JQuery :: Remove DIVs With The Duplicate IDs?
Dec 3, 2010
I have 2 divs with 2 nested divs in them. Let's say div1 contains div11 and div12 and div2 can also contain div11 and div12. I know that this is not normally allowed but I am using jTemplates and they do allow you to print the div11 and div12 twice or more on the same page. The HTML looks like this:
<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
How do I ensure that I only have one div with the unique ID loaded on the page, so I don't get in any duplicate DIVs. The result should look like this:
<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
Some other text
Is there any way to check for a duplicate ID in either jQuery/javascript language and remove all but one using each or some other method?
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I'm sure I've seen examples somewhere before, but I can't seem to find them. I have a page which has 5 buttons. I'd like each button to load up a different form, without refreshing. I could use UpdatePanels, but it sounds overkill for this (and bandwidth-costly). I'd like to load all the forms in one go, so clicking through the buttons essentially hides/shows the relevant forms. I can't do this using the html() method (as-is) since the forms can be quite complicated and contain ASP.NET controls which postback to the server. Instead, I've put the forms in individual divs. I tried doing something like this:
case "button1":
case "button2":
The problem with this is that the old form always remains there, rather than being replaced. Is it possible to attach a div to a given container in JQuery? Or is there another method which may be better?
full code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button").click(function() {
switch ($(this).attr("value")) {
case "button1":
case "button2":
return false; //prevent postback
I'm testing with these divs:
<div class="current_form">
<div id="divForm1" >
This is div 1
<div class="current_form">
<div id="divForm2" >
This is div 2
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IdTable Notes
1 First
IdTable2 IdTable1 IdDokumen
1 1
2 1 3
3 1 3
4 1 7
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id date total
1 01/01/2011 3
2 01/02/2011 2
3 02/03/2011 5
1 01/01/2011 3
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ID name sport
356 John Football
357 Johny Hockey
357 Johny Hockey
358 mike Soccer
should be:
ID name sport
356 John Football
357 Johny newFoo Hockey
358 mike Soccer
Public Function RemoveDuplicateRows(ByVal dTable As DataTable, ByVal colName As String) As DataTable
Dim hTable As New Hashtable()
Dim duplicateList As New ArrayList()
For Each drow__1 As DataRow In dTable.Rows
If hTable.Contains(drow__1(colName)) Then
hTable.Add(drow__1(colName), String.Empty)
End If
For Each dRow__2 As DataRow In duplicateList
Return dTable
End Function
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name col. age
mary 11
mary 16
Sam 18
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name col age
mary 11
Sam 18
how can i manage the datatable to prevent duplicate name to bind to repeater.
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Oct 18, 2010
suppose I am having sample table like below.
I need to remove duplicate orderid's and i need all column names also while doing query.
note that rows are not in the order. Order will be like this only.
I am able to get the records which are duplicated but not able to delete further.
In this case how to delete?
My consideration is that only distinct orderid's should be there in the table. Not bothering about the which orderid row is being deleted.
name orderid destination
a 1 aaa
d 2 ddd
b 1 bbb
f 3 fff
e 2 eee
g 4 ggg
h 3 hhh
c 1 ccc
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<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqlDdl"
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[Code] ....
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<asp:TemplateField runat="server" HeaderText="Imagen">
<table> <tr>
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12 LS NY
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Dec 13, 2013
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ID name desc rupees
1 Test1 abc 1000
2 Test2 dcf 1000
3 Test3 edf 1000
1 Test1 dcd 1000
2 Test2 dcf 1000
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E.g.: Result will be
name rupees
Test1 2000
Test2 2000
Test3 1000
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Mar 19, 2011
I have a ASP.Net masterpage with jQuery tabs.
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<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="Default.aspx">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="Settings.aspx"">Settings</a></li>
<li><a href="About.aspx">About</a></li>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="Content" runat="server">
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$(document).ready(function () {
What can I do to avoid this?
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Mar 15, 2010
I have a gridview with delete buttons for each record (I've used AccessDataSource). I have loaded the data in and have many duplicate records.
I just want to use the delete button delete each duplicate record while remains many duplicate records. For example:
I used the following query to load in duplicate records:
SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ([ControlA] IN (SELECT [ControlA] FROM TableA GROUP BY [ControlA] HAVING (COUNT [ControlA]) > 1)))
ID ControlA PIN# FaceValue Date
delete 76637 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 72722 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 76638 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
delete 72723 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
What is the query to delete single duplicate record instead of deleting all duplicate records?
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Sep 15, 2010
i want remove the select using jquery how do it
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Sep 21, 2010
i crate a list box by database but select is show how to remove this using jquery<td><select name="ListBox1" multiple="multiple" size="8" id="ListBox1">
<option value="">Select</option>
<option value="1001">1001.Ashok</option>
<option value="1002">1002.Rajiv</option>
<option value="1003">1003.Garima</option>
<option value="1012">1012.Akhil</option>
<option value="1011">1011.Nasir</option>
<option value="1006">1006.Ashish</option>
<option value="1004">1004.Tazeen</option>
<option value="1005">1005.Raghav</option>
<option value="1014">1014.Sonal</option>
<option value="1013">1013.Praveen</option>
<option value="1007">1007.Kumud</option>
<option value="1009">1009.Gouda</option>
<option value="1019">1019.Pradeep</option></select>
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