JQuery :: Adding Hover Effect To Checkbox (fancy Checkbox Plugin)?

Nov 12, 2010

I had problems with jQuery fancy checkbox plugin [URL]

However after that I want to "combine" 2 plugins, the one mentioned in first post:


and this one ("Safari"):


So I've changed the picture of checkbox and wanted to add hover effects as it is shown in second link (according to state of checkbox).

However since I'm quite noob with jQuery (and JS) the thing only works fine on "default" mode, when checkbox is not selected or checked on page load.





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Similar Messages:

JQuery :: Checkbox Click Event Problems When Using JQuery Safari Checkbox Plugin?

Nov 26, 2010

my page are 1 checkbox and 1 hidden label and 1 hidden panel. With the help of forum member raghav_khunger I've managed to write the code which shows panel and label when checkBox is checked. I've also added the code which is checking on every page post back the status of checkbox and hide/show panel and label appropriately. This is working fine.However when I add jQuery Safari checkbox plugin [URL] problems appear.

Looks like the code which is handling click event is doing reverse thing: when panel and label should be hidden are shown. I can change this but then there would be problems because of the second part of the code which is checking checkbox on page load. So when I check the checkbox nothing happens. I must uncheck it and label and panel appears. But if panel is uncheck the label and panel would be hidden because on next page load (when user clicks button next).As I said before the same code is working fine and it's test in all browsers (IE,FF,O,S,C). Maybe there is problem with checkbox plugin since it's in beta version.


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JQuery :: Simple Hover Effect On Image?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a simple page with 4 thumbs. All I want to do is when the mouse is hovering over a link, the thumb to move up like it's hovering. When the mouse leaves the link, then the the thumb moves down to it's original spot.

I can't seam to find any tutorials on how to create that effect. I tried bing and google but none of them are what I'm trying to do.

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JQuery Incrementally Count Selected Checkbox And Deselected Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web form that has 6 checkbox. 1 checkbox is to call a Function to select all checkbox and show the message "You have selected" 6 "items" (in this case, 6 checkbox). If a user doesn't select the Select All checkbox, they can select or deselect other checkbox individually and the message will be "You have selected" # "items" I'm trying to do this in jQuery, but it's not working yet. Here's the script:


The CSS class CheckBoxClass is not with the HTML input, that's why I'm looking for checkbox Id instead of checkbox class.

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JQuery :: How To Compare To Checkbox List And Show Selected In First Checkbox List

Nov 25, 2010

how to compare to checkbox list and show selected in first checkbox list


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C# - Explain CheckBox Checkbox = (CheckBox)sender?

Sep 23, 2010

While going through the checkBox I found there is written

CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)sender
on checkBox1_CheckedChanged event.

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: How To Achieve Hover Effect For The Ajaxtoolkit Combobox

Aug 7, 2010

How can I achieve hover effect for the ajaxtoolkit combobox. I just need an outline for the entire combo i.e. outline for combo-textbox and combo-button when hovering over the combobox otherwise it should return to the normal outline color.

I could only get the hovering effect for combo-textbox alone and that too an outline creates at outer of the existing combo-textbox outline.

BTW: how can I attach an image from my desktop?

I tried the CSS style as below


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Forms Data Controls :: Select All CheckBox In Gridview When Click To Header CheckBox?

Aug 20, 2010

I want to select all checkBox in Gridview when click to header checkBox.I have created design such that CheckBox is not available to header of Gridview.It is in other table. Below is design of gridview.


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GridView With Checkbox Column. Client-side Script To Uncheck All Except Current Checkbox?

Jun 29, 2010

I am dynamically binding a typed list to a GridView control.

The Grid View Control is in an asp.net page that is wrapped in an asp:UpdatePanel (Ajax).

The first column contains a checkbox control.

Only one checkbox may be checked in this column.

If the user checks a checkbox, all other checkbox must be unchecked.

I am trying to achieve this using client-side script without success.

In the handler for the GridView's RowDatabound event, have attempted to add an attribute to the CheckBox contained within the cell.


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Web Forms :: Uncheck Checkbox Using Client Side Code When Other Checkbox Is Checked?

Mar 7, 2011

I have two checkboxes on my form.

- How can I uncheck a checkbox using client side code when the other checkbox is checked?
- Is there a way to check server side on form submission that at least one check box is checked?

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Forms Data Controls :: Enable Checkbox When Another Checkbox Clicked In Repeater?

Dec 2, 2010

i have repeater


and have code behind


when i click chk_packages checkbox myCheckedChanged fired and i want single checkbox to get enable

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In ListView / Add A Checkbox In Front Of Every Item?

Mar 4, 2010

I am displaying my table data using listview control. It is working fine.

Now I would like to add a checkbox in front of every item so then when user checks the checkbox and click on delete button inside or outside the listview control then i want all the records to be deleted.

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Data Controls :: Select One Checkbox From Multiple Checkbox Columns Of Grid (mutually Exclusive)

Aug 12, 2013

I have 5 checkbox columns in my grid .. like

Id      Chk1   Chk2    Chk3   Chk4  Chk5

I want select only one checkbox among 5 checkboxes if user selects one checkbox another which are checked are need to uncheck. How can i do this in client side .....

View 1 Replies

Vb.net - Retrieve Inserted Checkbox Values In Checkbox On Page Load?

Dec 30, 2010

i have 5 checkboxes in webform and textbox1. when i search the record using the date specified in textbox1
when i enter 11-Dec-2010 in Textbox1 and click on submit button then checkbox1, checkbox2, and checkbox3 will be disabled and unchecked. and after tat when i type 13-Dec-2010 in Textbox1 and click on submit button then checkbox1, checkbox4, and checkbox5 will be disabled and unchecked .....and all the checkbox of 11-Dec-2010 will be enabled for 13-Dec-2010 I M CURRENTLY WORKING IN ASP.NET (VB)

My Datbase structure :
ID Name Seats Date
1 Sumit 1,2,3 11-Dec-2010
2 Mili 1,4,5 13-Dec-2010

Example of this is that site have a look to know more : what i want : [URL]

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C# - Html Table, Where Each Row Has A Checkbox, Want To Send All Checkbox Value's To An Ajax Call?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a report page, that displays many rows, each row having its own checkbox with its value being an ID field from the database.This is for a bulk operation, that will be preformed on all the row's where the checkbox was checked.So if the user checks multiple boxes, hits a button, I need to send all the checkbox values to a controller's action that will take those Id's and process them.

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Web Forms :: Bind The Data Through Checkbox If Checkbox Checked Is True?

Jan 15, 2011

How bind the data through checkbox if checkbox checked is true

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How To Bind DataGrid Checkbox To Another Checkbox Control On The Page

Dec 31, 2010

I just developing my web design skills.

I have a Datagrid with 2 textbox template columnsand two checkbox template columns. I have two other Textbox controls and two CheckBox controls. I have an Add button.

I want to be able to use the add button to update Datagrid Record inserting the Textbox control texts and the Checkbox Control status.

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Adding Checkbox List To InnerHTML

May 5, 2010

My code behind reads from a database and depending on the results depends on the display. It then allows the user to choose one item. However, I want to also give a checkboxlist to allow multiple options.

My function shows (currently only one option available to select at a time)


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C# - CheckBox Adding Parameter To Gridview?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a CheckBoxList that is showing all A table C column.


My A table has two columns.

B-->Primary Key
C--> Every C has a unique B.

I have an SQL like this for my Gridview Source;

Select <...............>
From <..................>
Where <.................>
(Select A.B
From A
Where A.C IN ALL CheckBoxList.SelectedItem.Value)

Something like that. My SQL syntax isn't very good. I hope you can tell what I want..

What I REALLY want is, when I click a button, Gridview should be populated according to the SQL , BUT filtered by what is selected in CheckBoxList.

Is there any way to add a parameter in the SQL IN clause?

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Gridview - Adding Column Of Checkbox To Its Header

Jul 22, 2011

I edited my gridview template by adding an additional column of checkbox and to its header

I managed to do a checkchange for select all or none and for selecting single of multiple checkbox.

My problem here is that when I try to select all, uncheck another checkbox, the header checkbox is still checked and the unchecked checkbox becomes checked again.

If i did not check my header checkbox and just check it normally, its fine.

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Web Forms :: Checkbox / Checkbox List Not Behaving?

Jan 14, 2010

I am absoluetly confused. My web app has a checkbox list that my code is looking to see if the user checked it. Like I said, very simple stuff... Here's the code:

If (chkLaunch.Items(1).Selected) Then
Launch = 1
End If

The odd thing is that when it gets to this bit of code it just moves right past it like it wasn't checked. The same thing happens when I use a single checkbox (rather than a checkbox list). I've tried a bunch of different ways to make the code work but I'm left to the conclusion that I'm just not telling it to do this correctly. Either that or my project is messed up somehow.I say that my project is messed up because when I add an object to the page in Design mode, it doesn't write the source code. So when I save and close, all the modifications are mysteriously gone. This happens on multiple PC's...So, is the checkbox problem just me not doing something correctly or is my web project messed up?

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Adding Checkbox In Listview Control To Allow Multiple Delete?

Mar 5, 2010

I am trying to display checkboxes in front of every row in list view. So that after selecting the desired checkboxes user clicks on delete button and we should delete that records.

but how can it be done?

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Forms Data Controls :: CheckBox Adding Parameter To Gridview?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a [Code]....

with showing all A table C column.


My A table has two column.

B-->Primary Key

C--> Every C has a unique B.

I have an SQL like this for my Gridview Source;


Something like that. My SQL syntax isn't very well. I hope i can tell what i want..

What REALLY want is, When i click a button, showing in Gridview with second SQL , BUT only i selected in CheckBoxList.

Is there any way adding to parameter in SQL? How can i do that?

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Adding Checkbox And Linkbutton In Gridview?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a gridview in my aspx page, which is filled with data from generic list.

I want to add a checkbox and a link button in the grid, so that users can select the row and when users click on the link button, a new page is loaded with the items in the selected row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Onclick Event To A Checkbox?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a checkbox inside a repeater like below..I'm having trouble figuring out how I need to tie the onclick event to a javascript function..I know I need to use somthing like

butSubmit.Attributes.Add("onClick", "return confirmSubmit();") but Since my checkbox is inside a repeater and I'm using master pages. I'm not sure how I need to use the findcontrol to so I can call the Add method?

I need to add an onclick to the ChkAll checkbox


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