Iis - How To Redirect To Non-www-url Domain With .net

Jul 25, 2010

This is not a duplicate post. I've looked through similar questions on SO but didn't find the solution to my problem.As someone has already suggested I should do the following to redirect www-url to non-www url (or vice versa):Here's the IIS7 rule to remove the WWW prefix from all incoming URLs. Cut and paste this XML fragment into your web.config file under

<system.webServer> / <rewrite> / <rules>
<rule name="Remove WWW prefix" >
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^www.domain.com" />

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Similar Messages:

Way To Redirect Domain.com & Domain.com To Www.domain.com

Aug 24, 2010

I've got an Search Engine Optimisation problem where users are able to access my site by specifying any sub-domain. This is causing duplicate page issues with SEO.For example if a user mis-types 'www' then posts a link on a forum, google is crawling 'wwww.domain.com'. Furthermore, google is also crawling 'domain.com'.I need a way of forcing the site to always redirect to 'www.domain.com' regardless of how the user accesses the site.

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Redirect A Domain Name To Another Domain Name?

Jan 7, 2010

i have 2 domain names namely www.test.com and www.testltd.com. Now i would like to redirect www.testltd.com to www.test.comwhats the best way to do this. and what impact it will have in search engines. I mean google is indexing both of them.

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Url Redirect To Different Domain Website?

Oct 24, 2010

when users request http://test1.com/downloads, i need to redirect users to another diff domain web site (or) ip address

in asp.net 1.1/c#, can i do it thro' web.config (without compilation) or code? what are the options to do this? any adv/disadvantages using the suggested method?

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Configuration :: 301 Redirect Non-WWW Domain In Web.Config Using UrlRewrite

Mar 2, 2011

I have one web application that manages 20-30 websites (one asp.net engine loading different templates based on httphost)Im redirecting non-www requests to its www equivalent in my web.config using UrlRewrite.

<rule name="301 Example Lazy Domain" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^example.com$" />

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Iis6 - Redirect Any Request To Another Domain Of The Same Path?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm going to be in a situation where I'll have www.DomainA.com and www.DomainB.com, each having seperate IPs. All requests to www.DomainB.com/{Path}, I'd like to redirect to www.DomainA.com/{Path}.

My initial reaction was, in the base directory, to simply create a HTTPModule and Web.config to add in the module, where the module would then redirect the request to DomainA.

The only problem with this is IIS is not executing the module, and instead determining itself whether or not there is a matching file or application to run based upon the requested path (i.e. so you'll either get an error about the requested file not existing, or a security error about not finding the requested application).

What do I need to change in IIS to always run my module? Or is there any easier way to do this using .Net 2.0 & IIS6?

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C# - Response.redirect Not Redirecting To Full Domain Name?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm having an issue Redirecting to the same domain.

For example, the redirection takes place on ServerA.Domain.com/Folder/application.aspx. However, the program redirects me to ServerA/Folder/application.aspx.

The application works fine on this domain, but I'm forced to relogin.

What can I do to force the redirection to the same domain?

I am using asp.net 3.5

Added My Redirect looks as follows:


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Write Redirect Application / Move All Requests From One Domain To Another?

Aug 5, 2010

I need to move all requests from one domain to another. I want to change part of URL, like subdomain.olddomain/url -> subdomain.newdomain/url.

I was sure that this is piece of cake and wrote Application_Begin request as:

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = Request.Url.ToString().ToLower();
string from = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["from"];
if (url.IndexOf(from) >= 0)
url = url.Replace(from, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["to"]);
if (url.IndexOf("error.aspx") < 0)
Response.Redirect("Error.aspx?url=" + Server.UrlEncode(url));

So far, I forget, that BeginRequest started only when file physically exist. how I can make such redirect in asp.net without creating hundreds of old pages?

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Configuration :: How To Redirect Multiple Domain Name On One Website Hosted On IIS Server

Dec 24, 2010

how to redirect multiple domain name on the one website that is hosted on IIS server???

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Security :: Cannot Redirect To The Home Page When Logout From Cross Domain

Mar 10, 2010

I am browsing the page (http://jessie.mydomain.com/), then i click the Logout button in this page, it will be logout successful but it will not redirect to the page (http://www.mydomain.com/Default.aspx), it will show (http://jessie.mydomain.com/Default.aspx).

(1) In master page,



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How To Auto Redirect A Forms Authenticated User To An NT Site If They Have Equivalent Credentials On The Domain

Dec 9, 2010

I have a requirement that whenever a user logs onto a website using forms based authentication [FBA] that the site checks whether they have a related domain NT user record. There will be a matching lookup table between the ASPNETDB membership database and related domain accounts for users.Whenever an FBA user logs in and a related domain account is located then the member should be redirected to an alternative site / URL which is Windows NT authenticated rather than FBA. Before transferring them I would like to be able to pre authenticate them on the windows domain rather than an additional NT Login dialog box coming up and asking them to enter the related NT credentials.Is it possible to programatically preauthenticate using NT credentials before redirecting a user to an NT authenticated site?Note: This isn't technically a single sign on style scenario. The FBA / NT authenticated sites are not related other than the relationship between the original FBA credentials and the NT credentials lookup.

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State Management :: How To Keep Current User Session When Redirected To Sub Domain From Main Domain

Feb 17, 2011

I have also installed SSL on a subdomain. I have put payment page under this sub domain.

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Windows Authentication - Run Application Under Domain Account Without Joining The Domain?

Sep 28, 2010

My feeling says it's not posible but anyway I am curious if there is at least a workaround for accomplish this.Basically I am working at my client site and my machine is not connected to the domain.What I want to do is running a web application locally under a domain account, and using the webdev server.The webapp uses the default authentication, windows authentication that is.I tried using impersonation with domainuser & password but I got the following error Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.I have to mention that the username and the password are correct.

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The Trust Relationship Between The Primary Domain And The Trusted Domain Failed

Aug 3, 2010

We have a ASP.NET site that partially depends on forms authentication for login credentials, however the implementation of IPrincipal is completely custom.

But, when running the site on a particular server (which is somewhat semi-hardened when it comes to security), the app crashes when invoking IPrincipal.IsInRole() with the following messsage:

System.SystemException: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.

This indicates a communication error between the web-server and the DC, however since our application doesn't at all utilizes Windows authentication, I don't see why it needs to communicate with the DC.

This is my implementation:



I was finally enable to reproduce this error on my dev-machine (i revoked my machine from the DC yesterday, but didn't reproduce it until today)

HttpContext.User is actually a WindowsPrincipal by default it seems, and the error in my code was that I only replace it with CustomPrincipal upon login. Hence, unathenticated users still get the WindowsPrincipal which then fails horribly if you have trust issues on your AD.

I tried changing the default principal by invoking this on appstart

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy( PrincipalPolicy.NoPrincipal);

But this doesn't seem to kick in. How do I change the default Principal in ASP.NET?

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C# - Sharepoint Retrieving Username Without Domain Or Programmatically Removing Domain

Aug 16, 2010

Im returning the username from sharepoint site as a string. This is done successfully with the below code but I also get the domain with it. How can I only return the username and not the domain either through sharepoint or programmatically removing it? domain/username


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Security :: Impersonation With Domain Account Without Joining The Domain?

Sep 28, 2010

My feeling says it's not posible but anyway I am curious if there is at least a workaround for accomplish this.Basically I am working at my client site and my machine is not connected to the domain.What I want to do is running a web application locally under a domain account, and using the webdev server.The webapp uses the default authentication, windows authentication that is.I tried using impersonation with domainuser & password but I got the following error Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.I have to mention that the username and the password are correct.

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How To Autheticate A Domain User From The Web Application Hosted On Another Domain

Jul 28, 2010

I have two domain servers X and Y.My Asp.net Web application is hosted on Domain X.But my scope is required to authorize the user of Domain Y on the Web application hosted on Domain X server.I am using Windows Authetication mode in application

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State Management :: Sharing Cookies Between Domain / Sub Domain?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a main domain "mydomain.com" and then a sub domain "forums.mydomain.com". If a user visits "forums.mydomain.com" without being logged in, they are redirected to "mydomain.com/login.aspx".

The two scenarios are:

If they are redirected to the login page with "mydomain.com/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=http://forums.mydomain.com", then they are succesfully logged into the forums but NOT the main site.

If they are simply redirected to the login page with "mydomain.com/login.aspx" with no returnUrl, they are correctly logged into both the main site and the forums.

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Security :: Unable To Log In On Domain Which Redirects To Another Domain?

Jul 23, 2010

I have a domain: http://www.mydomain.com. This domain is redirected to http://mydomain.anotherDomain.com.

I user forms authorization, so when the user navigates to Default.aspx he is redirected to Login.aspx. Pretty standard stuff.

On FireFox the user can log in on both on http://www.mydomain.com and http://mydomain.anotherDomain.com.

But with Explorer http://www.mydomain.com doesn't work. I only get the Login.aspx page.

Can it have anything to do with that on http://www.mydomain.com I can't see the filename ('Default.aspx', 'Login.aspx')? How can I enable so the filename is included in the redirected domain?

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Security :: How To Set IIS To Handle Both Domain And Non-domain Users

Jan 27, 2011

I have an intranet web application. There are 2 user groups, group A belongs to the domain and group B does not. If I set the IIS to enable anonymous access, Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") always return nothing. If I disable anonymous access and set Integrated Windows authenication, a Windows login prompt will come up if group B's users want to access the website.

How can I setup IIS so that when domain user access the website, it will direct to the main page with Session("user_name") = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"). If a user is not a domain user, the website will direct him/her to a login.aspx instead of having the Windows authenication prompt, then set Session("user_name") = txtUserName.Text, and finally redirect to the website main page ?

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C# - How To Remove Main Domain Cookie From Sub Domain

Oct 13, 2010

is it possible to remove Main Domain cookie from Sub Domain ?I am using single sign on .On logout i want to remove the maindomain cookie

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Security :: Login From Webform On One Domain To Another Domain?

Apr 12, 2010

We have a website for our company on one domain and we have a login form to a webmail solution on another domain.Now i would like to build a form on our website the transfers the request to the login form on the webmail domain and automatically validate the user if user and pass are correct.Need help to find the correct way of doing this. The domains is hosted by our company, the website and webmail is on different servers. I don't want to use the querystring,

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Web Forms :: Move A File From One Domain To Another Domain?

Aug 30, 2010

The following code works as it was originally designed to move a file from one directory to another directory on the same server, but I need to change it to work so it will move a file from one server to another server. My challenge is how to define the source directory on a different server and check if file exists.

Code behind:

Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender
As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnSubmit.Click


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Global 301 Redirection For Domain To Www.domain

Jan 21, 2010

could i use the begin request of Global.asax to redirect everything, from mydomain. domain to www.mydomain.domain?

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C# - Share Session Between Domain And Sub-domain?

May 4, 2010

We're doing a whitelabelled version of our site, which will be hosted at foo.ourdomain.com.

However we need to ensure session is maintained between www.ourdomain.com and foo.ourdomain.com, as our SSL certificate only covers the main domain.

In practice this means we'll swap to the main domain on our payment pages, which run HTTPS, and then redirect back to the subdomain, after payment.

So the question is: How do we maintain the session when doing so ?

I've tried with <httpCookies domain=".ourdomain.com" /> in web.config to no avail :-(

Edit: Figured it out now, I lacked domain on my <forms /> tag to handle login properly.

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