How To Generate Oval Shaped Images In ASP.Net 3.5

Mar 3, 2010

I need to generate oval shaped images on ASP.Net pages. Either I need to resize it to oval shape when it's being uploaded or show it as oval shape on the fly.Have a look at to get an overview of what I am trying to achieve. I am talking about the 3 oval shaped image on the right hand side.

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VS 2008 How To Make An Oval Popup Like In Facebook

Feb 5, 2010

When using facebook to send a message or in AOL online to confirm something they put up a box that has a very wide grey rounded corner window with prompts, etc. in it. How is that done? Is that an ajax control or what exactly? I would like to do this in my web project for VS2008.Btw, has anyone had much trouble when upgrading from ajax 3.0 to 3.5?

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E.Result When Data Source Was Shaped - Linqdatasource Selected Event

Sep 21, 2010

How do I handle using e.Result when my datasource was shaped (select new{})? example aspx markup below:


1) since I shaped, it's an anonymous type right? so what do I cast e.Result to in order to be able to get at the data? 2) I am thinking of using the selected event to handle some conditional page setup based on whether or not any results were actually found from the main query (the one that is used to bind data to a gridView via this linqdatasource control)... so I need to check for count > 0 and if it is, I need to fill a few dropdown controls based on a few new queries

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How To Generate The Urls To Map Images

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I am using the NerdDinner project to experiment with MVC. have put an image map on the front page and cannot work out how to generate the urls for it.


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SQL Server :: Failed To Generate A User Instance - Only An Integrated Connection Can Generate

Dec 16, 2010

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Visual Studio 2008 Team System Using C# SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio (Service Pack 3) By using Visual Studio 2008,I opened Server Explorer and tried to modify Database connection,i wanted to use SQL Authentication,I entered User name and Passwored after pressing OK button,i got the following... Error message Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server.Only an integerated connection can generate a user instance.The connection will be closed.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Cache Images - Page Takes To Long Due To Images Not Caching?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been trying to get image caching working for the last 8 hours and I keep the same problem time and time again, I'm trying to cache Images at the moment and then when thats succesful, apply this to cache my js and css files. I have at the moment Sql Dependancy caching working on my dynamic pages but the page still takes to long due to images not caching.

What I have tried is going to IIS7 Management and adding HTTP Response Header for the images folder and setting various things for the cache control.i dont care how long it caches it on the client or on the proxy servers i just would like it to check when the file was modified and compare it with the one in the client or proxy cache and if they are different then fetch the new image which has been ftp up. i could solve this by changing the image name but the thing is the image name is generated when they are ftp'd to the site by an application and the name is a direct reference to the product so i cant change the name each time, as it would mean making a lot of otherpages accross the board.

so What i would like, is to set and expiry date of lets say 32 days or more on the images and then check to see if they have changed by date modified or some other way of checking(Etags maybe) I'm not sure, if they have changed on the server then redownload and recache them, I tried using post-check and pre-check together but that just permantly cached them, so when i change the image the only way it would display the new image is to just hit F5.

In Brief, how can i Cache images, on the client machine/ proxy cache and recache them when the modified date of the file has changed.

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VS 2005 - Show Selection Of Images From Folder And Have The Images Scroll From Right To Left

Mar 9, 2010

I want to show on one of my pages a slideshow type page. Basically I want it to show a selection of images from a folder and have the images scroll from right to left.

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C# - Want To Get Clients Images In Web App And Store Them In Mysql Then Send These Images To Windows App Via Web Service

Jul 25, 2010

I want to write one program by visual studio 2008 (C# and ASP) that has web application and windows application.

I want to get clients images in web app(upload) and store them in DB (mysql) then send these images to windows app via web service (so i new web service, not web site). But i have 2 problems:

I have 2 ways to store images in mysql, first i should have BLOB field in DB -that it takes more space-, second i should save just name of each image in DB(so have image in one folder) -in this way i don't know how get image from clients and store them in that folder-. which one? Or what other? How (code) can i transfer image via web service(Byte[] or? ).

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Web Forms :: 2008 - Upload Images To Server (application / Images Folder) And Retrieve (display)

Apr 17, 2010

how to upload images to server(application/images folder) and retrive(display) from and on client PC for its just for uplaoding logo directly to server folder and retriving from server to client. i am not getting server path on client pc for image.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Images In Rows / Show Images That Represent The Action?

Mar 15, 2010

i have the following scenario, i have a column of a gridview that shows me a text telling me is the user is allowed or not to access to some page, but now i just showing allow and deny, but i wanna show images that represent me the action, how can i do that?

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Web Forms :: Retrieving Images From Database And Display As Thumbnail Images

Apr 29, 2010


i am using with c#, i have table images

shop nvarchar(50),
imgc image
imgo image

iam saving images in a database but while retreving it is showing blank images. i want to display as thumb nail images

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Referencing Images In App_themes / Images Folder After Combining Css Scripts?

Oct 31, 2010

I wanted to combine app_themes css files into one on the fly. I did so using Mads Cristensen technique. But now all elements that has background image defined through css (see picture) don't display image. I believe that is because css files are not relatively referenced anymore (../), but through axd file. I'm trying to fix this by changing reference to image files without success. I already tried background: url("~/App_Themes/44/images/myimage.gif") and this works for pages that combined css. But the problem is that there are other pages in this project that don't use this css combining and now they lost reference to background images.

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How To Display The Treeview Control With Multiple Images Instead Of + Images

Apr 6, 2010

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Web Forms Routing Images / How To Use Absolute Url's To Images

Jul 9, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET 4 Web forms routing, for example like this:

routes.MapPageRoute("page-browse", "{Language}/{Label}", "~/Default.aspx")
So the webadress could look like: http://localhost/mywebsite/eng/home

In the root of my website I have a folder "Images".

Image display works when I'm in the root of my website, e.g. by using http://localhost/mywebsite/default.aspx

But when using routing it doesn't work, because the image relative url will look at http://localhost/mywebsite/eng/images instead of http://localhost/mywebsite/images

Is there a way to prevent this using ASP.NET 4 Routing mechanism? Or is the only way to use absolute url's to images?

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Using HttpHandler For Images - Cannot Print Images From IE Browser?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm using an HttpHandler to display images from memory ... which is working fine.The image is displayed as a .png format in a popup window.My problem is printing the image from IE7 Web Browser using the popup menu displayed after doing a right-click, selecting 'Print Picture'.A blank page is being printed ... i.e. No Image, just the url and date on the bottom of the page and the page number on the top.I have also tried this with the image formatted as .jpg, with the same result.

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Properties Of .NET Images And What Are Of HTML Images

Jan 18, 2011

I know that HTML is client sided and ASP.NET is server sided. The question is should I use HTML or ASP.NET Images and whats the difference?What are the properties of ASP.NET images and what are of HTML images.

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C# - Handle Images Folder With Many Images?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm developing a new aspnet website with 200k images in a /Images/ -folder.Many operations in Visual Studio is slow because it access the folder, adding a web service takes 10 minutes.The images is not checked into scm (svn).ow should I structure the tree of code, to improve performance in VS?It would also be neat if not all developers needed to copy 200k images to their local disk to be able to develop on the site.

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When Add Another Row Its Not Generate New Row That Replace Only Old Row?

Jul 21, 2010

i have done dynamic row create using asp:table control..but the problem is when add another row its not generate new row that replace only old row..whenever i count the tr again its take the count i want no. of row when user done each
button click..

here codes..


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How To Generate Code

Mar 23, 2010

I have an .aspx template to copy from and I need to generate code or to be able to edit the new file – as part of the back office...

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How To Generate A Diagram

Sep 20, 2010

I am working on a tool to construct a diagram in .The user is allowed to select the images from panel [generated dynamically based on user input in dropdown box] and its copy should be created on the diagram area, it should be draggable and should over lay with each other . So far I am able to create the diagram objects dynamically and on click on each object its copy will be created on the diagram area [I am passing the instance from user control to main page] . I have used Drag Drop Extender to apply Drag behavior. Now my problem is which I create more objects the position of already created objects is not retained in the page. I have js code to retain the position for static controls, but don’t know how to apply for dynamic controls.


Am I complicating the whole process ,is there any easy way? .

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C# - Generate PDF From Set Of JPEGs?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a set of JPEG's on my server all the same size. Can I convert this into a PDF file server side?

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How To Generate Barcode

Jan 28, 2010

I am working on event registration system. Company requirement is when user registered to an event. Admin need to send printable barcode to registered user. this barcode is served as Entry pass. How i Can do this ?

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C# - Generate PDF With ITextSharp

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to add an image to the top of every page on an existing PDF. I have tried using PdfStamp but for some reason when I try to print the pdf from Chrome all I get is a black page. Also Adobe Reader only shows the original document. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it working? Here is the code.

public partial class MakePdf : System.Web.UI.Page
public MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
string RESULT = @"C:UsersmaitchisonDocumentsPdfService Report Search - 650-10-067 4114.pdf";
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(RESULT);
PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, m);
// Set ContentType and create an instance of the Writer.
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, m);
writer.CloseStream = false;
// Open Document
int n = reader.NumberOfPages;
int i = 1;
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
PdfContentByte over;
Barcode128 barcode128 = new Barcode128();................

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How To Generate And Consume Xml In C#

Apr 28, 2010

i have not worked with XML in a while can someone post the syntax needed to build and save an xml node structure that resembles that of a tree structure that is created by a recursive function.

basically i have a recursive function that saves data found an a page(url) and then follows each URL found on that page recursivley and does the same to it. to audit this i want an output as a xml file to disk so i can see how it is doing its recursion and parsing.

the code i have is below. please add to it the needed xml calls needed to create a xml structure like the one i show below. (please include the full name space so i can see where the objects i need in .net are for this.)

page1.htm has 2 links on it:

<a href=page1_1.htm>
<a href=page1_2.htm>

page1_1.htm has 2 links on it

<a href=page1_1_a.htm> (this then will have some links also)
<a href=page1_1_b.htm> (this then will have no more links on it - dead end)

the xml should do something like this:

<node url=page1.htm>
...<node url=page1_1_a.htm>
...... <node url="xxx.htm"/>
...... <node url="yyy.htm".>
... </node>
...<node url=page1_1_b.htm />

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ADO.NET :: How To Generate The Xml File

Feb 9, 2011

i want to generate the xml file from edm schema for indivual tables data

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