Javascript - Script Not Executed After Form Element
Oct 25, 2010
I have an .aspx page. I populate a public variable in the code behind (.cs) page and then access that variable in JS on client side. I have the script declared after the FORM tag as below.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var data = "<%=cSharpData%>";
After postback this script does not get executed first time, but when I click on any other server button on the page, then it gets executed.
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Is there a way to retrieve values from the form object using the id element instead of the name element?
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Oct 31, 2012
I have a web application developed in VS 2008. On a form, I have a <select> control that looks like this:
<select id="lstreports" class="width_280" size="1" name="lstreports" onserverclick="DisablePrintSchedule()" runat="server">
When make a selection from this control, the script DisablePrintSchedule() should fire but it doesn't. Below is my Javascript.
<script type="text/javascript">
function DisablePrintSchedule(){
alert('Made it here!');
var btn = document.getElementById('btnPrintSchedule');
[Code] ....
The first Alert isn't even executing. Is there anything I need to do in the code behind like Register the script?
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function popUpDetails(trackNum) {
var newWindow = ('popUpDetails.aspx?trackNum=' + trackNum, 'Title', 'width=540,height=265, location=no, menubar=no, status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, modal=no'));
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Jan 31, 2011
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<asp:ListView ID="lstAnswers" runat="server" DataKeyNames="QuestionID" OnItemDataBound="lstAnswers_ItemDataBound">
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Dec 23, 2010
I have a web form with usual elements (first name, last name, etc). The Postback URL is a different website altogether as the form is intented to post lead information to another website.
The site that accepts the lead is expecting First Name to come over as "FName", and Last Name to come over as "LName". Is there any way I can set the ID of a textbox to "txtFName", but submit it over the wire as "FName"? I tried changing the name attribute, but at runtime it sets the name = id.
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Feb 17, 2010
I have an ASP.NET web form where I have an hidden field, like this:
On the method do_POST I have this:
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Mar 23, 2011
I used to have this one...
at the head part
So what changes should i make to the jquery.openid.js to make it work?
I mean in the first case the $this refers to form.openid:eq(0) In the second case the $this refers to #text.openidd and the form is never submitted.
I guess something like this one $this.FindParentForm exists in JQUERY, but i have no clue!
I added the div tag as enclosure for the elements. The form contains other <li>'s etc that jquery messes with. And i would not like that! That's why in my post i believe that the work has to be done in the jquery.openid.js file... something like
$this.GETParentFORM.unbind('submit').submit(function() {
$id.val($this.GETParentFORM.find("li.highlight span").text());
View 7 Replies
Mar 29, 2010
I have a View that has a select drop-down list and an edit button within a form. What I want to do is have the user select one of the options from the select element, click on the edit button, and get the value of the selected option in the Controller method.
I created my form with <% Html.BeginForm(): %>
and the Controller "Edit" method should be called.
I looked through several online examples, but each one focused on how to set values and the default selected value of the select element, rather than retrieving it from the code in the Controller method. I tried grabbing it from the Request.Form collection like:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"].ToString();
and also:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"];
Obviously I didn't do this correctly, because I get a null reference exception. Does anyone have the solution to this issue?
View 10 Replies
Mar 22, 2011
Consider this snippet of code...
I want to group these two sets of controls.
When the user presses ENTER, having filled out TextBoxOne; the ButtonOne_Click event fires. And when the user has typed something into TextBoxTwo and presses enter; the ButtonTwo_Click event gets fired.
The way you would normally do this, is to have form elements surround each of the groups. But this is not possible in ASP.NET. And short of doing some "has-focus"-logic in JavaScript.
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Mar 25, 2010
I want to replace a form element with a div and keep the inner html of the form inside the inserted div element. i tried jquery it gives me unkown html element as selection result,
below is the target form and inner html:
<form name="Contents2_frmLogin" action="/SiteManagement/SiteWizard.aspx" method="post"><table border="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table>
stackoverflow not allow html code. it is just a form element with a table inside and some input elements
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Mar 9, 2011
I have and problem of validate my element from the out side the form tag.
Here I am describe what I have done and what i need :
now this TxtSite element is out side that SiteDetail form and i want to validate this element when i have submit data this validation should be validate.
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Feb 18, 2011
The application should let them send an html-email containing a survey, that people who have contacted the servicedesk with a problem could fill out to improve service. The email must of course contain form tags to be able to send it back to the application to treat the answers of the survey. The problem as i understand it is that outlook 2007 can't handle form-tags in html-emails, is there a workaround for this or is it a lost cause. I know i could always send an email containing a link to a webpage with the survey and let the user fill it out in their browser, but as people are lazy the response rate tend to get very low if the user has to click a link to open a webpage and then fill out the survey. If we managed to get the survey directly in the mail we think that the reponse rate should go up (at least a bit )
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Feb 16, 2011
can anyone make it clear the main purpose of action attribute of form tag in html page?
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Oct 5, 2010
I am redirecting user from http to https if page is not secure from global.asax file in application_Begin event
But there are some pages in which i don't want to redirect to https page. I want to detect any form element which will tell me weather page should be secured or not. but when i check Requet.Form[_Viewstate] it gives me null value. Right now i check like Request.PhysicalPath.ToLower().IndexOf("test.aspx") ==-1 && !page.IsSecureConnection-> redirect to secure page but in future there will be more page which should be on http.
Is there any general way to redirect to https if page i added any hidden field on page "hfIsHttps=1" and detect that element if 1 then go other wise don't go Following is my code global.asax in application_Begin event
I want, instead of hard core check for perticular page there should be general way, like each page itself should tell weather it should be for http or https
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Apr 24, 2010
I am using Javascript to alter the innerHTML attribute of a <td> and I need to get that info back in the form submittal. The <td> corrosponds to an <asp:TableCell> on the server-side, where the Text attribute is set to an initial value.
The user cannot enter the value in this particular field. Instead, its value is set by me (via client-side script) based on actions that the user performs. But this field is useless to me if I can't see its value on the server-side as well.
I'd like to avoid using a read-only textbox, because those are difficult to resize dynamically. Can an <asp:Label> be used as form data? Is there any way to achive this without letting the user manually enter the data? Or is there a simpler way to store a string as a variable somewhere and send it back as form-data?
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Apr 3, 2011
how run one javascript function for diffrent element with one ASP.Net button click ?
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Jan 25, 2010
How we can remove a xml node in javascript in C#?
i tried this but is given me an error...
string.Format(@"function _removeDock()
xmlDoc = loadXMLDoc('c: esteConfig.xml'); [code]....
and i want to eliminate one of this
<Object Type="TextBox">
<ObjectNr>texto valor</ObjectNr>
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Dec 1, 2010
I want to assign a csharp variable to the element of asp page using javascript. It seems the assignement is not working in my code.
document.getElementById('lbAccessories').innerHTML = '<%#SelectLabel%>';
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbAccessories" runat="server" />'
Text='<%#SelectLabel%>' because i want to make it more intelligent.
function function(Ref) {
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Jan 17, 2011
I have div in aspx page with the runat="server" attribute. How can I hide this element in javascript?
<div id="content" runat="server">
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Dec 21, 2010
I have a button on a aspx page should be positioned on table for one criteria and for other it should be positioned on different div (I dont have the access to code behind for programmatic adding ) all i have to do is though javascript what would be the best way to move the button position?
<div id= "main">
<tr><td id="loginsbtbtn"></td><tr>
<div id="cbtn">
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" BackColor="#b5c7de" runat="server" Text='continue' />
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May 10, 2010
i write the following code to access page "JQueryPage.aspx" and get data from it using jQuery
<script type="text/javascript">
function(data) {
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
"JQueryPage.aspx" is just a page that contain DIV called 'resultsDIV' that contain the data that i want to return the above code return data variable that contain "JQueryPage.aspx" html and i want to get DIV content from it .
i have 2 questions:
1- how can i extract DIV content from data object
2- is this way is th best to get that data ?
View 3 Replies
Nov 8, 2010
I am using the following code to create calendar controls on textboxes that have been dynamically created using cloneNode. The problem is that in IE it seems to add the behavior twice to the textbox causing it not to work. Is there a way that I can remove this behavior before it is added in ie only to prevent it from being added again? This works perfectly in firefox
var rawDateControlID = ctrlPrefix + 'txtStartDate' + tblPatientMedicationsRowCount;
var $tstCalendar = $("#" + rawDateControlID);
$create(AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarBehavior, { "id": $tstCalendar.attr("id") + "cld" }, null, null, $get($tstCalendar.attr("id")));
View 1 Replies
Jan 24, 2011
I have a nested table structure, a part of which is rendered by a ajax call that returns HTML from the server. The markup looks like this:
<td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 1 --%>
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 2 --%>
.. more html
The ajax call returns the following html
<td class="wpss_checkboxtd"><img width="16" height="16" src="../../images/someimg.png"></td>
<td class="wpss_checkboxtd"><img width="16" height="16" src="../../images/someimg.png"></td>
In jquery, I need to insert this html for which i need an element to traverse to so that I can call the html() of that element. Unfortunately, if I use a div, for example:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<div id="divAjax1">
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 1 --%>
<div id="divAjax2">
<%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 2 --%>
the classes are setup such that the div or a span causes other issues.
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