How To Create Our Own Exception Message

May 31, 2010

how can we create our own exception message ? for example i want to disply the message "Database Is not Connected" on the intrupption of database connectivity.

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Similar Messages:

Security :: Create User Wizard Login Error Message Dont Show In A Message Box?

Aug 19, 2010

i am using create user wizard and capturing other information within content template when a new userregisters. Some of the textboxes are binded to required field validators.there is a validation control on the page and ShowMessage box is True.If they dont complete some of the text boxes then the message box pops Up with the error message.It does not however include information errors like "User already exists" or Email address already existsfrom the create user wizard membership UserName and Password Textboxesis it possilbe to hook all of these up so I get one message box with all errors including membership ones?

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Throwing Exception To Get A Message Back To UI?

Feb 3, 2010

I have an application with separate classes for business logic and database interaction and then of course the UI. I am building a form to add a widget to a widget list table in the database. My UI collects the information and submits it to the business class. I'm going to write the business class to first double check that the widget has a name (I know I should do this in UI with validation, and I will, but this is just in case validation is forgotten) and if it does, go ahead and send the information to the database class. The database class will then attempt to write the info to the correct table using a try catch finally block. Any errors caught here are logged and then rethrown so I can inform the user. So, knowing that my database class may rethrow an error, my business class code will also be written in a try catch finally block.

So at this point I have a number of possible outcomes that I want to inform the user via the UI:

1) Everything was fine and the widget was added.

2) Something happened with the database write and the user should try again later.

3) The user forgot to name the widget.

My question is: should I write my UI in a try catch block and then throw a custom Exception with an Exception.Message in the business layer if anything goes wrong, or just have my business logic return a string that is the message? I'll want to know if the process was successful or not, because I'll want to format the actual message differently, so I'd have to use if...elseif to determine if the message was bad or not.

It seems like throwing a custom Exception in the business layer may be a good way to tell the UI something bad happened. If the UI doesn't catch anything then of course the operation was successful. Then again throwing an exception for missing data seems a bit hefty.

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Pass Exception Message To Label On Another Page

May 3, 2013

I catch an exception, how can I use the exception message in another page? How can I pass this exception message into a label on another page? In order so I can have the exception message displayed with my own material. Catch ex As Exception ex.Message 'pass this message of the exception so it can be used in a different page.

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Global.asax File Not Giving Exception Message?

Sep 28, 2010

Here's my problem I have some code and I'm using it to send an e-mail with the last error details but all I want is the (Inner)Exception Message to be displayed in the email with the URL

Here's my code


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WCF / ASMX :: The Formatter Threw An Exception While Trying To Deserialize The Message

Sep 9, 2010

I have

public interface IBusiness

Add client: [Code]....

But......... the result

Error:The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'UpdateLanguage'. The token '"' was expected
but found '''.'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is:

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.OperationFormatter.DeserializeRequest(Message message, Object[] parameters) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DemultiplexingDispatchMessageFormatter.DeserializeRequest(Message message, Object[] parameters) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.UriTemplateDispatchFormatter.DeserializeRequest

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C# - Dynamicdata Validation Exception Message Caught In JavaScript, Not DynamicValidator

Feb 12, 2010

I have a page here with a few list views on it that are all bound to Linq data sources and they seem to be working just fine.I want to add validation such that when a checkbox (IsVoid on the object) is checked, comments must be entered (VoidedComments on the object).

Here's the bound object's OnValidate method:

partial void OnValidate(ChangeAction action)
if (action == ChangeAction.Update) [code]....

Despite there being a dynamic validator on the page referencing the same ValidationGroup as the dynamic control, when the exception fires, it's caught in JavaScript and the debugger wants to break in. The message is never delivered to the UI as expected.

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Web Forms :: How To Pass Exception Message To Custom Error Page

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to passing Exception info tpa custom error page that I have created, and I'm looking for the best way to do so.I ended up creating a session object on my Global.asax page, and I pass the error data to the session object during the Application_Error event, but it throws it's own exception prior to working.


I have also updated my web.config with my error page that I would like to pass session object data to:


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Way To Capture Unique Constraint Exception And Provide User-friendly Message

May 4, 2010

Using 2005 and SQL Server 2005:I have a unique constraint setup to prevent users from entering duplicate email addresses in my online system.When a user tries to edit an existing email to one that already exists (add a duplicate) it shows the following<ERROR>Cannot insert duplicate key row in ojbect "dbo.someTableName" with unique index.....The statement has been terminated This prevents the user from adding duplicates which is good but I would like to provide a more user friendly exception message and I do not want to show the table and field names to the user.

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Web Forms :: Display Message Details In Modal Popup When Exception Occurs

Feb 13, 2013

Handling the exception in

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Winform Control Hosted In IE, FileIO Security Exception / How To Solve This Error Message

Nov 4, 2010

I see a message on:

winform control hosted in IE, FileIO security exception.

I have got the same problem, which I cannot figure out what is the solution for weeks.

I have Windows 7 (Home premium edition), framework 3.5 (how can I check that, if gacutil is correct version, if it metters, anyway ...)

I am writting on C#.

Also on assemblyInfo.cs :


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Import Excel File To Sql Using Bulkcopy / Exception Message: 'C:MyTest.xls' Is Not A Valid Path

Mar 2, 2011

I have been able to import an excel file sql bulkcopy locally. But when I publish the code to the server I get the following error messages:

Exception Message: 'C:MyTest.xls' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

Exception Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine

Here is code:


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AJAX :: Handle And Display Exception Error Message During Update Panel Partial PostBack

May 7, 2015

I want handle exceptions in update panel control with c#.

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Throwing Exception Message Giving Internal Server Error HTTP Code 500 On Live Site

Oct 4, 2010

using 2005

when a user enters a bad email I am doing a check on this and throwing an exception message as follows, this works fine on the test site but for some reason the same code on the live site gives a "internal server error" (http code 500). The code below:


not certain why this is happening, I assume that it's some server or config difference between the test and live sites. has anyone seen this before? For a quick fix i'm registering javascript alert and showing the same text so it works but I would like to figure out why the code above is not working.

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Localization :: Change Exception Message Language To English Without Changing The Users Language?

Jun 24, 2010

how can i change exception message language to English without changing the users language


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Web Forms :: Display Complete Exception Details And Error Message On Custom Error Page

Jul 2, 2012

I am trying to handle the unhandled exceptions in my project.I tried with this following code in my web.config filebut it is not at all redirecting to an error page which i have created instead of that it is throwing an exception in my code itselef. How to print the error description over therein my custom error page.

<sys.web>......<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error.aspx"></customErrors>...</sys.web>

And even i tried in Global.asax page in Application_Error() method like below

 Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();Response.Redirect("~/Error.aspx?errmsg="+ex.message);Server.ClearError();

And in my Error.aspx.cs page i have placed a label and i have written code like this

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {

But it is not getting redirected my error page and not displaying anything on it.

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How To Create ActiveX Security Exception

Jan 19, 2010

try to create a activex. if i use printdocument class it will throw security exception on client side. how to assign print permission for a assembly?

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C# - Create A Exception In Authorization Tag In Web.config?

Jun 14, 2010

How i create a exception in location to allow access to page GanttViewer.aspx with other rol and others pages only with Admin rol

<location path="Admin">
<allow roles="Admin"/>
<deny users="*"/>

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Aug 16, 2010

I was created webservice which has a Method:


Then, in my aspx page, i call that method in javascript, but i get a Exception message is "Authentication Failed", code below:


How to resolve this problem?

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Web Forms :: Want To Create An Exception Forhtmlencode Function?

Jul 24, 2010

to create an exception forhtmlencode function?i mean for example for these two <br /> / &nbps;. i need to preserve html break line and space character. bu if user type something like <script></script> sure i need to encode for security...

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Mar 19, 2010

I am writing queries with CONVERT function. I have more than 200 columns in query. I am processing each row and write it to file.I need to log all errors occured during process. I need to capture column which is causing exception (Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar.) and log it in other file and send to administrator.

How can I get Column which is causing exception?

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Web Forms :: How To Create Alert Message Box In VB

Mar 11, 2010

How to create a alert message box in VB.Net? Click the "Reset" button, alert message will popup like "Do you want to reset your password?"if yes, it will reset.If no, come out.write a vb coding.


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create Soap Message From Wsdl

Feb 3, 2011

I am having one requirement, how to create soap message from wsdl file in .net.

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WCF / ASMX :: Can Create SOAP Request Message With Attachment Or SwA

Feb 26, 2010

I will create my web application to connect ebMS (electronic business messaging service) and it was developed by java.

That ebMS is Hermes H2O .It has provide Web Service that cummunicate via SOAP Request and Response Message.

Example, Call Send Message Service via ebms have url Service Endpoint: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/corvus/httpd/ebms/sender

this is soap request message

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Web Forms :: Create Customize Message Boards In Page?

Jan 4, 2010

I want to create customize message boards in my page, and i create the same:

But i don´t know which is better cotrol for this, gridview or repiter control or other control...whit styles??

I had searched in google and not found nothing, which is the correct name in English?

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