Javascript - How To Select An Object In JQuery
Mar 17, 2011
I'm beginner in JQuery, how could I select an object using JQuery ?
This is the code:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function Hide(senderID) {
$("#" + senderID).hide(200);
// this exception is thrown // Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected
<div id="div1" onclick="javascript:Hide("
View 4 Replies
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Feb 15, 2011
How do you use JQuery to make an option in a <select> object selected? Here is my <select> :
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May 18, 2010
I have checkBoxes in my Gridview templete columns called "Category A" and "Category B". I want Select-All functionality, i.e. when the user checks the Select-All check Box in category A column, all the checkboxes must get checked under that column. Same for Category B. I am trying with the code below. The problem with my code is, it selects all the check boxes in the entire gridview, "Category A" as well as "Category B"s checkboxes. But, I want only checkboxes selected under the same column.
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Feb 24, 2011
would like to speed up the a search using a for loop with a predefined/created index. For this object defined as :
var list =
{ Key="A",
{ Key="B",
{ Key="C",
{ Key="D",
{ Key="E",
{ Key="F",
{ Key="G",
{ Key="H",
{ Key="I",
{ Key="J",
{ Key="K",
{ Key="L",
{ Key="M",
{ Key="N",
{ Key="O",
{ Key="P",
{ Key="Q",
{ Key="R",
{ Key="S",
{ Key="T",
{ Key="U",
{ Key="V",
{ Key="W",
{ Key="Z",
With in Value another array of objects. So here we know that Key A is found on index 0. To get A value I use if(list[i].Key=='A'){...} . I would like to directly navigate to Key with value A without using a loop first to find it, so I thought of a index mechanism for this.
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May 10, 2010
i write the following code to access page "JQueryPage.aspx" and get data from it using jQuery
<script type="text/javascript">
function(data) {
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
"JQueryPage.aspx" is just a page that contain DIV called 'resultsDIV' that contain the data that i want to return the above code return data variable that contain "JQueryPage.aspx" html and i want to get DIV content from it .
i have 2 questions:
1- how can i extract DIV content from data object
2- is this way is th best to get that data ?
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Apr 4, 2011
This was working on Friday, and now isn't. I've got this at the beginning of a UserControl:
<link type="text/css" href="/App_Themes/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.11.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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Aug 30, 2013
I have a dropdownlist attached to a cell when edit is selected. I am using the following code to populate the drop down list with the value that is on the row.
dlBU.Items.FindByValue((e.Row.FindControl("lblBU") as Label).Text).Selected = true;
This works famously when I have a value in the cell. It fails when the cell has not yet been populated. Is there an if then clause that if the value of e.Row.findcontrol("lblBU") is null no default value?
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Dec 22, 2010
I have embed the fullcalender control in my mvc application. It is running fine locally. but when I uploads it to my domain server (third party) it showing me This Error: Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'fullCalendar' in crome console (debugger). and not rendering the control. ** EDITED: My HTML code is this **
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>
<% var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); %>
< style type='text/css'>
body {
margin-top: 40px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: "Lucida Grande",Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
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May 26, 2010
Cascading html select server control, jQuery does not retain value on post back
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Jan 17, 2011
How can I trigger a jQuery function with the Gridview Select button?
I want that the select button trigger the jquery function that has the row details (it's already working with a asp:buttonfield ), and select the row so i can get the values and send it trough e-mail with another button. I don't know if this is possible.
Can I trigger the jQuery function from code behind with the select button Sub? How?
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Sep 13, 2010
how to select the Tree node value & text using javascriot or Jquery
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Jan 22, 2011
I am new to Jquery and having trouble using ui-tab control. Thanks for helpI am able to initialize to tab 4 on page load.If I select a different tab and then click the edt button I want the new tab to remain selected. What actually happens is that tab 4. gets re-selected.
Protected Sub btnEdit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEdit.Click
Session("DealSheetMode") = "Edit"
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(Page), "TabScript1", "SelectTab();", True)
View 6 Replies
Nov 16, 2010
I have an already created DataTable object which i am using for my girdview ( i also need to bind a column of that object to a DropDownList. The datatable has the correct details in the column but the column contains more that 1 of the same name in the column - hence I would love to just do some kind of SELECT DISTINCT on the datatable and copy it to a new datatable for use with binding the dropdown.
This would allow me to save resources by making another trip to the database.
Here is an example, the current datatable has a column called items and in this column has the following entries
And of course i need only unique items for binding to my dropdown, hence i need the following data
Of course i don't want to change the original datatable object but rather make a copy of it will the new details.
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Mar 1, 2011
I'm pulling all the objects from an entity in my database
Dim dbConfig as New housingEntities
Dim update_query = (From p in dbConfig.Configs _
Select p)
Then, I want to individually access the rows and perform updates to them...For example, if I just needed the first row I could go like this:
update_query.First.timeValue = txtFRRSD.Text
Now, I don't know how to code this, but here is pseudo what I'd like to do:
update_query.Item("FRRSD").timeValue = txtFRRSD.Text
update_query.Item("FRRCD").timeValue = txtFRRCD.Text
update_query.Item("SORSD").timeValue = txtSORSD.Text
update_query.Item("SORCD").timeValue = txtSORCD.Text
Does anyone know a way to do this or something like this?
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Jul 14, 2010
i have saved a copy of jquery-1.4.2.js in my local project folder also have jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js
I have added comment like /// <reference path="jquery-1.4.2.js" /> in my custome javascript file
Also in another project in the same system i can uise jquery well
but in one of my project i show Microsoft javascript.... errror
what can i do? a line like $("#K").val(); gives error
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Mar 5, 2011
I have a some data which is displayed in div body now i want to import that div content in excel format so how can i do this using javascript/jquery or even c#
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Feb 17, 2011
I have this code being called
which returns <div>here</div><script language=javascript>alert('');</script> The content gets loaded property, but no alert. How would I get a javascript routine to work from an ajax call along with posting the HTML code?
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Oct 26, 2010
I am having IIS server and SQL server on two different machines.
In the SQL server I created a new user using the SQL Authentication.
In my application I am using a connection string like this:
<add name="UsrConnectionString"
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Feb 22, 2010
I am using an ObjectDataSource control to call a MapInfo object. This object has two properties:
public IList Visits
public int TotalAvailable
The select method returns an IList but the TotalAvailable property is also populated. I have set the TypeName in the ObjectDataSource to the MapInfo object but because the Select method only returns the IList I don't have access to the TotalAvailable.
Is there any way to access this value. I know it is being populated in the MapInfo object but all that gets returned from the Select method is the IList
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Jan 9, 2011
I am trying to create a simple web application that uses a barcode scanner to read the barcode and then insert the information into a database. I have been able to get the barcode scanner to read the barcode and place the information into a textbox.
Then using javascript when the enter key is triggered on the scanner it then clicks the button to do a AsyncPostBack on the updatepanel then using scriptManager.RegisterStartupScript I then focus on the text box and then select the text in it ready for a new barcode to be entered.
The problem that I am having is that I can get it to post back 26 times then it will go to error (with no information). If I then add additional controls to the page I can only get it to post back 10 times. Below is my code... I have been pulling my hair out for the last two days.
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Feb 24, 2011
i have 3 images in my view..
<img id="flyer1" src=".." alt="" />
<img id="flyer2" src=".." alt="" />
<img id="flyer3" src=".." alt="" />
and 3 radiobuttons
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.FlyerName, "flyer1", new { id = "rad1"})
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.FlyerName, "flyer2", new { id = "rad2"})
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.FlyerName, "flyer3", new { id = "rad3"})
How would I with the help of jquery make the radiobutton (rad1) selected when the user clicks on the img (flyer1), rad2 selected when flyer2 is clicked and so on.I tried
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Feb 28, 2010
I am getting the error message "SELECT permission denied on object 'MyTable', database 'MyDB', owner 'dbo'.", when trying to run a small application via a browser where i work.
I built it on my local machine(VS 2008, C#) and transferred over to an IIS server(i.e. Windows Server 2003) and I have also enabled the application folder in IIS.
It runs fine on my local machine. Connection string in web.config on my local machine <add name="connstring" connectionString="Data Source=DBASE;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Integrated Security=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
on the server, connection string is <.......;User Id=userid;Password="mypassword" />.
But when i swapped connection string on server to use <Integrated Security=true>, and tried to run from a browser again, i get:
Login failed for user 'SVRSERVERNAME$'
I have a couple of other apps I built in the past and they are running fine, I didn't do anything special, just transferred them as normal to server and ran through browser
In fact, one of my previous apps even uses the same table and database. but with this new app, I don't know why it wouldn't work even though it runs perfect on my local machine
I can access the database manually from SQL Management studio, i connect to it using my Windows account or the given username/password credentials.
Other thing I noticed, when I changed the connection string on my local machine web.config to use <User Id=userid;Password="mypassword">, i then get same error as if it was running from the server:
SELECT permission denied on object 'MyTable', database 'MyDB', owner 'dbo'.
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Dec 28, 2010
how to iterate through spans that have this string on the id 'lblCSVFileName'
and get their values
for the first row i should get 19_71914066_2010-11-11_0849_ENG_SOFALI.csv and for the second
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Dec 22, 2010
how to select All optionbutton in repeater using jquey
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Apr 15, 2010
I am using ASP.NET page with updatepanels and Jquery UI tabs. However, I'm having a problem with it. When I click on a button it should set the value of a hidden field which when the page posts back, it will select the new tab. So in document onload set the tab to the initialised value of the hidden field:
var loadTab = $("#<%= hidTabSelected.ClientID %>").val();
{ selected: loadTab ,
select: saveTab
Now when I want to change the tab, in the ASP.NET page button click handler I do some processing and finally set hidTabSelected = 1 (previously 0). When the page posts because I am in UpdatePanels I won't get a doc ready event. So instead I intercept the pageLoad() and attempt to set the tab again:
function pageLoad()
var loadTab = $("#<%= hidTabSelected.ClientID %>").val();
$('#dvJqTabs').tabs( { selected: loadTab } );
The tab is not getting selected? If I go into console of firebug and inspect $("#hidTabSelected").val() I get 1. So why isn't the 2nd tab showing?
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