How To Remove Listbox Option Using Jquery

Sep 15, 2010

i want remove the select using jquery how do it

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Javascript - Add / Remove Items From One ListBox Control To Another ListBox Control?

Oct 10, 2010

I'm moving itmes from one ASP.NET ListBox control to another ListBox control from client-side. It works on the client-side but when I tried to count items in destination ListBox on the server-side, it's always nothing. Below, is the jQuery code used to add/remove items from ListBox control.


I know that we can add/remove items from ListBox from server-side. But I'd like to get it done from client-side. Why there isn't anything in the destination ListBox when counting the items from the code-behind, eventhough the items are added from the client-side already.

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Security :: Ading A Role Option In The CreateUserWizard With A Listbox Not Working

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i am using the below code to provide a "select role option" when creating new users accounts. i am using a listbox to select multiple roles and submit it, it works when a sinlge role is selected but not when two or more are selected. The error i'm getting is "the user "someuser" is already in role "first_rolethatwasselected"

protected void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
ListBox ddl = (ListBox)CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddlRoles");

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Remove List Of Items In Listbox?

Apr 11, 2010

Im Using asp .net with Vb Coding.

I have to remove the list of selected items from listbox .

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To listbox1.Items.Count - 1

My doubt is If i run the page again the listbox shows the items which i deleted already.

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Web Forms :: Remove Items From A Listbox?

Aug 17, 2010

txtquantity.text = lborderlist.Items.Count.ToString(); -> this codes adds how many you have input in the listbox, now i need to know the opposite..

how to remove items from a listbox but it should also counts the how many you have left in the listbox..

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Data Controls :: Remove Focus From ListBox When Item Is Selected

May 7, 2015

In Listbox after select one item in first and how to unselect or remove focus on that listbox.

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Data Controls :: How To Remove Selected Items From ListBox In Windows Application

Aug 10, 2012

I have 2 ListBoxes. 1st SelectionMode is Multiple. Once I select many options from 1st ListBox I can copy it in ListBox2 but i Unable to remove it.

Code :

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click 
For i = 0 To ListBox1.SelectedItems.Count - 1 
' ListBox1.Items.Remove(ListBox1.SelectedItems(i).ToString()) it is not removing.   
End Sub

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C# - Compulsory Option Of JQuery Plugin?

Jan 26, 2011

I am making my custom jQuery plugin whose code is this:


My question is that how can I make item4 value to be compulsory? I want that user must enter value for Item4 . In my plugin I need to do some operations with item4 so how can it be made compulsory. I will be having one or more items too which should be compulsory. Is there any way by which I can warn user if the that value is not passed by the user ?

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JQuery :: How To Get List Box All Option In A Text Box

Sep 21, 2010

i crate a list box by database but i want all option in a Text box <td><select name="ListBox1" multiple="multiple" size="8" id="ListBox1">

<option value="">Select</option>
<option value="1001">1001.Ashok</option>
<option value="1002">1002.Rajiv</option>
<option value="1003">1003.Garima</option>
<option value="1012">1012.Akhil</option>
<option value="1011">1011.Nasir</option>
</select>Example Text1.Text=1001.Ashok,1002.Rajiv,1003.Garima how i do it <td><select name="ListBox1" multiple="multiple" size="8" id="ListBox1">
<option value="">Select</option>
<option value="1001">1001.Ashok</option>
<option value="1002">1002.Rajiv</option>
<option value="1003">1003.Garima</option>
<option value="1012">1012.Akhil</option>
<option value="1011">1011.Nasir</option>

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JQuery :: Get Attribute Value Of Option In Dropdownlist?

Sep 20, 2010


To get value, i used: $("#mySelect").val() (=1)

BUT... How can I get level value? (=2)

View 5 Replies

How To Use JQuery To Make An Option In A <select> Object Selected

Feb 15, 2011

How do you use JQuery to make an option in a <select> object selected? Here is my <select> :


View 2 Replies

Javascript - JQuery Tabs - Using The Cookie Option Breaks GUI

Feb 16, 2011

I've got a tabbed GUI on a webpage using:

JQuery 1.4.2
JQuery-UI 1.8.9 (full download)

The IDs for the 'pane' divs are GUIDs of domain objects in a database. Everything works as it should. But when I include the cookie option in the function call on

$(document).ready(function () {
//$("#tabs").tabs(); //Without tabs works fine
$("#tabs").tabs({ //This call with cookie option breaks everything.
cookie: {
expires: 1

By 'breaks' I mean - the contents of my final tab (which includes a 'submit' button) ends up being displayed at the bottom of every tabbed page although the tab itself looks fine. None of the tabs open the corresponding pane when clicked, but I can see the correct tab id in the address bar on the browser when I click a tab. I've compared the source of both pages (with and without the cookie option) and they are identical apart from the call to the JQuery tab function. But the Javascript console reports an error: cannot call method 'apply' of undefined

Is there something else I need to do to get this to work? The documentation suggests not. I've inluded the cookies plugin as suggested by Nalum, but this hasn't solved the problem. Drilling into jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js gets me the offending bit of code:

return d.cookie.apply(null,[b].concat(d.makeArray(arguments ...

This code seems to be expecting [b] to be something like ui-tabs-1 which is the way in which the tabs are IDed if you add tabs via the tabs.add(...) function. And of course I don't add my tabs this way - all my tabs have GUID IDs which are related to elements which come from a DB and are output by a Repeater control.
Some HTML below for reference:

<div id="tabs">
<a href='#TabDiv471de30d-aaec-4485-8a50-1b2fdbc58053'>
Tab A
<a href='#TabDiv951e2fee-9272-4a8c-becb-3f3a07770347'>
Tab B
<div id='TabDiv471de30d-aaec-4485-8a50-1b2fdbc58053'>
This is Pane A
<div id='TabDiv951e2fee-9272-4a8c-becb-3f3a07770347'>
This is Pane B

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MVC :: AJAX Option - Onsuccess - Cant Load Jquery Dialog?

Jan 22, 2011

I am not sure this is the right place to ask. I cant load jquery.dialog after success using ajax option..

my dialog box is below function createsuccess(context)


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JQuery :: Drag And Drop Listbox?

Mar 4, 2011

I hav two listboxes, how can i drag and drop between these two using jquery

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Add Item From Dropdownlist To ListBox Using JQuery?

Jul 26, 2010

How can i add anything user selected from dropdownlist to listbox using JQuery? and when i post the page i should be able to retrieve "id, name" from the listbox.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPerson" DataSourceID="ods_person"
DataValueField="Id" DataTextField="Name" runat="server" Width="221px" /><br />
<asp:ListBox ID="lstPerson" runat="server" Width="245px"
Font-Bold="true" ForeColor="Green" SelectionMode="Multiple">
</asp:ListBox> <br>

View 2 Replies

MVC :: Updating A Listbox Without Postback With Jquery?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a listbox in my view:

@Html.ListBoxFor(m => Model.Runtimes, new SelectList(Model.Runtimes, "Id", "Runtime"))and when I access the page all the runtimes in the model are displayed as expected. I also have a button in my view with a jQuery function attached to it: () { timer.addIntermediate(function (runtime) { url = "/Timer/SaveRuntime/?runtime=" + runtime; $.get(url); }); });It saves the runtimes to the model. My problem is how to update my Listbox with the new entry in the model without triggering a postback(since it will stop my timer)?I'm

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C# - Can't Get Value In Code-behind After JQuery Appends To Asp:Listbox

Feb 22, 2011

've created 2 asp:listbox... asp:ListboxFrom and asp:ListboxTo. When I double click on the item on ListboxFrom it moves (appends) the item to ListboxTo... So everything works fine till here. But when I click on the submit button to process everything I don't get the selected items in my code-behind for the listboxes. I debugged on Page_Init and Page_load but it restores the default controlstate values..

1) How can I get the values in code-behind ? so the state of asp:listbox as it is added client-side code.

2) another question: when it appends to the ListboxTo the items are selected per default (they are blue). How can I avoid this?

below is the simple JQuery code I use in aspx,

<asp:ListBox ID="listboxFrom" SelectionMode="Multiple" />
<asp:ListBox ID="listboxTo" SelectionMode="Multiple" />
$(function() {
$('select[id$=dnn_ctr658_ViewAgenda_Invoer_listboxFrom]').bind("dblclick", function() {
$("select[id$=dnn_ctr658_ViewAgenda_Invoer_listboxFrom] option:selected").appendTo("#dnn_ctr658_ViewAgenda_Invoer_listboxTo");
$('select[id$=dnn_ctr658_ViewAgenda_Invoer_listboxTo]').bind("dblclick", function() {
$("select[id$=dnn_ctr658_ViewAgenda_Invoer_listboxTo] option:selected").appendTo("#dnn_ctr658_ViewAgenda_Invoer_listboxFrom");

View 1 Replies

JQuery :: Listbox With Multiple Selectionmode?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a listbox with multiple selectionmode. In this list there is an itme name 'Other'. When user select this alon or with ohter itmes it show div and if it deselect it from his selection it hide the div. when user come to edit the form and if 'Other' is selected in listbox the div should be visible.

<asp:ListBox ID="lstQualification" runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple"
Width="207px" CssClass="lstQualification">

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Can't Select Dropdown List Option If There Is Only One Option Returned

Jun 29, 2010

I have a dynamic dropdown that is populated from sql. The user is supposed to select an option from the dropdown, then click a search button on the form to return some results based on that selection. It works fine if the dropdown gets populated with more than one record. However, if only one record is returned, that one record can't be selected. Whether you select it or just leave it alone since it's the only one, when you click the form button (search button), no results are returned b/c the dropdown selection must not be actually selected.

I've included the relevant code below. First the DDL, then the datasource, and finally the C# code in the if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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Check With Jquery That An Item Is Selected Or Not In Listbox?

Jul 21, 2010

how can i check with jquery that an item is selected or not in listbox?

View 2 Replies

JQuery :: Second Click Did Not Fire On ListBox SelectedChanged

Aug 4, 2010

In my aspx I have this:


And this is what I trigger with jQuery:


The first time select an listboxitem, I got a message raised from alert('ok') but after that no more messages.

I found out that if I remove AutoPostBack="true" in the listbox, then this will fire everytime I select a listbox item => but then I can not get the event at the server to update some controls' contents.

View 4 Replies

ListBox Values Not Posting Changes After JQuery Manipulation?

Sep 3, 2010

have an ASP.Net page with two ListBox components, rendered in the browser as <select> lists. I'm using jQuery to move elements from one list to another by manipulating the DOM. I then select all elements with the mouse and postback the form. That way, all the list elements are posted with the form.When I submit the form, in my button_save() event handler, the Request.Form[<<listbox ID>>] values are correct. However the ListBox controls themselves, specifically their Items collections, do not reflect my changes.I've also used Fiddler to modify the select items and submit the form. Same as above, the ListBox values are no different, though the Request.Form values are. Would anyone know what's going on or what incorrect assumptions I'm making?

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JQuery - Add / Remove Forms And Divs

Apr 6, 2010

I'm sure I've seen examples somewhere before, but I can't seem to find them. I have a page which has 5 buttons. I'd like each button to load up a different form, without refreshing. I could use UpdatePanels, but it sounds overkill for this (and bandwidth-costly). I'd like to load all the forms in one go, so clicking through the buttons essentially hides/shows the relevant forms. I can't do this using the html() method (as-is) since the forms can be quite complicated and contain ASP.NET controls which postback to the server. Instead, I've put the forms in individual divs. I tried doing something like this:

case "button1":
case "button2":

The problem with this is that the old form always remains there, rather than being replaced. Is it possible to attach a div to a given container in JQuery? Or is there another method which may be better?

full code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button").click(function() {
switch ($(this).attr("value")) {
case "button1":
case "button2":
return false; //prevent postback

I'm testing with these divs:

<div class="current_form">
<div id="divForm1" >
This is div 1
<div class="current_form">
<div id="divForm2" >
This is div 2

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JQuery :: Remove DIVs With The Duplicate IDs?

Dec 3, 2010

I have 2 divs with 2 nested divs in them. Let's say div1 contains div11 and div12 and div2 can also contain div11 and div12. I know that this is not normally allowed but I am using jTemplates and they do allow you to print the div11 and div12 twice or more on the same page. The HTML looks like this:

<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>

How do I ensure that I only have one div with the unique ID loaded on the page, so I don't get in any duplicate DIVs. The result should look like this:

<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
Some other text

Is there any way to check for a duplicate ID in either jQuery/javascript language and remove all but one using each or some other method?

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JQuery :: How To Remove Select In List Box

Sep 21, 2010

i crate a list box by database but select is show how to remove this using jquery<td><select name="ListBox1" multiple="multiple" size="8" id="ListBox1">

<option value="">Select</option>
<option value="1001">1001.Ashok</option>
<option value="1002">1002.Rajiv</option>
<option value="1003">1003.Garima</option>
<option value="1012">1012.Akhil</option>
<option value="1011">1011.Nasir</option>
<option value="1006">1006.Ashish</option>
<option value="1004">1004.Tazeen</option>
<option value="1005">1005.Raghav</option>
<option value="1014">1014.Sonal</option>
<option value="1013">1013.Praveen</option>
<option value="1007">1007.Kumud</option>
<option value="1009">1009.Gouda</option>
<option value="1019">1019.Pradeep</option></select>

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