Hide Div When Click On Form Or Focus On Another Control Or Press Escape Key?
Feb 24, 2010
need to show up 4 columns whenever user press keys in textbox, i need to collect these keys and send it to the service which will give us result as xml. then i convert xml to dataset and binded with datagird. for this i used jquery. after the result displayed ( i mean the result in datagrid which is placed in div), then i need to hide the div when the user clicks outside of the div or press escape key...
function showList() {
if(document.getElementById("txt1").value.length > 3) {
I have an AJAX PopupExtender that popsup a panel with submit button. I want to recognise the enter key press as the click event for the submit buttNeed to set the form property called "AcceptButton" to this button to achieve this functionality. I have two popups with a submit button on each of them. How to set this behaviour ?
How can one fire a button click event when someone presses Enter in Textbox. I had a master page on which Search button & a Textbox for writing Search text is there. When one clicks on "Search" button, it works fine. But when one presses Enter, no search results are displayed.
I have a aspx page where in I have made a form. There is a help button on this form.When I click on the help button I have created html code in Javascript.
function help_For_admin() var Message_Help = '<p><b>Admin Page Description</b></p>' document.getElementById("help").innerHTML =Message_Help ; document.getElementById("Div_Admin").style.display = "";
I am not sure how to explain my current issue. Right now I have a Form that spans a couple of pages. I have divided the Form into multiple section as well including a File Upload section, a File Download section, and have an 'Update' button at the bottom of the Form. I also have Error labels within each section, and have an Error label at the bottom of the Form under the 'Update' button.The problem that I am experiencing right now is that when I produce one of these errors, the Form automatically displays the very top of the page. So in other words, if the error message is displayed at the bottom of the Form, the user has no idea unless they scroll all the way down.Is there anyway to keep the application focus at the area where the button is clicked on? This way if the user produces an error, they will see it right away.
I have a form with several textboxes. All of these have AutoPostBack="True".
My problem is that the focus disappears to goodness knows where after each postback. The behaviour I would like to enforce is as follows,
If the user hits the Enter or Tab key after filling in a textbox then the focus should go to the next field on the form (to be explicitly specified in my code).
If the user clicks on textbox X after filling in textbox A then the focus should go to textbox X after postback, even if it is not the next in the list.
In other words, I want the form to behave in the way that most users would intuitively expect.
I have Googled for potential solutions to the loss of focus after postback but the few that I have found were many years old and I am unsure that the advice is still relevant for ASP.NET 4.0. Some of these old solutions also appeared to be invalid for browsers other than IE. What is the current best practice for handling this issue?
BTW, VB.NET solutions are preferred though I will also be happy to accept C# suggestions (which I would run through a code converter). Note that I have a single sub in my code for handling the TextChanged events for all my textboxes. This means that I have to use the following code to work with the textbox that has called the sub.
Dim CurrentTextBox As TextBox = DirectCast(sender, TextBox)
If addressing the focus problem means that I have to have individual TextChanged event subs for each textbox then so be it, but I prefer the simplicity of my current single sub approach.
I used Ajax collapsible extenders (1 to 9) with formviews in each of them on a web form.
They are all collapsed by default. If the user enters data in collapsible 5 formview and submits data, the page refreshes back to the top of the page (where the collapsible 1 is positioned). I would like the focus to stay in the region the user is working (even after insert/submit operations). How can I do this.
I have 2 (.ascx) controls on my page, first is shopping items status and the second is a product list. How can i Update items from the first control when I press addToCart button from the second. Here is my code.
In set the Send button as default button in my page. In the button click event I try to set the focus to the TextBox. When clicking the button the event work fine but While clicking the enter button I cant input text to TextBox.
I have a GridView that has approximately 800 records. I have a search feature that finds a record and focuses to it. When I click Edit for that record, the Gridview flashes and goes back to the 1st row. If I search for the record again it is in edit mode. Is there some setting to keep focus where it is? I added the following code to try and keep focus, but it doesn't work.
I am developing a web application in Visual Studio 2008 using ASP.NET with VB. I am using a ComboBox control from the AJAX Control ToolKit. The ComboBox gets populated from a database.On Page Load the focus is on the ComboBox control. The user can use the Down Arrow Key to drop the listed items, move up and down through it and on pressing Enter key on the highlighted item the other controls on the page (such as Text Box, DropDown List) get populated with data related with the selected item from the ComboBox on which the Enter key was pressed.What I want is that if somebody uses mouse on the ComboBox items and clicks any one item the data related to the clicked item should populate the other controls. This should also work on Lost Focus.So how do we write the Mouse Click and Lost Focus events for a ComboBox control from the AJAX Control TookKit.