValidator1.Enabled = false;
RangeValidator1.Enabled = false;

private void EnableCorrespondingTextbox()
switch (rbExpiration.SelectedItem.Value)
case "rbExpirationInDays":
txtExpirationDays.Enabled = true;
RequiredFieldValidator1.Enabled = true;
RangeValidator1.Enabled = true;
txtExpirationDate.Text = String.Empty;
txtExpirationDate.Enabled = false;
RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = false;
CalendarExtender2.Enabled = false;
RequiredFieldValidator2.Enabled = false;
//compDateValidator.Enabled = false;
case "rbExpirationDate":
txtExpirationDate.Enabled = true;
RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = true;
RequiredFieldValidator2.Enabled = true;
CalendarExtender2.Enabled = true;
//compDateValidator.Enabled = true;
txtExpirationDays.Text = String.Empty;
txtExpirationDays.Enabled = false;
RequiredFieldValidator1.Enabled = false;
RangeValidator1.Enabled = false;

protected void OnSelectedIndexChangedMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Data Controls :: GridView Print Not Working When GridView Is Placed Inside AJAX UpdatePanel

Dec 15, 2012

Question for Print functionality in ASP.Net GridView control artical. I tried you code in my project, when click print current page, nothing happens.

So I download your code into my test web project "WebSite1", greate, it works.

Then in your CS.aspx page,

I added (which is the case of my project of using AJAX).

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">        </asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">        <ContentTemplate>
<div>        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
.......................... gridview stuff gose here .........................
</div> etc etc to close all the tags.

Now run, click print button nothing happens, no any error.

Can you see why put updatePanle for AJAX causing problem ?

I also have to pur EnableEventValidation="false" at top of the page to avoid

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