How To Retain Viewstate For The Dynamic Controls Created In Gridview

Jan 25, 2011

i am creating dynamic textbox onRowCreated event in gridview control, however when i try to findcontrol i get null

here is how i am dong...

protected void gvORg_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if ((e.Row.RowState == (DataControlRowState.Edit | DataControlRowState.Alternate)) || (e.Row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Edit))
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
txBox txtReg = new TextBox();.....

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Checkboxes Disappear And Don't Retain Viewstate?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a checkbox column in a Gridview that is added in the aspx and the other columns are added in the code behind. The checkbox is a choice to print the record or not. When the print button is pushed the page posts back and the checkboxes are gone.

I have read that you have to re-add the checkboxes on postback, but where do you do that and how do you retain the viewstate values - checked/not checked? I have tried everywhere - PreInit, PreLoad, PreRender... I can't get the viewstate values to appear anywhere. The checkboxes can be added just about anywhere but the vaules are set to "unchecked" by default... no values ever come back no matter where I re-add them.

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Data Controls :: Retain TextBox Focus In Dynamically Created GridView?

Feb 25, 2016

I have created dynamic gridview with textbox

here is the link:


but whenever i created new row i have lost focus on textbox. Instead of focus on new row (first column) cursor focusing on somewhere else.

how i can focus on textbox in new row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic GridView ViewState Not Preserved?

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I am creating a gridview dynamically in a custom control and adding it to a Panel. I set the EnableViewState = true. The problem is that on a page postback the GridView does not seem to retain its values. If I add a GridView through the UI then the viewstate is preserved. The problem seems to occur when it is put dynamically only.

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Forms Data Controls :: Viewstate After Postback On Gridview With Dynamic Columns Emplate Fields?

Jan 13, 2010

My datasource is an ado data table that I have convert to a new data table so that each row in the original table is now a column with 1 row in my new table. I then bind the new datatable and create dynamic template fields with a text box where I bind the values. My problem is, when I try and retrieve the values changed by the user in the rowcommand event, the template columns no longer exists.

Does anyone know how i can retrieve these values? I've read over and over that you have to rebind the grid on each postback when you use dynamic templates, but I'm not sure how to do that and retrieve the values entered in the text boxes on the client side.


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Web Forms :: Viewstate For Dynamic Controls?

Jul 23, 2010

I have created a button(x) dynamically,and in that button click event I am creating a textbox and one more button(y) with that button(x) is making as invisible. if I click button(y) I want to read the value of textbox(textbox.text) and make button(x) as visible.

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Web Forms :: Viewstate Dynamic Controls In Wizard?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a question about retrieving the values from dynamic created controls. I'am using an wizard witch collects it data based on the steps in the wizard. At a certain wizard step i generate dropdownlists and textboxes depending on some records from a database. At this point no problem, the controls are created perfect. When i press the next button on the wizard i read out the eventarg e.currentstepindex, iterate throug the gridview witch is displaying the controls and try to find the control with "findcontrol" function.

The controls are "nothing" and i cant access them. THe source code of the page lets me show that the controls are there and that they have the assigned ID's.I investigated on google what the problem could be. I has to do with the viewstate and i have to regenerate the controls on page_load.

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How To Retain Data In Dynamic Textboxes

Aug 31, 2010

more than 24 hours of googling up by now but i hv'nt yet found the commendable solution of my problem. Actually what i searching is ihave a bunch of textboxes created dynamically on the basis of no. of rows in a sql table i put in some data in these textboxes and inserting in other table and here comes the actual problem i have to create the dynamic controls on every postbacks otherwise controls does disappear. other thing i can do is recreate the table on insert button click but in that way i am able to insert the data in the table and recreate the controls but this way text in dynamic textboxes does not remain there.

View 10 Replies - Add Dynamic User Controls BASED ON ViewState - BUT Before LoadViewState Phase

Jan 27, 2011


My page has a drop down whose values are dynamically populated. Based on which item is selected, a number of TextBoxes are dynamically created during runtime.The user then fills in information into the textboxes and clicks a submit button.


After postback from the submit button, I need to again dynamically create the TextBoxes during Page_Init (BEFORE LoadViewState) so that after the ViewState loads, my Button_Click event can save/do whatever with the user input. PROBLEM is, I cannot recreate the textboxes based on the selection in the dropdown, because the dropdown hasn't been "selected" yet by LoadViewState.

SO, how can I read from the view state, create my textboxes, then let the viewstate populate the textboxes, and then the Button_Click will use the values??

The one thing I've attempted is to override the LoadViewState function so that I can read from the view state, create the boxes, and then load the viewstate again. This did NOT work, because the debugger never seemed to hit my overridden function.


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State Management :: Stopping ViewState Persistence On Dynamic Controls?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a set of dynamically-created (IE: by code) controls on my web page. Depending on which options the user decides to go (Edit/New), those controls are re-created with the appropriate information (IE: "with values" with Edit, "without values" with New).

Here's the situation:

- I create my controls in InitComplete when it comes to save the data (both on Edit/New) contained within the controls.

- I create my controls in PreLoad when it comes to load them initially (Both on Edit/New) in order to avoid the ViewState to kick in.

However, despite creating the controls after the ViewState has been applied (technically), the controls still somehow retain the pre-postback's information. IE: if I have options 2 and 4 selected and I choose "New", which should show the options without being selected, they remain selected no matter what. And this is true despite changing their values in the PreLoad state. From my understanding, creating a control in this fashion and at that point in the page lifecycle should override any values the ViewState might have had for those controls. I have also tried to disable the parent's control viewstate (Table.EnableViewState = false) again, to no avail.

I've tried using the Me.ViewState.clear() and Me.ClearChildViewSate prior to loading the initial values as well, but again all for naught. I do understand that any control created after the Init phase of the lifecycle has to play "catchup" with the current state, however I would expect that clearing the ViewState prior to creating the controls would fix this issue. It doesn't seem to.

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State Management :: Dynamic Controls Created Missing After Postback?

Sep 21, 2010

While generating dynamic controls like , textboxes, dropdownlist, checkboxes and radiobuttons, after filling the textboxes and etc and submit and then postback occurs, the dynamic created controls missing. I try to find a way to make the controls persist for validation checking. Tried to use Viewstate to store the pnlTextBoxes and etc, but it has serializable error.


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Data Controls :: Dynamic Controls Created On Button Click Get Cleared On PostBack

Jun 15, 2013

I have created a web form in which i have used user control there is link  button on different link button user control loads . i have added dynamically webcontrol to that link button . they are loading properly but when i try to save data through one of user control on click of button the user control disapper from that place but when i put static user control to my page its working

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Web Forms :: How To Set Tab Index Order On Dynamic Created Controls And User Controls

Sep 16, 2010

I m getting Problem in Tab Index Setting of Dynamic Created Controls. There are 6 Drop down dynamic created and also Two user controls which contains text boxes. There are also Static Controls on a Page. How i set tab index for all controls. I have try to give from code behind using TabIndex property But it's not working and Tab order get destory.

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Forms Data Controls :: Read Value Of A Dynamic Created Textbox 'onRowUpdating'?

Jan 25, 2011

i am creating dynamic textbox onRowCreated event and its creating without any issue but the question is how to read value of created textbox when the use hit on update button?

here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Retain Value Of A Textbox Of Gridview?

Dec 15, 2010

I am having a gridview with dropdownlist and textbox controls.

I am generating a value in the textbox2 depending on the textbox1 value using the javascript in every row of gridview. In onblur() function of textbox2, I am disabling the textbox2.

Before textboxes, I am having dropdownlist's in every row of gridview. when I disable the textbox2 in the first row and select the value of dropdownlist in the second row, the value of textbox2 in first row is not visible.

I tried by using the viewstate but I am unable to retain the value.

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Retain Multiple Gridview Selection?

Jan 26, 2011

I have 3 gridviews on a page in a parent child relationship. i.e, when Grid1 is selected, any child rows will be shown in grid2. When a row is selected on grid 2 , any child rows will be shown in grid 3.

I have a single formview used for editing and inserting tied to all the 3 gridviews as they are of the same table structure.

The issue is whenever an insert or update happens on the formview, all the selection is lost. How do I retain the selection on the appropriate gridviews and also refresh only the gridview which caused the change?

For eg) when I select a row in grid 1, the child row shows up in Grid 2 . When I selected the row in Grid 2 for edit, the data appears in the formview. After I update the data in formview, when the page gets refreshed, the row in Grid2 does not remain selected. How do I retain the selection?

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Data Controls :: Retain GridView Page Index After Row Update

Sep 14, 2013

I have a gridview based on two dropdown lists.  The first list limits the values of the second dropdown list.  On page load all available results are inserted into the gridview.  After selection of the dropdown list, the gridview is refreshed with data limited to the two selections.  This will result in 200 rows of available data.  The user can select the page they want to go to using the page index. 

They will then select the row to edit.  Everything is fine up to here.  Then the user will update the record with the appropriate data from the dropdown lists in the gridview or update the text box as necessary.  They hit the update selection and the row is updated.  The only problem is that they are brought back to the first page in the index.  Since most of these people will be working through the list relatively in order, it would be nice if they could stay on the page they were working on rather than going back to the beginning every time.  Is there a way to go back to the same pageindex they were at when they started the update?

I am including my code.  I tried to use a variable for the pageindex as well as the selected values of the dropdown lists but I am quite sure I have applied them in the wrong places. 


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Trakker.aspx.cs" Inherits="AnnoTracker.WebForm1" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head id="Head1" runat="server">

[Code] ....

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C# - Retaining Viewstate In Textboxes Found In A Dynamically Created Table?

Feb 3, 2010

My problem is that I have an ASPX page which contains an ASP:Table. The rows for the table is added dynamically on Page_Load. One column in the table contains TextBoxes, BUT when I type something on a TextBox and cause a postback, I am unable to find the value just entered. And above that the table is not displayed after the postback.Can anyone help me please? I want to keep the table viewstate with the modified textbox values, so that when i post back to server, I can intercept these new values.

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Retain View State In GridView Footer?

Nov 2, 2010

I have created a customized GridView Control.

I have created a property called as IsEntryGrid. Which is boolean. If it is true then it is assumed that it will be a grid where dataentry is possible from footer controls. Controls in footer are created dynamically. My problem is that when i m pressing ok image button control state is not maintained.

eg. In my footer say there is a text box for field OrganicationCode. I enter Org Code as M01 and if i press enter, i m not getting that back in my page event..

my code to create grid footer....


protected override void CreateChildControls()

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Forms Data Controls :: Retain Gridview Selection After Insert Or Update?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a formview tied to a gridview. The formview shows the data for the row selected in the gridview. The formview is invisible by default , default mode is readonly and becomes visible only on Selecting a row in the gridview. I make it visible in the SelectedIndexchanged event of the gridview. There are Insert and update buttons present outside the formview which perform the insert and update manually using code-behind.

After an insert or update on the formview, how do I retain the gridview selection?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview Inside A Dynamic Gridview?

Oct 9, 2010

If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm attempting I haven't found it yet. That being said, I have create a gridview like the one here,[URL]And with some minor tweaking it working great for all my fields, checkboxes, etc. The issue is my last column is another gridview, and I'd like it to function the same. that is, a dynamic gridview inside of a dynamic gridview. I get that I have to create it initially with null values or it won't show up. I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is instead of go will null data in the parent gridviews column, do I place my blank child gridview. Do I create and bind the child gridview first, or second. Generally just not sure. Also, as far as storing the data from the child gridview goes, will each one need it's own datatable?



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retain Gridview Cell Color Which Is Bounded With Datatable

Feb 9, 2011

I have a gridview which is bounded with a Datatable. I have a button column in the gridview and on its click I am updating other row data and color. Data is been retained and color of the cell.

But when I am clicking other rows button, that particular rows color is retained but remaining color is again reverted to default. How can I rectify this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retain Scroll Position Of Gridview During Postbacks In Firefox - Chrome

Feb 3, 2011

I have a gridview with scroll enabled. Means i have a gridview like this-


I want during postbacks scroll position of my gridview will not change. I have tried many articles on the web, but in some scrolling is retained only in IE, in some others scrolling position changes on clicking edit link of gridview. I want a good solution for IE, FF, Chrome

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Forms Data Controls :: Retain Cell Background Colour When Exporting GridView To Excel?

Feb 2, 2011

i have an export to excel functionality on my page and when i export my this data to excel the backcolor of datarows after export is white.

The backcolor of rows after export to excel should be same as that of aspx page.

How can i get it done?

Here is my logic i tried in rowdatabound event-


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C# - Dynamic Text Being Stored In Viewstate?

Aug 19, 2010

My application has a function that returns the HTML for the navigation menu for the user by getting it from a database

currently, I am storing the text in a session variable when the session begins and then use it to set the innerHtml of the navigation div on the on_load method.

The problem is that the pages now contain the

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPD..

with the value being 7000 characters long.

Is there any better way to do this or a different way to store and retrieve values without them being stored in the viewstate ?

The code is just this:

Session["menuHTML"] = (new NavMenu().GetMenuHTML());
navMenuDiv.InnerHtml = Session["menuHTML"].ToString();

The div is declared as

<div id="navMenuDiv" class="navMenuDiv" runat="server"></div>

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