How To Check Certain Condition

Aug 9, 2010

I have a event ServerStateReceived here checking condition of 4 servers whether they are UP or Down is going on.Here if flag ReadySent = true and 4 servers DOWN(Both are rare condition in a typical scenario) there will be a logic so that cotrol will go to the calling function only after all servers became UP here is bit of code


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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: How To Check Condition In Check Box

Jun 22, 2010

i have one problem. i wrote the coding for the gridview binding and the checkbox. but at the run time, we cannot able to get

the value in the checkbox..

for (int i = 0; i <= GridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
if (((CheckBox)GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("CheckBox1")).Checked == true)
c = "true";
cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into attenancedetail values(" + Studentid_txt.Text + ",'" + Studentname_txt.Text + "','" + DepartmentDdl1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "','" + Sectionddl2.SelectedIndex.ToString() + "','" + Label2.Text + "','"
+ c + "')", con);

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C# - How To Check The CheckBox In A GridView Based On Condition

Jan 11, 2011

I have four textbox fields for ItemName, ItemDescription, Length and Quantity.

One radiobuttonlist and its listitems are FixedLength and Random Length.

One button field called Submit and one gridview.

In the GridView I have 4 bound columns and 1 template column such as ItemName, ItemDescription, Length, Quantity and IsFixed_f(flag field). I have added one checkbox in the GridView's Template column for the IsFixed_f field.

After entering all textbox fields, I have to select either one listitem in the radiobuttonlist(FixedLength or RandomLength). After completing these things. If I enter the Submit button, all the values in the textbox to be displayed under the GridView's corresponding column name and checkbox to be checked if FixedLength listitem is selected otherwise the checkbox.checked should be false. How to do this?

In the Button Click event, i have used like this


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Check With Accepted Date - Disable Edit Button If Condition In Another Column Is Met?

Aug 9, 2010

I need to check for two differect text to make the Edit button inactive. For example, I need to make the button inactive when the ActionTypeName field has value either Accepted date or Received date. I can do one check with Accepted date but not both.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Date Field When Check Box Check In Detailsview

Jul 15, 2010

I have a detailsview with an update button one of the update fields is a checkbox which when is checked I want to automatically update a date field of when the checkbox was checked, am I going the right way with this code....... as I am getting a number of errors

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To detailsview2.Rows.Count - 1 Step i + 1
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(i) [code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck And Check The Check Box Inside Gridview Using Button?

Nov 12, 2010

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same with when i click on DOWN button the checkbox below the selected checkbox should be selected.

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Forms Data Controls :: Check The Check Box In The ItemDataBound Event Or Will It Get Checked Automatically?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a check box in the grid.IF IsChecked has a value checkbox should be checked else not.Should i check the check box in the ItemDataBound event or will it get checked automatically.

<asp:DataGrid Runat="server" ID="gridProduct" AllowPaging="True">
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Employee Name">[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck / Check A Check Box Inside The Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

I have a grid view with two column has a no. like (123) and a check box....which user can checked or unchecked......all I need to do is that I need to disable the man handling of that check box......rather I would like to see a seperate grid view with the same no. of rows as of the first and in this gridview I may allow to type in or scan the no. and if this scanned or typed number matches any no. in the first gridview number then the corresponding check box should be checked/unchecked.

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Check Boxes In Check Box Selection?

Feb 11, 2011

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Web Forms :: Unable To Check Whether Dynamically Created Check Is Checked Or Not

Aug 16, 2010

i generated dynamic checkbox n placed it in table cell( <td runat='server' id="trial"></td>) ,

i am not able to check whether check is checked when i click a button.

i recieve exeception :System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code


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Nov 22, 2010

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Javascript - Check Box Validation For Atleast One Check Box Should Cheked In .net

Feb 22, 2011

I have form having 4 check boxes. not check box list. these 4 check boxes having the ValidationGroup property with same name say "chkValied". I have added Custom Validator there. now want to check at least on check box should be check out of these.

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Check Box/check Box List Server Side Validation In MVC 2?

Jun 28, 2010

How to validate check box/ check box list in Model?

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Web Forms :: Check Box Group / Code To Allow User Only Check One?

Nov 22, 2010

There are 10 check boxes in one page. How to code to allow user only check one?

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How To Check All Check Boxes Are Checked Or Not In A Gridview

Dec 3, 2010

finding all check boxes in grid view is checked or not.

Depending on this I have to grayed out a button...

I have to enable the button depending on all check boxes are checked..

how to do this and on which event i have to place my code.

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Web Forms :: Handle Check Out - Check In Documents?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm now working with a project of document management system using web forms. I want to handle the checkout/in concept , I don't know how to make it, how to download the file to user local machine in the checkout , and then upload from his local machine again to the server in the check in. ِAny body can tell me how this works?

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When To Use The Try Catch Condition

Feb 23, 2010

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MVC :: Linq Include With Condition?

Mar 1, 2010

i have function

public Menu Details(int? id)
return _dataContext.Menu.Include("ChildMenu").FirstOrDefault(m => m.MenuId == id);

now i need to add condition to child list ChildMenu something like fieldname=id. how can i do it?

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Find Date According To The Condition?

Nov 25, 2010

I have Start date and accordingly find out end date

eg.if startdate=1/1/2010 then enddate=1/2/2010 for this use


NOw if startdate = 28/2/2010 the output shuold be 31/3/ to do this?

Here enddate=startdate.AddMonths(1) gives o/p=28/3/2010 but i want o/p shuold 31/3/2010.

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When To Check If Something Is Nothing? How To Check An Empty Textbox

Oct 15, 2010

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Now I know this works.. but what is the right way to have this? I don't want to be checking something twice instead of just having it written out once.

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Sep 21, 2010

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Mar 23, 2011

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C# - Show Data In Gridview Using Condition

May 19, 2010

I want to check a condition in a grid view e.g.

query = select * from memberlist;
query = select * from memberlist where memberid like 'operator%';

depending on the query ther grid view will display the listof members and also where to put this code in .cs or .aspx and how?

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Aug 27, 2010

Im working on an source code with an sql query in a VAR type like var query = select ... from ... where ... ; is it possible to add an dynamic "where clause" like string condition = "where x.x > x.y"; e.g. var query = select ... from ... + condition;

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Nov 29, 2010


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