Forms Data Controls :: Row Command Working On All Rows Not Selected One?

Aug 21, 2010

I have this code that hides a column in a gridview. (The column houses another nested gridview).


The trouble is that if I click the select link on one row that action to hide is carried out on all rows. How can I set this up so that it only hides the row that is selected?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Rows Data In Gridviews Row Command Event

Dec 8, 2010

how can we read all rows data in rowcommand event of gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Command Not Using Selected Value From DDL In A DetailsView?

Oct 8, 2010

My web form contains a detailsview control that I have added a templated field to with a DropDownList in the InsertItemTemplate. The DetailsView default mode is 'insert. My detailsview is attached to a sqldatasource that has a stored procedure in the db to handle the insert. When I enter data in the fields and select insert all values from the detailsview are written to the table except for the selection that was made in the dropdownlist. I am using the ddl.selecteditem.value to populate my variable however when the insert method is envoked it doesn't send my value. The DDL value that I am capturing does not need to be written to the table it is just a flag for some variables that need to be set at the stored proc level. How do I get the DDL selected value to be sent with the insert statement?

Here is my code behind:

DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim temp
As DropDownList
Dim AccessLevel
temp = AddUserDetailsView.FindControl("DropDownList1")End
AccessLevel = temp.SelectedItem.Value
Label1.Text = AccessLevel

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Forms Data Controls :: Use Selected Date In Calendar In An Insert Command?

May 26, 2010

I want to click on a date in the calendar and use that date in an insert command.

I have inserted a Calendar in Visual Web Developer and cannot figure out how to get the date so i can use it when inserting a new entry in my table... how do i "catch" the date and how to insert it as date.

I have the insert command working with dummy fields...

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Command And Gridview - Just Want To Return Rows Based On Bool Tick?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a table in my Database called Creditors.

One of the columns is Paid which is type Bool.

On my aspx I have an objectdatasource and gridview. In the DAL is a method called GetCreditors which

returns all the creditors into the Gridview.

In some cases the "paid" column is ticked and in other not.

I want to run a select query that only gets the rows where PAID is not Ticked. insead

of retrieving all.

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Command Is Not Working?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a gridview. Every time i click on the Edit command, it caused the Delete command fired. This gridview works fine on the test site, but it does not work on the live site.

Do you know what causes this issue?

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Gridview Delete Command Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

I'm a novice programmer and I have this situation: I have a nested Gridview, and I want to be able to DELETE the records in the nested Gridview. I have no problem inserting new records with the nested gridview, but it does not execute the DELETE Command on the SQL Datasource. I checked that the DATAKEYNAME on the nested gridview includes the the parameter that is used in the DELETE SQL Command on the SQL Datasource for that Gridview. But it seems to me that the parameter value is not being passed to the SQL Datasource by the nested gridview. Maybe I need to use a difference approach to execute this on a nested gridview compared to a regular gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Command Is Not Working In A Nested Listview?

Jan 26, 2011

in the nested ListView (or the child ListView), the edit command does not work.

It seems that the <EditItemTemplate> is not properly excecuted by the edit button in the <ItemTemplate>.

Interestingly, the edit command in the parent ListView works well.

The insert and delete commands in the nested ListView also run without any problem.

But I get no change by pushing the edit button which is located for each reply (the item of the nested listview)

Here is my code.


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Forms Data Controls :: Hide All Rows Except One Being Selected?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a Gridview with select button field displaying many rows. I want on select , only that selected row is displayed + other action (this other action is done). How can I hide all rows except the row being selected?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Selected Rows Validation?

Oct 15, 2010

I want some solution for my gridview to validated only selected rows.What is the senario:In my gridview there are 1 templatecolumn - Total Balance -txtTotalBalanceand1 another templatecolumn - Amount Received -txtAmountReceived There are checkboxes I want to compare only that row which is checked with txtTotalBalance with txtAmountReceived should not be greater than totalbalance.In current code all rows validating compare validator.That I don't want.Please give me solution-If possible then please send me the code also..

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Impact Of Command Timeout Property While Working With Command Class

Jun 3, 2013

I am working with odbcCommand class, in one case I got error that QueryTimeout Expired. Even though this SP is taking only 3-4 secs in DB to execute these specific values, When I set the CommandTimeout=0, then it worked fine.

1)Is it necessary to always use this property while working with Command Class.

2)If it is not suggested to use, but still if I use it then how it will impact the performance.

Below is my code sample.

OdbcConnection conObj;
OdbcCommand cmdObj;
OdbcDataAdapter daObj = new OdbcDataAdapter();
public DataTable GetIFAContractNoteData(string RecipientIDIFACN, DateTime BatchDateIFACN, int TransmittalReportIDIFACN) {
conObj = new OdbcConnection(GlobalVariables.strDsnName + ";" + GlobalVariables.strDsnDataBase + ";" + GlobalVariables.strDsnUserID + ";" + GlobalVariables.strDsnPassword);


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Remove Selected Rows From Gridview And List

Nov 23, 2010

I m working on MOSS 2007. My project requirment is to fetch the data from list to gridview with check boxes in front of all rows. when we click the checkbox infront of rows then that rows will be move to another gridview & remove from first gridview. Then I have to search the rows by location. following is my code it fetches the list in gridview & move rows from one gridview to anothe

1. how to remove selected rows from gridview & list?

how to search by location.


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Forms Data Controls :: Copy Rows From Gridview Selected Items?

Apr 1, 2011

have a page that has a results gridview where I have all rows with a chekbox. when I click on the checkbox I try to create an excel filethis is method content:

DataTable MyData = new DataTable();
//recorrido sobre los elementos seleccionados6
foreach (GridViewRow row in gvwDbf.Rows)


The problem is that excel file is totally empty. When I trace on the error I find that (item on bold above) dt datable has current record as I expected but Mydata table has nothing inside. shouldn't I use import statement? How can I get the row copied? I intend to have a full table made by every record coming from parameters of each query which is performed inside a for each sentence

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Selected Rows In Gridview To Database?

Jan 19, 2010

I would like to create those checked/selected rows in gridview to SQL server database with a button click.For example, an user checks 2 rows in the gridview, and clicks on the create button. I would want the selected row/s to be created to the database. How would I go about doing this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Concerning Selected Rows And Inline Editing?

Dec 18, 2010

Using a gridview with paging, sorting, inline editing, and selection enabled. I noticed the following:1. after selecting a row, then sorting, the selection sticks to the position in the grid, rather than the actual data. I would have expected it to either stick with the data, or clear the selection so nothing is selected. I would just assume clear the selection rather than have it actually change, like it is now. When a row is selected, I'm showing detail information about that specific row below the grid, so when a user does this, then sorts, the selected row changes and the new selected row's detail info shows below the grid. How should I go about stopping this? Hook into the gridview's Sorting event and set the selected row back to -1 (for nothing selected)? I assume that would work but I was compelled to post anyway to see if there is something else I should be doing...

2. I have not tested yet, but I assume the same thing would happen when paging occurs?3. another issue I'm having is when a user enters into edit mode for a row. This also does not clear a previous selection, so if a user had first selected a row, which shows the detail info for that row below the grid, then they hit the edit button for a different row, now on screen at the same time is a selected row (visible by selectedRowStyle), it's detail info below, and a completely different row in edit mode... this is a very confusing scenario for a user. I either need to ensure that any selection is cleared once in edit mode, OR sync these up so that the row in 'edit' mode also becomes the selected row... what do you guys/gals normally do for this situation? I'm thinking syncing up so that the row in edit mode is also selected sounds preferable... how would I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Header Column Merge Is Not Working / Fire Row Command Event

Mar 10, 2011

I have made Gridview and it has 5 columns.

Col1 Col 2 Col3 Col4 Col5

I try to make like below:

Col1 Col2
col2 col3 col4 col5

First column is as it is. But next 4 columns I try to make merge from Gridview Row Databound Event. It's working.

I have a link button in column1 and when I click on it, Row Command is fire and at that time the merge is gone. And Last row comes in footer row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Limit Number Of Selected Rows In Data Source For GridView?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm sure it was discussed hundred of times, but maybe this time will elucidate some new points )

The question is: do I need to limit number of selected rows in data source for GridView?

When I use paging in GridView does limiting selected rows make GridView work faster?

Now I use ObjectDataSource with Linq in functions.


Does this make sense or I can just use LinqDataSource without thinking of selected rows?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grouping The Data Rows Of The Grid View Under The Column Selected?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a grid view that needs to be shown group wise. The grouping of the data should be dynamic and that is based on the column that is selected.

In general it should list all the rows and based on the coloumn header selected, all the rows should group by that column and should be listed under it. That also needs the template column for the check box and while group by there should be a check all option available for each group.

Even having the collapse and expand option for each groups is required.

I currently use VS 2005 and later will use 2008 and 2010, but will use the aspx code and not xaml.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Controls To Alter Selected Rows Within A DataGrid?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to create a web page using Visual C#.NET 2010 on a 3.5 framework that allows users to select items through a series of dropboxes which are then saved to a temporary display grid. The problem I'm having is that I wish to allow users to save multiple combinations of selections which are saved to various rows of the display table.

Below is a sample of what I'm trying to do.



And here is the ASPX page:


The problem I'm having is whenever I try to edit the selected column all other columns are cleared. I need to have them remain while only the selected row is altered.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Insert Multiple Rows Based On Selected Checkbox

Aug 11, 2010

I have a gridview object to which I added

<asp:TemplateField >
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkCopy"
runat="server" />

The page count is set to 10, when the user checks the checkbox(es), I will need to insert those records in a table. How will I know which row was selected? I found an example (untried) that is designed to loop through and insert the necessary records; but it does not address inserting records based on selecting rows via a checkbox. How do I put everything together.

// open connection
//enumerate the items in the list
foreach (SPListItem curItem in curItems)
string sql = "INSERT INTO ImportNotifications";
sql += "
sql += " VALUES
mySqlCommand.CommandText = sql;
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Float)).Value = curItem["ID"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@WorkOrderNum", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Department", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ClientName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@WorkOrderDue", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Created", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = curItem["Created"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Author", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Modified", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = curItem["Modified"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Editor", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value = curItem["Editor"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Late", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value = curItem["Late"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LateReview", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value =
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TrueLate", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)).Value = curItem["TrueLate"];
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Body", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1)).Value =
// execute the command
// close the connection

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Selected Rows Inserted To Different Table From Button Click?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm needing to get the selected rows, based on checkboxes, to insert into a different table than that that the gridview is formed from. I've created an innerjoin datasource to try and solve this but, still having problems finding something that works. I also need it to insert based upon a button click not inside the gridview as I believe otherwise would only hamper the situation more.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Select Rows From A DataTable And Create A New ViewList With The Selected Rows Only, While ...

May 31, 2010

I have one big DataTable with X rows. I want to select Y rows from it and bind them to a new ViewList. While doing it, I want to delete these rows from the DataTable (Having X - Y rows).

What is the best and fast way to do it?

I don't know if it is better to create a new DataTable to have the Y and after that bind them to a ViewList or something else?

I'm also looking for example in code how to select/delete rows from DataTable.

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Command In App So Could Execute The Command And Retrive The Data Into A String Variable?

Apr 9, 2010

i'm trying to issue a select command in my app soi could execute the command and retrive the data into a string variable.the problem is that this command is overloaded with DataSourceSelectArgument and i can't figure out what it is.i'm using sql server express and when issue a n insert command for example sq.Insert(); i have no problems.this the command that's holding me:

SqlDataSource sq = new SqlDataSource();
sq.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerDatabaseConnectionString1"].ToString();
sq.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
sq.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM CustomerTable where customerID = 1";
string result = sq.Select(some overload that's stopping me);

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Forms Data Controls :: Add The Selected Rows From DataGrid1 Into DataGrid 2 Either With A Button Click Or Using Drag And Drop Functionality?

Jul 8, 2010

What I am looking to do is have a page with 2 seperate datagrids on, I want to be able to add the selected rows from DataGrid1 into DataGrid 2 either with a button click or using drag and drop functionality (Im guessing this would require javascript and I have no experience with this language, is it difficult to learn or could I just alter code from elsewhere?). Once the row is added into DataGrid2 I would like to be able to add some information, such as Quantity and DateDue (could this be added in a pop up box when the part is added?) Also I would like fields in DataGrid1 to be based upon a search with several different options that the user specifies, i.e the ability to search based on project number, however it would return eitheer parts or assemblies depending on a check box selected. I have very limited programming knowledge but Im guessing I would be able produce a query based on the inputs, but in order for this to work wouldnt the page to postback everytime an option was changed.

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Data Controls :: How To Save Selected Rows Of GridView

Sep 10, 2013

How can i save selected rows of a gridview (appearing inside javascript pop up page) into another gridiew (appearing inside "other" java script pop up page) on SAVE button click??

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