How To Retrive Value Of Dynamic Control
Apr 21, 2010i am creating dynamic text box and dropdownlist on one DropDownList7_SelectedIndexChanged event like this code
i am creating dynamic text box and dropdownlist on one DropDownList7_SelectedIndexChanged event like this code
I use 4 + c#,I have a GridView with many rows.When a User click the EDIT button in GridView I need to retrieve a Control in that specific row (now in edit mode).This Logic should work on GridEvent_RowUpdatingAt the moment my code (wrong) look inside every Row, so the Control founded is not unique and I receive an error.
// Event handler
protected void uxManageSponsoredContentsDisplayer_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
// My code (Wrong!!!!):
foreach (GridViewRow row in uxManageSponsoredContentsDisplayer.Rows)
TextBox uxStartDate = (TextBox)row.FindControl("uxEffectiveStartDateInput");
Hope my question is clear. Solution:
TextBox uxStartDate = (TextBox)uxManageSponsoredContentsDisplayer.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("uxEffectiveStartDateInput");
how to write sql query to retrive data as follows....
've a table with two columns..
brno brname
100 hyd,hyderabad
102 cni,chennai
03 mm,mumbai
104 kalk,kolkata
I have 5 radiobuttonlists and 5 checkboxlists and all are the product parts.I have table parts this values:
All radiobuttonlists and checkboxlist popluate from the database.comapring product productgroup and productvalue.after customer seleted items from these radiobutton list and checkboxlists iwant to create it as record to sttore in diffrent table with the all selected item + total that in future we just serch record and we get it with and induval price and total price and seleted item.also its show image on selted items too.I dont know how to do it , I have MS ACESS database.I am using C# am working on it since last week.I dont know how i start it. I want to show image when it retrive the record which is customer seleted.
I have created one class as Employee.
Then i created properties, as below
and same properties to be used while retriving data from sql server.
I want to create a temp table to store data in a stored procedure and then then retrive it from the code.
I need to save the data in the begining before it is deleted.And then after the inserts are done I want to update the tblcontactlist by referring to the temp table.
We have a Datalist in which we have some data, with every Item we have a button control, What i want to achieve is that on the button click, the data related to that particluar row of Datalist is fetched whose Button control is clicked. How to accomplish this, The problem is how to attach the button control with values related in that partucular row, Note that I am using ArrayList as the Datasource since I am enabling pading via pageDataSource class...
View 1 Repliesusing the control in web application.
View 1 RepliesI am creating two dynamic control and i need use the break line after each control. When i am trying response.write("<br>") in the behind code file it is not working. and my all controls get mixed and look very ugly.
how i can print each control in different line. i am printing more than 8 control using loop.
i developed a custom control (inherited from System.Web.UI.UserControl) which is used within a Gridview's TemplateField:
NumberOfControls='<%# Eval("Count")%>' />
"Count" is an integer value from the GridView Datasource.
Based on this value i have to create some LinkButtons dynamically in my custom control (in Page_Init), which works very well when the value for NumberOfControls is hard-coded.
My problem is that the value of "Count" is not available (NumberOfControls = null) during Page_Init and therefore i can't decide how many controls there should be generated.
Is there any way to pass databinded values to custom controls so that they can be used earlier (as if the values were hard-coded)?
i'm trying to issue a select command in my app soi could execute the command and retrive the data into a string variable.the problem is that this command is overloaded with DataSourceSelectArgument and i can't figure out what it is.i'm using sql server express and when issue a n insert command for example sq.Insert(); i have no problems.this the command that's holding me:
SqlDataSource sq = new SqlDataSource();
sq.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerDatabaseConnectionString1"].ToString();
sq.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
sq.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM CustomerTable where customerID = 1";
string result = sq.Select(some overload that's stopping me);
I need to create a reusable custom control,which is like a form containing a listbox and some fields.The fields can be either textbox or combobox as needed for different applications,which can be selected on the property of the form onwhich page that i am using it,also i needed to specify the number of fields in that property.And also need place 3 buttons below for edit and delete the selected item in the listbox and a button to save.Data will be binded from the database as needed for different applications.
tell me with code how to create it using server control in C#.
I understand I need to load my dynmaic control on every postback and preferrably in Page_Init(). But my dyanmic controls are loaded from a dropdownlist selectedindexchanged event handler. Now after any postback, my dynamic controls are gone. How would I force it to load on every postback ?
View 2 RepliesI just did this to add Control To Page dynamic:
TextBox TB = new TextBox();
I have a control that inherits CompositeDataBoundControl. Based on the values of the bound data, I create som dynamic controls. In order to preserve state, I need to recreate the control tree on every request(from CreateChildControls):
The problem is that on postback the PaymentMethod object is null, so I have no method of knowing what kind of control to recreate. That means that the control state is ruined. If I hardcode the type of payment control to make, it works as expected:
UserControl userCtrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl("~/WAF/View/VisitControls/Shop/CreditCardForm.ascx");
userCtrl.ID = "CreditCardForm";
how I can find out what payment method is used, so that I can create the correct control on postback?
I want to dynamically add a web user control to a web form. Everything I've read so implies that I should be able to use the PlaceHolder web server control for this, yet I cannot this to work. I've created a simple test to just try to master this concept, yet I can only get non-web user controls added. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Below is the entirety of my code.
.aspx Page:
.aspx.cs Page
.ascx for TestControl
.ascx.cs for TestControl
I am not able to find any Site which will tell how to use Dynamicvalidator control in 3.5 from scratch.
View 2 Replieswhen I click 'create new site' link/button it will redirect me to some page and ask me some questions related to that site which I am about to create .. At the moment it display me question and for input their respective control like to choosing category it display me drop down list ... for business name textbox is displayed. and so on ...
So my question is how can I do the same task ? that is what ever the question is their respective control is displayed for getting information ..
I am iterating through an array:
Dim dbConfig As New pbu_housingEntities
Dim possible() As String = {"FROD", "FRCD", "SOOD", "SOCD", "JROD", "JRCD", "SROD", "SRCD", "SR5OD", "SR5CD"}
For Each value As String In possible
Dim current_value = value
Dim exists = From p In dbConfig.Configs _
Where p.Description = current_value
Select p
If exists.Count.Equals(0) Then
Dim create As New Config
create.Description = current_value
Dim update_query = (From p In dbConfig.Configs _
Where p.Description = current_value _
Select p)
update_query.First.Description = current_value
update_query.First.dateValue =
End If
Towards the end of the array you can see update_query.First.dateValue =, I'd like to do something like this: update_query.First.dateValue = "txt" + current_value + ".Text" But I don't want it to return the literal txtcurrent_value.Text, but rather to return the text value of txtcurrent_value.Text. This is easy to do, if you know each control name - but in this case I'm iterating, otherwise I could do:
update_query.First.dateValue = txtNameofControl.Text
how I can find and set enabled = false to a control I have created dynamically previously?
View 3 RepliesCan i know that how can i get a dynamic dropdownlist controls's value after postback?
View 5 RepliesI have a custom control which contains (amongst other things) an imageButton.
I'm adding a handler to the "click" event of the imageButton however when the button is clicked the handler routine is not called. where I am going wrong with this? should I be handling the click event in some other way?
here is my code:
this is my code and i want to know how i add some code to delete dynamic control(textbox and button) when user click delete button.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Globalization;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
Session["arrayTextBox"] = null;
Session["arrayButton"] = null;
protected void CreateTextBox()
List<TextBox> arrayTextBox = new List<TextBox>();
List<Button> arrayButton = new List<Button>();
if (TextBox1.Text != "")............................
I am creating dynamic controls... i.e. ddl
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
ddl.DataSource = data;
ddl.ID = id;
ddl.DataValueField = "Key";
ddl.DataTextField = "Value";
Loading the controls to the placeholder.
Selecting a value and clicking the button, doing postback, I want to capture the value selected in the ddl. I was using "FindControl method" but it is not working, I guess because the controls are created dynamically and will not show due to stateless HTTP.
How else can I capture the values? Is there away?
the problem i that I'm filling a static table with dynamic rows, cells and controls. Add control to cell, add cell to row, loop, add cell to row, loop, add cell to row, loop, add row to table, loop etc etc. After a user makes a selection, the table should clear and repopulate with new data. The thing is, when the next set of data loads it seems the first text box in the first cell retains old data... I've checked the procedure and stepped through where the box is loaded into the cell... all appears fine. 'm doing a table.rows.clear() before re-population and I'm guessing I'm not dropping the controls?
View 9 Replies