1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.
2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.
If I write the loadcontrol code in link_click event, the control is not recognized at all in the button_click event. When I shift it to page_init and execute only during not postback, the user control loads with default values.
There is a bug in jQuery 1.4.2 that makes change event on select-element getting fired twice when using both DOM-event and a jQuery event, and this only on IE7/8.Here is the test code:
This causes alot of trouble for us in our application cause we use both ASP.NET-events mixed with jQuery and once you hook up a change event on any element every select (dropdown) gets this double firing problem.
I have a link button in a repeater control. the li element is drag and droppable using jquery. when the page loads the the link button works perfectly, the jquery that is attached and the server side code both execute. when I perform a drag and drop then click on the link button it doesnt not fire. when i click it a second time it does fire. If i perform 2 or drag and drops in a row the link button doesnt fire a as many drag adn drops as i before it will fire. for example if if perform 3 drag and drops then it will take about 3 click before the events are fired.
I need to databind the gridview inside the Ajax UpdatePanel each time user types letter inside my TextBox control. How to override the TextChange event to force it do postback for me?
<script type="text/javascript"> function ace1_itemSelected(sender, e) { var hdCustID = $get('<%= hdCustID.ClientID %>'); hdCustID.value = e.get_value(); </script> [code]...
i have 2 buttons, one is used to add data to database another is used to rest the form using jquery. now my doubt is after added data into database i want to call that jquery reset button event, how do i call from code-behind?
I would like to select an element that is in the same TR as another element I found with a selector. The selector itself: $("input[name='sMessageValue']","#messageTable") Now I have this element and got its value I would like to find a checkbox located in the same TR, i tried this as starting point : $(this).(':parent').val(). But seems not the right thing to do.
I have a small website where I want to display a confirmation dialog after clicking on a button.
When you click the confirmButton the dialog appears. Then you can choose between Yes or No to either continue with the PostBack or to return.
Problem: The first time you get into the site all works fine. But after you click Yes to continue with the PostBack, no click event will be triggered anymore.
Okay after some further investigation it seems that this does work as expected when i run it in a standalone page, however we are using this script, and it appears that it is causing a conflict..
That script moves any href='javascript:... into the click handler, im guessing that the order the handlers are assigned may have something to do with it...
I wonder if there is anyway to actually add a HTML element before or/and after the actuall <a>-element thats rendered by the Menu control. For instance I whould like my out put HTML to look like
Is there a way where I can actually view the name of a post back element? Below code goves me an alert but all it says is "object HTMLSelectElement". In my case it should be DropDownList3 based upon a "selectedindexchanged" event with autoppostback=true.
Code: var pbControl = null; pbControl = args.get_postBackElement(); alert(pbControl); var ExecutingControl = "DropDownList3" if (ExecutingControl == pbControl) { alert("DropDownList3 - is the post back element");
I am trying to get my ListView to select the item that was clicked.
I have it working with a CommandButton in the listViewItem, but I would like to have the item select when the user clicks anywhere on the row.
I need to somehow PostBack or otherwise get the ListView to return to the server and re-bind with data. I just don't know enough about client-side script to get this done.
This is the HTML client-side code of interest. Specifically, the onClick event.
One site would take data from the site var. C# PostBack method.But when the page's source code as submitted does not renewed. Object Can not Be Coming Referanced error. So I do post but the page refresh itself. This post has been displayed next to new data coming from the user how can I get?
how to jquery call a other call function other class is not static
[WebMethod] public static bool Verify(string username, string password) //Do your logic with username, password here //I am just checking with admin/admin credentials Console.WriteLine("Ritu"); [code]...
I have 2 textboxes and a submit button inside a .net composite server control. I tried to only postback when submit button is clicked. I set autopostback = false for both textboxes. But either one still trigger submit button's onclick event by hitting "Enter" inside textbox. How can I stop postback by enter key?