Web Forms :: Focus A Div Placed Below GridView After LinkButton Click
May 7, 2015
In my page, there is a grid view with link buttons in a column.
If I click a link button, I need to focus a div which is placed below the gridview.
How can I achieve this?
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Jul 19, 2012
I want take value from gridview when Linkbutton from gridview cliked on link button clicked event.my code is
Protected Sub LinkStudentID_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim Val_StudentID As String = ""
Dim Val_class As String = "
Dim linkbtn As LinkButton = DirectCast(sender, LinkButton)
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a GridView that has approximately 800 records. I have a search feature that finds a record and focuses to it. When I click Edit for that record, the Gridview flashes and goes back to the 1st row. If I search for the record again it is in edit mode. Is there some setting to keep focus where it is? I added the following code to try and keep focus, but it doesn't work.
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May 11, 2010
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I am using VB.net and I was able to do this with the dropdown box, but it is not as clean as having a row of buttons.
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Feb 1, 2011
In Gridview one column has linkbutton.When i click on linkbutton,open popup window and selected row will display on that page.
I tried many examples.But i did not get.Plz guide me that?
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Jun 28, 2010
I want to Export dataset data to excel ,when i click gridview linkbutton.
My Scenior is : Actually i am Passing a parameter from griview linkbutton.Depending on the parameter value .I want to export dataset data to excel.
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Oct 22, 2010
i have gridview with linkbutton.when i click linkbutton it should call javascript function which returns value would be input for database functions. how do i capture javascript function retun value(i am using Registerclientscriptblock)? and that should be input for database function. Inshort i need to call two function from link button click - one javascript function,one ado.net function which will update value in database. output of javascript function will be input for database function.
function Getlogitudelantitude(address)
return "35.3434343,-74.334343"
Linkbutton_click(object sender,Eventargs e)
register javascript function .. which should return value
string s = "35.34343,-74.334343"
then call database function(s) - does database operation
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Aug 25, 2010
I have written some code to dynamically generate template columns for gridview which works well. However, each cell in the gridview has to be a linkbutton, which when clicked does a db update and redirects to a specific url with some parameters in it.
I have attached a click event handler to the linkbutton in the InstantiateIn method but the event does not seem to fire.
//Dynamically creating the Grid
protected void btnAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
View 5 Replies
Nov 26, 2010
In my user control I have gridview, and this grid is created programmatically, using Itemplate. In InstantiateIn methods I have this code.
Select Case _templateType
Case ListItemType.Header
Dim linkButton As New LinkButton [code]....
I want to wired up Click event to this LinkButton, and use this event in code behind.This is constructor of GridViewTemplate how implements ITemplate
Public Sub New(ByVal type As ListItemType, ByVal colname As String, Optional ByVal infoType As String = "")
'Stores the template type.
_templateType = type
'Stores the column na [code]....
and i have this call from user control:bfield.ItemTemplate = New GridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Item, dt.Columns(col).ColumnName, "label")
where is Dim bfield As TemplateField = New TemplateField()
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Feb 10, 2011
I have a gridview where, when the user clicks the row, a modal form is shown and values are passed back to the calling function. This works just fine. However, now I have the requirement that instead of clicking the entire row, they want to just click a link button on the row (not the entire row) and get this same functionality. I am new to JQuery and cannot figure out how to select the link button inside the gridview in order to attach my function to it. Also, once I have that figured out, how do I get values from the Link Button's row to pass to my modal form? Here is my jquery function which works fine for the row-click:
$(document).ready(function() {
// set the background color of selected gridview row
$("#<%=gridResults.ClientID%> tr").click(function() {
$(this).css("background-color", "PowderBlue");
I would like to add a field like this to my gridview and attach the above functin to it:
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkCallModal" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="linkPol"
Text="Modal Search" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="10px" />
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Jun 11, 2010
My current code is costing performance issue when ran on server.
I've a a textbox whixh is invisible by default and a button, which is visible and both are placed inside grid's item template
I've also used ajax's update pannel to supress postback
My requirement is to make thetext box visible on button click which is working fine and fast in the localhost machine
But when put on server,its taking considerably more time to make the text box visible.
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Aug 30, 2013
I have to taken Template field value "EmpNo" in Gridview, When I click every employee no then its display in label How. I use RowDataBound event but RowDataBound event not read Template field.
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May 25, 2010
I'm new to asp.net and I have quite an annoying issue. I have a masterpage and a number of linkbuttons to navigate through the aspx pages.
My problem is that when I click on a linkbutton than the one selected, it doesn't highlight the selected linkbutton, because postback has been initialized. Instead it highlights the linkbutton that I have specified in the Page_Load event.
I've tried to specify:
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Mar 27, 2010
Im into a situation, where, I need to embed linkbutton to gridview to display one field (TITLE) from database. It was done as I've added it in the itemtemplate. Now my situation is bit refined; I should add a text box and another linkbutton which should be disabled on page load and when ever I click that linkbutton which is displaying (TITLE) should make the textbox and another linkbutton visible by displaying corresponding values from the database in the textbox.
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Jan 8, 2010
I have put my gridView inside an UpdatePanel with Timer control for auto refresh.The gridView has a linkButton column which is bounded to referenceNo column from database.
On click of this link button i want a panel to get visible. This Panel contains details corresponding to the referenceNo shown in differnt controls (mostly texboxes). Do i necessarily need to put the panel inside the Update Panel.If not how do i do it?
I have tried putting panel outside UpdatePanel, but it doesn't show panel on clicking the linkbutton nor does the values are updated inside this panel (if panel's visibility is set to true by default for testing purpose).
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Apr 17, 2013
I have one repeater and one gridview, i want to bind my repeater when link button is clicked which is inside repeater, i user itemCommand but its not working....
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Oct 22, 2013
I have one gridview and bind the data from database and add extra link button in gridview column,when I click on link button then open new page but grid is cleared automaticaly,I don't want to clear grid
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Jun 14, 2013
I have datalist in my page
<asp:DataList ID="DDLN" runat="server">
<table class="style1">
I want when I click on linkbutton and select it , selected Linkbutton's color be changed
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Aug 21, 2012
I am developing a web application in Visual Studio 2008 using ASP.NET with VB. I am using a ComboBox control from the AJAX Control ToolKit. The ComboBox gets populated from a database.On Page Load the focus is on the ComboBox control. The user can use the Down Arrow Key to drop the listed items, move up and down through it and on pressing Enter key on the highlighted item the other controls on the page (such as Text Box, DropDown List) get populated with data related with the selected item from the ComboBox on which the Enter key was pressed.What I want is that if somebody uses mouse on the ComboBox items and clicks any one item the data related to the clicked item should populate the other controls. This should also work on Lost Focus.So how do we write the Mouse Click and Lost Focus events for a ComboBox control from the AJAX Control TookKit.
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Dec 7, 2010
I want to allow users to click only once on button. In fact, the button is a user control:
That button control gives us access to OnClientClick property of lbButton. This button is used on other user control:
As you can see - i disable button on client-side and then return true (to do a postback). That's for only sample purposes. This code will disable my button but there will be no postback. If leave only "return true;" inside onclientclick script then i'll have my postback. The conclusion is - i can't do a postback if i disable button. The question is what's the reason of such behaviour and can i do any trick to over overcome this issue. I figured out i can hide button and still perform postback. But why it can't be disabled? There was already a thread on similar topic : [URL] but answers weren't satysfying. User Participant gave his solution there but i'm not fully understand his idea. Could someone explain to me why it can't be done my way and if it can be done by any other method?
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Mar 24, 2010
I dont know what happened but none of my buttons or linkbuttons causes a postback anymore. I have dragged a few updatepannels on the page but the linkbutton concerned is not enclosed within an update pannel. when I click it there is just no postback happening anymore. I set the debugger at Page_load but...its not reached. I used firebug to analyse the http requests. there is none. its like those are not considered buttons anymore.
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Jan 10, 2010
my Master page placed textbox & link button. Linkbutton event raise only if clicked twice, is there anyway solution for raise the event in single click
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Oct 30, 2010
There is a textbox , button and gridview(contains linkbutton in template field) in my webpage. If the user enter some text in the textbox and press button means it will search the text in the interrnet and display the text in gridview (like[URL]if the users clicked the linkbutton in the gridview item i want to save the "clicked link" and "searched text" in the database.If the user clicks the linkbutton in the gridview, i captured the server side event of gridview_rowcommand and wrote the code to save the details in the database. But i cannot get the event of mouse rightclick event of "open in new tab" and "open in new window" option in server side and in javascript.how can i get the event of mouse rightclick "open in new tab" and "open in new window"?
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Jun 22, 2010
I am adding numerical page links for paging of a repeater. I have used on of the numerical paging samples as my base. It works fine if I have less pages than my maximum total links. Eg if I have 11 pages, but only showing page 1-10 plus a next for the 11th, I get an error about duplicate control ids. I changed my control id to use a Guid in the string to keep it unque, after making this change the event handler never fires
private LinkButton createButton(string title, int index)
LinkButton lnk = new LinkButton();
//lnk.ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "_" + index.ToString();//Event does not fire if I set ID with Guid
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