Javascript - Checkbox Property Using Jquery?

Oct 27, 2010

i want that when a checkbox is checked then it should allow user to write something in a txtbox. initially the txtbox is disabled. what i should write inside the function using jquery

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Similar Messages:

Jquery Dialog Interferes With Input Checkbox Checked Property - Always False

Jan 15, 2010

I came across the following given a page containing

<div id='test'>
<input type='checkbox' id='ch1' name='ch1' runat=server />
<input type="button" id="view_test" />

and the following jquery code to show this div in a dialog

$("#view_test").click(function() {
$("#test").dialog({ show: 'slide', width: 600, title: 'View Check' });

If view_test button was clicked, initializing the dialog, before the form post backs the checkbox ch1.Checked property in .Net is always False. However if you just postback without initializing the dialog it works as expected.

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Checkbox Losing Value On Postback Due To JavaScript / JQuery Array?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a simple asp:RadioButtonList within a form tag but for some reason it isn't keeping it's value on postback

Here's what I've got


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JQuery :: Checkbox Click Event Problems When Using JQuery Safari Checkbox Plugin?

Nov 26, 2010

my page are 1 checkbox and 1 hidden label and 1 hidden panel. With the help of forum member raghav_khunger I've managed to write the code which shows panel and label when checkBox is checked. I've also added the code which is checking on every page post back the status of checkbox and hide/show panel and label appropriately. This is working fine.However when I add jQuery Safari checkbox plugin [URL] problems appear.

Looks like the code which is handling click event is doing reverse thing: when panel and label should be hidden are shown. I can change this but then there would be problems because of the second part of the code which is checking checkbox on page load. So when I check the checkbox nothing happens. I must uncheck it and label and panel appears. But if panel is uncheck the label and panel would be hidden because on next page load (when user clicks button next).As I said before the same code is working fine and it's test in all browsers (IE,FF,O,S,C). Maybe there is problem with checkbox plugin since it's in beta version.


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JQuery :: Adding Hover Effect To Checkbox (fancy Checkbox Plugin)?

Nov 12, 2010

I had problems with jQuery fancy checkbox plugin [URL]

However after that I want to "combine" 2 plugins, the one mentioned in first post:


and this one ("Safari"):


So I've changed the picture of checkbox and wanted to add hover effects as it is shown in second link (according to state of checkbox).

However since I'm quite noob with jQuery (and JS) the thing only works fine on "default" mode, when checkbox is not selected or checked on page load.





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JQuery Incrementally Count Selected Checkbox And Deselected Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web form that has 6 checkbox. 1 checkbox is to call a Function to select all checkbox and show the message "You have selected" 6 "items" (in this case, 6 checkbox). If a user doesn't select the Select All checkbox, they can select or deselect other checkbox individually and the message will be "You have selected" # "items" I'm trying to do this in jQuery, but it's not working yet. Here's the script:


The CSS class CheckBoxClass is not with the HTML input, that's why I'm looking for checkbox Id instead of checkbox class.

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Validating A Property If Another Property Has A Value On MVC 3 / JQuery Validator

Mar 21, 2011

how can I use a Required Validation in a property Prop2 only if the Prop1 is true?

public bool Prop1 { get; set; }
[Required] // I need this validation only if the Prop1 is true.
public string Prop2 { get; set; }

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JQuery :: How To Get GridView's Nested Label's Text Property Using JQuery

Feb 16, 2011

I have GridView control which markup is follow:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Categories">[code]....

Now i'm trying to get lbl1 Text value in getValue() function, but can't accomplish it, i'm new to jQuery and I have to use it, any considerations how can I make this work?

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MVC :: How To Set The Checked Property To True When Creating The Checkbox

Mar 28, 2011

I have the following code :

{id = "creOps"
, value = i.Value})

How do I set the checked property to True when creating the Checkbox

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Change Button's Enabled Property Via Checkbox?

Apr 6, 2010

I tried this javascript but it doesn't work - here

I need to change the button's enabled property to true when the checkbox is checked and to false when it isn't. This is my code.


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Binding The Checked Property Of A CheckBox Within A TemplateItem?

Jan 20, 2010

For the life of me I cannot bind the Checked property of a CheckBox control within a TemplateField (declaritively).

I have tried:

<asp:CheckBox ID="deactivated" runat="server" checked="<%#Eval("Deactivated")%>"></asp:CheckBox>


<asp:CheckBox ID="deactivated" runat="server" checked="<%#Eval(Container.DataItem, "Deactivated")%>"></asp:CheckBox>

I keep seeing a warning stating: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Boolean' from it's string representation' 'for the 'Checked' property.

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C# - Sort Checkbox List On Basis Of Checked Property

Jan 14, 2010

I have a check-box-List which I bind to a master dataTable(DTA)... I have another dataTable (DTB) which has the values that needs to checked in the check-box-List... So I loop through all items in the check-box-list to see if it exists in the DTB and set checked = true for those items that exists. Now I want to show the checked items first in the Check-box-list box and the unchecked items below that. Is there any way I can do it... A similar solution for List-Box could also be helpful. A Javascript hint is welcome too.

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Read The Checked Property Of A Checkbox By Using FindControl?

Nov 19, 2010

I think this must be easy... I need to read if a certain checkbox is checked or not, but it's mandatory to me use the findcontrol.Can someone help me ? maybe it's just necessary to complete the code bellow:

Control cb = FindControl(cols[i].id_coluna.ToString());

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Web Forms :: Set Variable Based On CheckBox Checked Property In C#?

Mar 1, 2013

I used below code fo radiobutton to inserting data in database

string price = RadioButton2.Checked ?"1": "null";
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("insertproduct2", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Price", price);

Now I use same code for checkbox I want if users checked chekbox in table insert "1"

else insert "Null" but when I wrote below code

string Off = checkbox1.Checked ? "1" : "null";

it make error Under checked attribute it didn't recognize Checked attribute here. what should i do?

View 1 Replies

JQuery :: How To Compare To Checkbox List And Show Selected In First Checkbox List

Nov 25, 2010

how to compare to checkbox list and show selected in first checkbox list


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JQuery :: How To Get Number Of Selected Checkbox Id Using Jquery

Feb 25, 2011

i am using .Net Framework 4.0 along with webservice and i create method in webservice that returns id's of no. of selected checkbox in checkbox List Here's code

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]

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JQuery :: Checkbox And Dropdown Validation Using Jquery?

Oct 6, 2010

i have a checkbox and dropdown in a gridview when user selects checkbox only then he can select the dropdown, and the dropdown wil have the values corresponding to the gridview rows count if user checks two checkbox in a gridview,and the dropdown value should be diffrent it should be not the same for the selected checkbox how to achieve this using Jquery and

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Forms Data Controls :: Using CheckBox In DataList To Set Checked Property

Sep 14, 2010

Using CheckBox in DataList to set checked property

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Gridview - Toggle Checked Property Of A Data Bound Checkbox?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a GridView control that has one column of checkboxes set up like this:

<asp:CheckBox ID="RowCheckBox" runat="server" Enabled="false" Checked='<%# (bool)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem ,"Associated") %>'/>

Then when the user clicks an Edit button I run a script that enables all the checkboxes (which works fine), and then when the user then clicks on a checkbox the tick is appearing or disappearing as it should.

The problem I'm having is that when I try to read the value of the checkbox from the codebehind:

CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) row.FindControl("RowCheckBox");
bool checked = checkBox.Checked;

If the value bound to it was true then checked is still true, no matter if it was toggled or not.

Edit: Corrected a spelling mistake. Question still stands though...

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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Checkbox Control Property In A Listview?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a listbox control that is used to insert and update data. There is a checkbox that some users should be able to set while others should not. In what event shold I set it's enabled property and what would the findcontrol string look like?

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Web Forms :: Loop Through Calendar Cells To Find Checked Property Of Checkbox

Aug 10, 2010

I have a calendar control that has a checkbox control added to each cell on dayrender. A user will check the dates that they want to add an event for and click a button that will display the modaldialog box where the user will enter the event for the selected dates. I'm having trouble looping through the calendar dates to get the checkbox contol's checked property.

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Assign Values To Checked Property Of Checkbox At Runtime

Apr 22, 2010

I have a ASP.Net page that has a gridview control. This gridView control has a checkbox controls. I would like to assign a boolean value from a database field to the Checked property- Checked='<%# Bind("RESULTS") %>'.

When page loads,I get error - Specified cast is invalid!

The code is as follows...

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="dsResults"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="3" OnRowUpdated="GridView1_RowUpdated">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="COMPLIANT" SortExpression="RESULTS">
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("RESULTS") %>' />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("RESULTS") %>'
Enabled="False" />

Note: If a constant value is passed at design time it works fine. But i want to assign the value at runtime using Bind.

Environment details: VS 2008, ASP.NET 2.0 and .Net Framework 3.0 & C# language.

I tried returning values like 0s and 1s, Ys and Ns and True and False from a database field. But i still get the above mentioned error.

I tried retreving the value in OnRowDataBound event using Eval, since Bind is not available in code behind. But it would make the field readonly and i cannot edit and update the Results field.

Even though there is a value returned by the query why does the Checkbox does not assign the value using <%# Bind("Results") %> to Checked property instead throws error - Specified cast is invalid.

how i can edit and update Checkbox.

where did the Bind method of ASP.Net 1.x is moved? How can i use Bind in code behind of ASP.Net 2.0?When i type DataBinder the intellisense shows Eval and other stuff but i don't see Bind that would solve the problem of two- way binding.

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JQuery :: How To Fetch Checkbox Using Jquery

Sep 12, 2010

is there any efficient way to make selectall functionality with grid and fetch selected checkbox using button.

I have used mvccontrib. Right now i am writing code as per below :


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JQuery :: Working With Checkbox Using JQuery?

Feb 8, 2011

I am new to jQuery, i am tring that In my pages contain four checkboxes then if any checkbox is checked then one div is dispaly , in that div some controls is placed. My intension is if checkbox is checked then validation for that particular div contained controls,

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JQuery :: Microsoft Javascript.... Errror / Saved A Copy Of Jquery-1.4.2.js In Local Project Folder?

Jul 14, 2010

i have saved a copy of jquery-1.4.2.js in my local project folder also have jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js

I have added comment like /// <reference path="jquery-1.4.2.js" /> in my custome javascript file

Also in another project in the same system i can uise jquery well

but in one of my project i show Microsoft javascript.... errror

what can i do? a line like $("#K").val(); gives error

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