Url Redirect To Different Domain Website?

Oct 24, 2010

when users request http://test1.com/downloads, i need to redirect users to another diff domain web site (or) ip address

in asp.net 1.1/c#, can i do it thro' web.config (without compilation) or code? what are the options to do this? any adv/disadvantages using the suggested method?

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Similar Messages:

Configuration :: How To Redirect Multiple Domain Name On One Website Hosted On IIS Server

Dec 24, 2010

how to redirect multiple domain name on the one website that is hosted on IIS server???

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Way To Redirect Domain.com & Domain.com To Www.domain.com

Aug 24, 2010

I've got an Search Engine Optimisation problem where users are able to access my site by specifying any sub-domain. This is causing duplicate page issues with SEO.For example if a user mis-types 'www' then posts a link on a forum, google is crawling 'wwww.domain.com'. Furthermore, google is also crawling 'domain.com'.I need a way of forcing the site to always redirect to 'www.domain.com' regardless of how the user accesses the site.

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Redirect A Domain Name To Another Domain Name?

Jan 7, 2010

i have 2 domain names namely www.test.com and www.testltd.com. Now i would like to redirect www.testltd.com to www.test.comwhats the best way to do this. and what impact it will have in search engines. I mean google is indexing both of them.

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Iis - How To Redirect To Non-www-url Domain With .net

Jul 25, 2010

This is not a duplicate post. I've looked through similar questions on SO but didn't find the solution to my problem.As someone has already suggested I should do the following to redirect www-url to non-www url (or vice versa):Here's the IIS7 rule to remove the WWW prefix from all incoming URLs. Cut and paste this XML fragment into your web.config file under

<system.webServer> / <rewrite> / <rules>
<rule name="Remove WWW prefix" >
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^www.domain.com" />

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Configuration :: 301 Redirect Non-WWW Domain In Web.Config Using UrlRewrite

Mar 2, 2011

I have one web application that manages 20-30 websites (one asp.net engine loading different templates based on httphost)Im redirecting non-www requests to its www equivalent in my web.config using UrlRewrite.

<rule name="301 Example Lazy Domain" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^example.com$" />

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Iis6 - Redirect Any Request To Another Domain Of The Same Path?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm going to be in a situation where I'll have www.DomainA.com and www.DomainB.com, each having seperate IPs. All requests to www.DomainB.com/{Path}, I'd like to redirect to www.DomainA.com/{Path}.

My initial reaction was, in the base directory, to simply create a HTTPModule and Web.config to add in the module, where the module would then redirect the request to DomainA.

The only problem with this is IIS is not executing the module, and instead determining itself whether or not there is a matching file or application to run based upon the requested path (i.e. so you'll either get an error about the requested file not existing, or a security error about not finding the requested application).

What do I need to change in IIS to always run my module? Or is there any easier way to do this using .Net 2.0 & IIS6?

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C# - Response.redirect Not Redirecting To Full Domain Name?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm having an issue Redirecting to the same domain.

For example, the redirection takes place on ServerA.Domain.com/Folder/application.aspx. However, the program redirects me to ServerA/Folder/application.aspx.

The application works fine on this domain, but I'm forced to relogin.

What can I do to force the redirection to the same domain?

I am using asp.net 3.5

Added My Redirect looks as follows:


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Write Redirect Application / Move All Requests From One Domain To Another?

Aug 5, 2010

I need to move all requests from one domain to another. I want to change part of URL, like subdomain.olddomain/url -> subdomain.newdomain/url.

I was sure that this is piece of cake and wrote Application_Begin request as:

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = Request.Url.ToString().ToLower();
string from = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["from"];
if (url.IndexOf(from) >= 0)
url = url.Replace(from, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["to"]);
if (url.IndexOf("error.aspx") < 0)
Response.Redirect("Error.aspx?url=" + Server.UrlEncode(url));

So far, I forget, that BeginRequest started only when file physically exist. how I can make such redirect in asp.net without creating hundreds of old pages?

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Security :: Cannot Redirect To The Home Page When Logout From Cross Domain

Mar 10, 2010

I am browsing the page (http://jessie.mydomain.com/), then i click the Logout button in this page, it will be logout successful but it will not redirect to the page (http://www.mydomain.com/Default.aspx), it will show (http://jessie.mydomain.com/Default.aspx).

(1) In master page,



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How To Auto Redirect A Forms Authenticated User To An NT Site If They Have Equivalent Credentials On The Domain

Dec 9, 2010

I have a requirement that whenever a user logs onto a website using forms based authentication [FBA] that the site checks whether they have a related domain NT user record. There will be a matching lookup table between the ASPNETDB membership database and related domain accounts for users.Whenever an FBA user logs in and a related domain account is located then the member should be redirected to an alternative site / URL which is Windows NT authenticated rather than FBA. Before transferring them I would like to be able to pre authenticate them on the windows domain rather than an additional NT Login dialog box coming up and asking them to enter the related NT credentials.Is it possible to programatically preauthenticate using NT credentials before redirecting a user to an NT authenticated site?Note: This isn't technically a single sign on style scenario. The FBA / NT authenticated sites are not related other than the relationship between the original FBA credentials and the NT credentials lookup.

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Security :: Login From Another Domain To Website?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a small website that uses the asp login control and now i want to allow a user login from another website that i have. The problem is the other website is only html not aspx and i'm not sure how to write the form to login. here is the login i'm currently using:


once the users click login the form post back to the server and verifies the credentials and retrieves the necessary information. How can i login to my website from the other website?

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Website Domain Not Appearing On Front Of URLs?

Sep 22, 2010

I create a menu structure from a compiled class that returns an unordered list with ~/ menu options. On my localhost, they show up as [URL]

I actually have to pass the Application Path to the function to prefix the URLs. The problem, however, is that we moved the application to our development server, and now the URLS show up as:



The website domain doesn't seem to be displaying.

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Configuration :: Change URL Of Website On Server Or Domain Name?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a application name "PrototypeDemo" and hosted on Intranet on server "ServerName123.eng.abc.com/"

But if some user wanted to view the website he has to type full servername and allication name like "http:///ServerName123.eng.abc.com/PrototypeDemo/"

can i give some useful/shorter name to servername so the uRl can look like


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C# - How To Hide The Full Url Of A Website And Only Display The Domain Name

Mar 5, 2011

How would I hide the pages that the user is surfing and just show him/her the domain name. E.G. www.google.com as opposed to
www.google.com/index.aspx etc...

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Website Tracking Link Not Working Within Domain?

Mar 10, 2011

We use a third party company for email campaigns, the emails have a link to our website with tracking activated whereby we see how many hits we get on our website, my problem is that the links work from outside our company's domain but does open when clicked from within our domain. Now a brief overview of our setup, we host our website on our webserver, Our ISP hosts our domain. While setting up tracking I forwarded a request to our ISP to make changes to our CNAME record and also to create a subdomain tr.company.co.uk

Can anyone point me in the right direction as my ISP are not ready to fully support me on this , initially when I called them months ago they said our router (Cisco 1600) does not support that type of traffic (they manage the router and I have no access to it), I recently contacted the ISP again and this time they said they have not restricted any of our traffic and they now ask me to specify what I want them to do e.g open ports, whitelist addresses etc.

I manage my company's IT systems except the website and I am not really an expert with websites as we have a web team and also an external company that provides web support.

1, Fixing the problem

2, Or knowing who should fix it e.g Our ISP, Our external web developer, or the email campaign company who setup the tracking.

3, Is it a configuration issue with the our webserver

I have tried a site survey tool which comes up with errors for all our webpages but the scan support tracking done with Google analytics so I thought the results are not really reliable.

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Configuration :: Not Able To Acess The Website Though Different Domain But Is Acessible Though Other?

Sep 10, 2010

actually I have deployed the website .and some user is able to acess the same site from one location but some user is not able to acess the same site from other location .there is time out problem users get access and after some time there is time out ,but it is working fine in other locationsall the system configuration setting is the same .

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IIS Configuration :: How To Get Domain And Server For Hosting Website

Nov 16, 2013

I need to create asp.net website. Its ok. How to host a website with domain name which can be accessed in net by every one. I need a domain name which is free of cost and easily created from my computer.

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VS 2008 How To Redirect From Old Website To New Website

Oct 15, 2010

I have a website which is hosted externally the primary domain is [URL]however I have since bought a new domain name [URL] which points at the same directory and default page.

I now have two problems firstly I want all traffic to come to my new domain and not the old one both users and search engines.

Secondly i have noticed in my google stats it records visits to my site as [URL] rather than the full name, again for reporting purposes it would be best if these also were reported as the full name.

I am thinking the code below added to each page on my site is the answer but wanted to check if there are any pitfalls.

If it wasnt my site wasnt hosted under the original name then I would disgard the speak-weather domain altogether.



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How To Make Azure Hosted Website Using Domain Name As Its Base URL

Jan 28, 2015

I have a website hosted on Azure that is written on ASP.NET

I have registered a domain name and got that domain to redirect to my azure hosted website

How do I get the website to use my domain for its base of its URLs?

(For example how would I make the about page be [URL] ....)

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Security :: Adding A Second Domain To Windows Authentication Based Website?

Oct 12, 2010

I have an interweb web application that uses Active Directory to authenticate the user. Im now getting some complaints that users on other domains are unable to access the application.

How can i make it work so that their domain name is also accepted by the application?

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Configuration :: Looking For Real Brower URL For Redirects - Domain Assigned To SubDirectory On Website

Jun 12, 2010

Dim realurl As String = #####

Dim pattern As String = "/foldername"

Request.URL and Request.RawURL Do not work because they always return foldername/documentname ex "/foldername/mypage.asxp" regardless of the URL in the browser. Using those create an endless loop.I need whaever string is in the users browser not what document it is requesting

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How To Redirect The Website

Jun 28, 2010

how can i redirect the webiste from.net to co.in for example my sit name is fxcentral.netwhen the user enter the url like http://fxcentral.net it automatically redirect to http://www.fxcentral.co.inhow can achieve this

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How To Redirect Different Domains To Website

Jun 15, 2010

I want to redirect different domains which I have to my newly created website using dotnetnuke. As it is currently working on this site [URL](when user type thescripts.com it redirects user to [URL]

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C# - Redirect To Another Website From Controller?

Feb 10, 2010

how to redirect from a action to an external web site like paypal

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