Javascript - Programmatically Add Text To The Clipboard In C#

Dec 28, 2010

Is there a way to programmatically add text to the clipboard in C# (3.5) or javascript ? Does the client machine type make a difference?

Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention am using

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my_panel.controls.add( <label> )

.controls.add() is great for adding textbox, linkbutton, etc.

But I just want to add text; maybe with some HTML mixed in (like: <br> etc)

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Now i want to change the captions of each column programatically.

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C# - Programmatically Change Background Colour Of Some Text?

Mar 7, 2011

I have implemented master pages using this example How to implement a status bar in an ASP.NET application?. I have a property on my SiteMaster.cs inherited MasterPage called Environment. On my MasterPage.master I have this code:

<form id="frmMaster" runat="server">
<.. some content removed for brevity ...>
Environment: <%= this.Environment %>

What I would like to do is evaluate this.Environment and if it is "LIVE" then colour the background of this.Environment text red, and if it's "TEST" colour it yellow. How would I do this?

UPDATE I've just added this code to MasterPage.master

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblEnvironment.Text = this.Environment;
if (this.Environment == "LIVE")
lblEnvironment.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

The page loads, but the text does not get set, it's blank! Also the old text, that was populated is now blank too (I left the old code there for now). I also get a warning in Visual Studio:

'ASP.masterpage_master.Page_Load(object, System.EventArgs)' hides inherited member SiteMaster.Page_Load(object, System.EventArgs)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.

UPDATE2: This is what I have in SiteMaster.cs

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
public class SiteMaster : MasterPage
public string StatusText { get; set; }
public string StatusTime { get; set; }
public string Environment { get; set; }
protected virtual void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)
if (Session["status"] != null)
this.StatusText = Session["status"].ToString();
this.StatusTime = Session["statusTime"].ToString();
this.Environment = Session["environment"].ToString();

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Jul 28, 2010

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Programmatically Run Javascript When A Page Loads?

Jun 3, 2010

In my global.asax file for my project, I am checking for certain conditions. When those conditions are met, I want to automatically execute javascript code when the page runs.

This is my code:

if condition Then
Response.Write(" < script type=""text/javascript"" > ")
Response.Write(" // Javascript code to do stuff ")
Response.Write(" < /script > ")
End If

While this appears to work to execute the Javascript code, I don't think it's a best practice because this code will preceed all of the HTML of the page that gets loaded.

What is the best way of programmatically tacking on some extra Javascript code to be run when my page loads?

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Data Controls :: Copy Row Of ListView To Clipboard On Button Click

Feb 25, 2016

This solution copy to clip board working with all browser. I want to pass the value to function dynamically. Like I have listview and and inside listview I have


and on click on link button i want to copy label value on clipboard.

<asp:TextBox ID="myText" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1"
runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="copier('myText')" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function copier(text) {

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May 12, 2010

So the question is in topic.

View 6 Replies - Programmatically Add Stylesheet And JavaScript References To Masterpage?

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body.Attributes.Add("onLoad", "document.getElementById("lbh1").click()
body.Attributes.Add("onload", "eval(document.getElementById("lbh1").href);

But neither seems to work. If I use the following code

body.Attributes.Add("onload", "alert('popup');

The alert is displayed Is there another way to do the click?

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I have a modalpopupextender that I want to run based on a timer control. I've tried using the clientregisterscript to run some javascript code to perform a fake click on the link control that initiates the modalpopup, but with no luck. What is the best way to either show the modal dialog programatically or register a jscript that will do this.

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Select Item In DropDownList Based On Text Value

May 7, 2010

Here's what I want to accomplish: I have two .aspx pages, the first page with a ddl to select a vendor (SelectVendor.aspx), and one to add a vendor (NewVendor.aspx), if it's not in the first one. If a user adds a new vendor on the NewVendor.aspx page I want the page to automatically redirect back to SelectVendor.aspx and have the ddl automatically select the new vendor that was just added. Here's where I'm at so far: If a vendor is not listed in the ddl on SelectVendor.aspx, a user can click a button to navigate to a page to add a new vendor (NewVendor.aspx). On NewVendor.aspx the user types the name of the new vendor in a textbox and clicks an insert button to add the new vendor, then the page is automatically redirected back to SelectVendor.aspx with the new vendor name added to the QueryString. For example, let's say a user adds a vendor name "Best Vendor": The page is redirected back to SelectVendor.aspx as "SelectVendor.aspx ?vendor=Best Vendor"Now all I need from here is to have the ddl programmatically select the new vendor by the text value in the QueryString.

Here is the code that I'm having trouble with from my Page_Load routine for SelectVendor.aspx:


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Javascript - Create Web App Shortcut On User's Desktop Programmatically?

Jan 27, 2011

For enterprise intranet web application, is there any way to create a desktop shortcut of web application on user's desktop? I'm looking for functionality similar to Google Gears, but without installing Google Gears. I'm looking to give user's a link on web application that says "Click here to install desktop shortcut", when they click on it, a desktop shortcut is installed with the custom icon for our application. Is there a way to do it using javascript or any other client side technologies? I don't want to run any exe on user's machines. Even though it's intranet, I have to jump through lot of corporate hoops, compliance approvals, etc to run exe on their machine. We are trying to avoid that, due to time constraints. User machines are windows XP with IE6 installed. They may all upgrade within next year's time to Windows 7 with IE8. Intranet web application in question is developed using 3.5, c#.

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Setting Detailsview Label Text

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to programmatically set some lables inside a DetailsView that is populated by an ObjectDataSource. The detailsview is handled in an unusual way with one TemplateField that has one ItemTemplate that has one table that has two rows of significance and a boatload of bound items. I'll be working on the EditTemplate next. But now I need to set the top row lable values programmatically baised on the type of data that comes-up. I have scoured the Internet looking for ideas and found two possible approaches - neither worked. I get the error about something not being set to an instance of the object - or something like that.

Here is the ObjectDataSource:


Here is the DetailsView:


My first approach was to set the OnSelected property to the following code in the code behind, which executes:


My second approach was to delete that OnSelected property and try the following code in the code behind:


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How To Store Blobs / Rich Text Memos As Rtf Programmatically On Server Hard Disc

Jan 14, 2011

is there a way to store blobs / rich text memos as rtf programmatically on server hard disc instead of the database ?

Update (1)

i want to write in a memo field and store it using identifiers like sessions and time stamps for example writing a memo with the session "subject" and session "dateANDtime" to be stored as "mysubject-12/12/2010-11:56pm.rtf"

how to retrieve the file. can i build hyperlink programmatically?

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Text Programmatically In ItemTemplate Of Gridview Does Not Show

Mar 7, 2010

The problem is this: I am writing a system to show helptexts on certain labels. So in the PageLoad I recursively iterate all controls and save those with a certain tag. So far so good.

On the PreRenderComplete I iterate the controls and set their text property. The strange this is that the labels in ItemTemplate don't get the new text. The PreRenderComplete fires after the DataBound event of the gridview, the label gets found perfectly, in the end it has the new text, but in the page it's still the old text.

I hope I don't need the Row_Databinding event of the gridview, since I want to put all the functionality in an extender class with as little custom work as possible.



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