Iis - Is There A Way To Preempt File Checking And Intercept The Requests

Mar 25, 2010

I have installed an HttpModule into my web app that will handle all requests with a given file extension.

I want ASP.NET to handle all requests with the extension, regardless of whether there is an underlying file on disk. So, when I added the extension to the 'Application Extension Mappings', I unchecked the 'Verify that file exists' checkbox.

However, this just transfers the file check to ASP.NET rather IIS, so I just get a different error page when requesting URLs with the file extension.

Is there a way to preempt this ASP.NET file checking and intercept the requests?

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Check URL

/// <summary>
/// Check if a URL exists. Method by http://www.vcskicks.com/check-website.php
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">URL to validate</param>
/// <returns>True if the URL was resolved, false otherwise</returns>


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public class Global : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication app)

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May 28, 2010

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Context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
Context.Response.Write("Permission Denied");


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Intercept What's Being Written To HttpResponse.OutputStream

Feb 17, 2010

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n my A.aspx, I will call web method GetName in B.asmx

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How To Intercept An Authentication Request In Webform

Nov 30, 2010

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1) Instead of redirecting them to a login page, I want to cancel the current request and give the user a popup dialog box to login with.

2) When the login is successful, I want the user to be sent back to their form, with all data intact. (Even better if the request could go through without sending them back to that form, but this is optional).

How can I intercept these authentication requests, and present the user with a popup login?

I am using ASP.net forms authentication.

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Jul 1, 2010

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Send an HTTP Status Code (and the corresponding <customError> page).Execute a different Action Method within the same Controller.

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Web Forms :: How To Intercept An Error During A Update Of Gridview

Mar 24, 2010

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Intercept Processing When Session.IsNewSession Is True?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a small 4-page application for my customers to work through. They fill out information. If they let it sit too long, and the Session timeout out, I want to pop up a javascript alert that their session has expired, and that they need to start over. At that point, then redirected to the beginning page of the application.

I'm getting some strange behavior. I'm stepping through code, forcing my Sessioni.IsNewSession to be true. At this point, I write out a call to Javascript to a Literal Control placed at the bottom of the . The javascript is called, and the redirection occurs.

However, what is happening is.. I am pressing a button which is more or less a "Next Page" button and triggering this code. The next page is being displayed, and then the Alert and redirection occurs. The result I was expecting was to stay on the same page I received the "Timeout", with the alert to pop-up over it, then redirection.

I'm checking for Session.IsNewSession in a BaseClass for these pages, overriding the OnInit event.

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Query String - How To Intercept And Pre-process QueryStrings

Mar 24, 2010

We send out registration urls to clients via email. Some of the email clients are turning the url intourl <url>I think it may be happening when users forward the email onto themselves at which point the email client re-formats the original email (maybe)[URL]Which rightly producesSystem.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detectedWhere in the code should I intercept these instances and santize the url so that the user is re-directed onto the original form of the url?

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Intercept Output From Default Handler With Another HttpHandler?

Mar 18, 2011

I have set up an HttpHandler for *css to do some simple parsing:

<add name="CssHandler" verb="*" path="*.css"

All was well until I added a resource that loads a css file dynamically, e.g.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/loader.ashx/module.resource.css" >

To my surprise, things went horribly wrong. The custom http handler intercepts this, but since it's designed to just load files from the file system, it doesn't work. I realize that, technically, it matches a pattern *.css but that seems an odd behaviour, since the actual resource being requested from the web server is *.ashx and the css is only after the file path, as a parameter.

Is it possible to make the filter for a handler only apply to the actual server resource name?

Alternatively (and actually I'd like to know how to do this anyway) -- what I would really rather be doing is intercepting the output from the default css handler. That is, rather than having all my own code to actually load files from the file system in my CSS handler, it seems it would be far simpler to just take the response from the default handler and filter it. Which would have worked properly in this situation.

Finally, in either case, I'd much rather be filtering on resource MIME type text/css rather than intercepting requests by name, since what I really want to do is filter any CSS (rather than anything that happens to be named "*.css"). how to do this?

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