How To Store Record And How To Retrive It With The Total Price

Feb 4, 2011

I have 5 radiobuttonlists and 5 checkboxlists and all are the product parts.I have table parts this values:



All radiobuttonlists and checkboxlist popluate from the database.comapring product productgroup and productvalue.after customer seleted items from these radiobutton list and checkboxlists iwant to create it as record to sttore in diffrent table with the all selected item + total that in future we just serch record and we get it with and induval price and total price and seleted item.also its show image on selted items too.I dont know how to do it , I have MS ACESS database.I am using C# am working on it since last week.I dont know how i start it. I want to show image when it retrive the record which is customer seleted.

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Web Forms :: Checkboxlist Not Getting Added To Total Price

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Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
NewPrice.Text = Format(473, "currency")
Dim Proc, Ram, Hd, Cd, Window, Mon As Integer
Dim li As ListItem
Dim sumList As Integer = 0
If processor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
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If Memory.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If Memory.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Ram = Memory.SelectedItem.Value
If HardDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If HardDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Hd = HardDrive.SelectedItem.Value
If CdDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If CdDrive.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Cd = CdDrive.SelectedItem.Value
If os.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If os.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Window = os.SelectedItem.Value
If Monitor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
If Monitor.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Mon = Monitor.SelectedItem.Value
If Storage.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
For Each li In Storage.Items
If li.Selected Then
sumList += li.Value
End If
End If
NewPrice.Text = Format(473 + Proc + Ram + Hd + Cd + Window + Mon + sumList, "currency")
End Sub

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GridView id="grdCustomer"
void Data()
qry = "select * from customer order by customerId DESC";
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I would like to Calculate total time from a records in a table.

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Field1 Field2
IN 08:00:00
OUT 12:30:00
IN 13:00:00
OUT 17:00:00

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(dtgCustomerSearch.PageCount - 1) * (dtgCustomerSearch.PageSize) + dtgCustomerSearch.Items.Count

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var debtProtectionId = 0
// get the selected id of debt protection dropdown
if (mainPanel.generalPanel.calculationsFieldSet.debtProtection.getValue() != '') {
debtProtectionId = mainPanel.generalPanel.calculationsFieldSet.debtProtection.getValue();
// get the store record with this id
var storeRecord = planCombinationsStore.getAt(debtProtectionId)

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What I want to do is to store new article and for each article choose a category..

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1. Article table : ArticleID - int , Article - nvarchar(max) .......

2. Categories table : CategoryID - int , CategoryName - nvarchar(150)

3. Article_Categories : ArticleCategoryID - int , ArticleID - int , CategoryID - int (And I set up relation in this table...)

I can store data into tables 1 and 2 that is working fine.. But I stuck with Table 3.

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protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Add new Category (working fine)

string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
string insertSql = "INSERT INTO Categories(catname) VALUES(@catname)";

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GridView id="grdCustomer"
void Data()
qry = "select * from customer order by customerId DESC";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = DBUtil.getTable(qry);
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
grdCustomer.DataSource = ds;
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In my online web-application User is inserting new records and when user enters record system gets current datetime (using below query) and insert into table.

INSERT INTO Gponmig(Customer_Name, Contact_Mob_No, Sector, Plot, flat, Building_LandMark, Sr_No, Adsl_Acc_No, Del_Acc_No, Mig_Requirment, Reseller, Sales_Remarks, Userid, Dept, Date)

VALUES (@Customer_Name,@Contact_Mob_No,@Sector,@Plot,@flat,@Building_LandMark,@Sr_No,@Adsl_Acc_No,@Del_Acc_No,@Mig_Requirment,@Reseller,@Sales_Remarks,@Userid,@Dept,


User entered data at 12:27 PM but system recorded 12:27 AM.

I couldn't find why?

It is confirmed by the user that he didn't worked midnight.


The system should insert correct time.

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Result = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

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How To Write Sql Query To Retrive Data

Aug 16, 2010

how to write sql query to retrive data as follows....
've a table with two columns..

brno brname
100 hyd,hyderabad
102 cni,chennai
03 mm,mumbai
104 kalk,kolkata

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Data Controls :: Calculate Total And Grand Total In GridView With TextBox Using JQuery

Jan 1, 2014

I have 5 fields i want when i enter rupess n 4 fields it will someup n give me total in fifth field how can i do this?

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SQL Reporting :: Matrix - Add A Total At The Bottom Of The Report To Total Each Column Group?

Feb 25, 2010

I have the matrix in the image below. I need to add a total at the bottom of the report to total each column group (total AR,TAK,EU etc).

If i had a subtotal it totals each row separately. I need the grand total. Is this possible?


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