How To Expand The Subgrid In Mvc

Mar 10, 2010

in the first column of the grid view having + symbol so that i can expand the grid to see subgrid.. but now problem is I need to have a button in the bottom of the grid to expand all the gridview subgrid at a time.

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Expand The Subgrid Under Gridview?

Mar 10, 2010


the above link example i have the same grid with subgrid I need to place the button under the Gridview to expand all the subgrid at a time..

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Web Forms :: How To Expand TreeView

Mar 22, 2010

I am using Tree view to display Categories & SubCategories under it. It's working fine. to create a Tree View I had used,

Problem is that I want my TreeView to be expanded. How can one do that? Moreover, From another page when I click a Product, I want that in treeView that Category(under which Product falls), should be expanded & node(ie selected Product) should be highlighted.

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C# - Force .net Dropdownlist To Expand?

Aug 27, 2010

I have an ASP.NET data bound dropdownlist which is populated based on the contents of a textbox. After it is populated I would like to expand the dropdownlist automatically, so that the user realizes that a choice needs to be made and doesn't need to click on the dropdown to expand it. There doesn't seem to be a property or method do do this.

EDIT: After trying out Ed B's example, I am still stuck. The id of my ddl is 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder9_ddlContact'. If I put the following in the onclick event of a button, it works fine, the dropdown expands nicely:


However, the following code in the Databound event of the ddl shows the alert but doesn't expand the dropdown:

string script = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> ";
script += "alert('expanding');document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder9_ddlContact').size=10 </SCRIPT>";
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "Dropdown", script);

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Treeview Default Expand?

Apr 17, 2012

how I can set a default view for a treeview. meaning I have a treeview created and has some data in it. when the page first loads it just shows the treeview. I need to actually display the very first node's data. So i have the treeview, with a parent node and 3 child nodes. I need to dynamically get the the parentnode and then get the first child node and display that data without clicking. I could just hard code the path in, but since this is still in development more nodes will be added and there for the order could change.

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Web Forms :: Expand A Particular Node On Treeview

Jun 22, 2010

What I am acheiving is a simple treeview which will have a tree structure

-- xx
Simple stuff !. Here is the code

TreeNode tree1 = new TreeNode("dir1", "", "", "dir1", "");
TreeNode node = new TreeNode("xx", "xx");
TreeNode tree2 = new TreeNode("dir2", "", "", "dir2", "");

Now I want to do is collapse all the tree and find a particular node e.g dir1xx
I have put the code

tree.FindNode("dir1").Select(); <-- falls over

but it falls over on the 2nd line with object not set

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How To Do Treeview Expand/collapse In JavaScript

Feb 22, 2010

in my treeview if i click one parent node then it should be extended if i click again on that node it should be collapsed in treeview...

is any javascript availabe for this? or any code in selected node changed?

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AJAX :: Accordion Control Not Expand?

Dec 31, 2010

I have this accordion control but it not expand



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Web Forms :: Expand DropDownList After Postback?

Mar 1, 2011

I would like to expand dropdownlist after onfocus postback. There is some code that runs when OnFocus is fired off then it needs to stay expanded so the user can select an item from dropdownlist. Currently it expands and contracts real fast when user clicks the dropdownlist, then the user has to click it again to select an item.

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AJAX :: Expand Accordion In Code-behind?

Apr 21, 2010

using 2005:

After adding a new record using a stored procedure I want to expand the accordian which is inside an inner grid so that the user can see what was just added, I'm rebinding the gridview which works but when I set the SelectedIndex = 0 that does not expand the accordian. Do I need to do this in Javascript? My codebehind that I'm trying (but not working) is here:


View 9 Replies

JQuery :: Textbox Expand When Focused?

Mar 8, 2011

I want my textbox to expand, say, from height=20 to 40px when I clicked on the textbox or when it's focused. Below are my codes.


CSS code:


I also wanted to allow the user to manually drag/adjust the textbox's height as he/she desires.

View 12 Replies

AJAX :: Collapse And Expand A Div / Panel?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a updatepanel and div within it. I want to collapse and expand the panel/div on image button click. I tried 3 options

1. Collapsible panel: This is not smooth it closes and opens in intervals bit by bit

2. Accordian: I tried using it in a simple example which worked fine but it didnt work in the project. In the div there are many nested divs and updatepanels. is this a reason that it didnt work in my project?

3. Giving a image button and writing code in cs file on button clickevent to display:none/block the div.

Option 3 worked, but on click of the image button, the button shifts or the background panel shifts the position, hence the panel and image button are not inline(not in the same position as before)

Also, since we are using ASP.NET 3.5 and Ajax, option 1 or 2 looks good but they are not working as expected.

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AJAX :: Accordion Control Cannot Collapse Or Expand?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm new to the Ajax Control Tool Kits and I was trying to use the accordion control which is cool according to

its sample.

I followed this video tutorials, however after I created the simple demo, the accordion control doesn't collapse or expand. It just didn't respond to my clicks.

Following is my code and I've trimmed is as simple as possible.


View 9 Replies

AJAX :: Can Panel Automatically Expand Or Collapse

Aug 2, 2010

I added it and when the user clicks on the panel(working as header) then the collapsing/expanding of another panel(working for displaying the content) works great.All of it happens in the client side;i.e;no need of server side code.But now i want to change it a bit.All i want to do is when the mouse curser moves in/out of the panel(which is the header) then the panel(working for displaying the content) should automatically expand/collapse respectively.

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AJAX :: How To Expand A Collapsible Panel At The Same Time

Aug 29, 2010

I have four collapsile panels. Now i want there sould be two link buttons expand all and collapse all. Now whenever user will click on expand all, all the collapsible panels should expand at the same time. Similarly, whenever user will click on collapse all, all the panels should be collapsed.

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Javascript - Jquery Treeview Expand Given Node?

Mar 28, 2011

Im building ul li list dynamically on the serverside code. How can I determine which node should be expanded when page is loaded ?

Im using plugin: [URL]

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Web Forms :: Expand And Collapse Treeview Control?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to use a treeview control in my application. From the begining I had one parentnode and several childnodes for each parentnode. I wanted to be able to close an opened node when I click on a new one and I maneged that with OnTreeNodeExpanded method.

My problem is that I now need to expand my treeview so it will look something like this:


What I want now is:

1. to be able to close an opened parentNode if i click on some other parentNode,

2. if i click on childNode i want to expand it so I can see grandchild,

3. if i click on another childNode for the same parentNode I want that the allready expanded childNode collapses and that the childNode I clicked on to expand.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Expand Or Collapse Only One Parent?

Oct 23, 2010

how's it possible to expand or collapse only one parent node at time. i am using Xmldatasource.

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Web Forms :: How To Expand And Collapsed Treeview Nodes

May 18, 2010

I m using Teeview control for displaying Family tree structure.its having around 500 members.

now, i would like to add search functionality inside a tree,after finding appropriate node,a whole tree should be expanded from that node only.

any one have idea? how can it possible?

i found one property called "ExpandDepth" but still its not proper for my requirements.

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JQuery :: Expand Accordion_container On Navigation From Another View In Mvc

Feb 12, 2011

I have ContentView which has 'Table of Contents' and another view (DescriptionView) which has the total description of these contents. Each content description in DescriptionView is in different sections and I have implemented accordion to manage this.


When I click on each content in ContentView I navigate to that particular section in the DescriptionView by the of the anchor tag which i specify in the url. My issue is I am not able to open that section which will be hided using accordion. Hope am successful in explaining my query.

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Programmatically Expand / Highlight Flash Menu?

Nov 2, 2010

i dont know whether this is the right place to ask. But anyone know how to programatically expand or highlight a flash menu? My menu will highlighted when i mouseover. But I want that menu of the page that i'm current in to be highlighted or seletec after i click the link and redirect. But because flash and html is totally 2 different things, how can i control it?

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Web Forms :: Menu Control To Expand Vertically Downwards?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there a way I can get the same effect from menu control as the following


Currently the menu flys out to the right on mouse hover over. However, I need a static effect like the one shown above.

I read this post but accordion is not an option in my case and I dont need the dynamic menu either.


I am using sitemap to populate the menu control.

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Postback On Expand/collapse

Jun 22, 2010

can we disable postback on expand/collapse of treeview node while allowing post back on SelectedNodeChanged

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Jquery Toggle Should Expand After Page Reload?

May 7, 2010

I wrote below code for Collapse/Expand some section. It is working fine. Finally If I click "Save" button and I am re-loading page again in So then sections are going default Colleapse again. I need them back to expand. How can I do that?

$(function() {
.css("cursor", "pointer")
.attr("title", "Click to expand/collapse")
.click(function() {
$(this).siblings('.RegText-' +;

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Security :: Expand Role/Membeship Information?

Jan 5, 2010

How can additional information such as first/last names, department, city, country, etc, be most easily incorporated into role/membership for insert, update, and delete?

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