Jquery - How To Generate An Unordered List From Database Table Data

Mar 19, 2011

i have an unordered list <ul><li><ul><li>

I had made a table to fill the unordered list but how to fetch that data into li and ul the table consists of home, organisation (with children as policy, employeesdetails), and so on.. How do i fill these ul and li's and children of li's with data from sqlserver2005 table?

I'm not supposed to use any asp.net built in controls like asp.net menu


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Is It Possible To Render A TreeViewControl As An Unordered List Instead Of A Table

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Forms Data Controls :: Get DataList To Display An Unordered List?

Jan 7, 2011

I have web form and on it I have a DataList that is grabbing some Data from a Database and displaying them as a list.However when I look at the HTML Source Code produced, it's all Tables ! <td> and <tr> !!

How can I stop this ? I want my DataList to display the data like so:


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Converting Hierarchical Data Into An HTML Unordered List Programmatically Using C#?

Mar 16, 2010

I've data which looks something like this.


To convert the above data into unordered list based on depth, I'm using the following code


But the resulting unordered list doesnt seem to be forming properly(using which i am constructing a tree).For example "Site " with id '180' is supposed to appear as a direct child of "Televisions" with id '1',is appearing as a direct child of 'Flash' with id '191' using my code.so in addition to considering depth,I've decided to consider itemid as well in order to get the treeview properly.Those rows of the table with itemId not equal to null are not supposed to have a child node(i.e.,they are the leaf nodes in the tree) and all the other nodes can have child nodes.


The 'itemid' column refers to the id of an item which is present in another table.This column just in identifying if an item has any sub items(i.e., 'name' in my data in this case has any other unordered lists under it).

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Add HTML Unordered List From Code Behind

May 7, 2015

HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
li.InnerText = "new menu";
HtmlGenericControl anchor = new HtmlGenericControl("a");
anchor.Attributes.Add("href", "page.htm");
anchor.InnerText = "TabX";

I am using above code on my master.cs file to add new line like

<li id="one"><a href="page.htm"></a></li>on my .master filebut it not working...what i missingcode not showing any error..

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JQuery :: How To Create List Order And Unorder List Using Data Table

Oct 21, 2010

1 My DataTable Return following Data

Acct Books Annual
Acct Books Monthly
Acct Tax Income Tax
Admin GH Eqpt
Admin Offc Eqpt
Admin Offc Misc
Admin Offc Eqpt

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Web Forms :: How To Highlight The Current List Item In The Unordered List

Mar 25, 2010

I have a master page which has an unordered list in this way:


These links are directed to my content pages. I am able to highligt the selected list item on hover and on active.

But I do not understand how I can highlight the selected list item as long as the user is on that specific page/link (current list item). I know that we can specify a seperate body tag and id for each of the content pages and then use CSS to highlight the current list item, but all this code rests already inside a body tag in the master page.

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AJAX :: Using Accordion With An HTML Definition List Or Unordered List?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to implement an html definition list in which each <dt> is the <header> in the accordion, and <content> is the <dd>. No matter how I write this out I can't get it to be valid markup because of the position of the <div>s inside the definition list where divs aren't allowed.

I also tried using a unordered list but had the same validation issues. I would really like to use the accordian, but not if I have to sacrifice valid semantic markup on my page.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Generate Table (database) In Gridview

Feb 5, 2010

I am creating a attendance database table in sql server2005.. i just want to generate the gridview as follows in form.aspx.. i am using vb.net generate the report in gridview..

Attendance table
employee name(varchar)- Its contain all the employees name
date(datetime)-Its contain dates
status(varchar)-Its contain the status of employee whether they are Present or Absent

I just need all the employee name (data) in one rows and dates in columns.. also i need the status of the employees inside this.. whether they are absent or present.

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Is It Possible To Iterate Through An Unordered List

Jun 21, 2010

Is it possible to iterate through an unordered list like the following in codebehind?


I was hoping to iterate through all the li elements of the ul checking whether NavigateUrl is equal to the current url. If it is, I was going to add a CssClass to give it a different appearance.

I think I know how to compare it to the page's url and to how to add the css class. I'm just not quite sure how you iterate through li items using a HTML Generic control.

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Rendering An Unordered List Using C#?

Feb 26, 2010

I need to render a unordered list with the data obtained from database using asp.net/C#.My data looks something like this.

id Name Depth



3 Tube 2

4 LCD 2

5 Plasma 2

6 Portable electronics 1

7 MP3 Player 2

8 Flash 3

9 CD Players 2

10 2 Way Radio 2

using the above sample data I need to render an unordered list based on the depth, in the following format


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Web Forms :: Dynamic Unordered List With HtmlGenericControl?

Jun 24, 2010

i am working on a dynamic tree menu with nested <ul><li>-Lists.

when building the nested list every <li> element should contain a <div> with a small icon and a css-style behind.

here is my code:


this way the result in the browser shows the name of every "aNavItem" but there are no icons. if i put the line to set the inner text of the div BEFORE adding the "imgMove" to it both things are shown - the name of the element and on the right the icon

the problem is that i want the icon to be on the left and then the text, but there is no icon at all with the code above (it looks like the setting of the inner text overwrites the already added image-control in the div-tag)

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HTML - Creating An Unordered List With Controls?

Jul 18, 2010

I've got this web control that I've been dynamically adding controls to but now the requirement is to add an ordered list around the controls.

To render the controls I add the controls to ControlsCollection


How do I position the controls in the list items?

Do I need to approach the problem differently?

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Web Forms :: How To Change CSS Style For Unordered List Item In Master Page Using VB

Oct 2, 2010


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Source Error:


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MVC :: How To Generate Treeview From Database Using Jquery

Apr 23, 2010

how can i generate treeview from database using jquery. I have table with column ID,Name,ParentID. I am new in MVC.

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Generate Reference Number From Database Table?

Mar 16, 2011

I am a beginner in ASP.NET using VB Code. I want to generate a Unique reference no by concortinating three column fields.Example:

Column unique reference no (System Generated) - 10
Column with Product Code (User Entry) - APPLE
Column with Product Title (User Entry) - FRUITS
Unique ref No = FRUITS/APPLE/10

I want to concatenate this three fields to the column Unique Ref No.

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I am creating a ASP.Net application in MVC architecture. I have to connect to a database on MS Access and be able to enter data into it. All examples I see use SQL Server. When I try from prject explorer Add New Item -> Data -> I am unable to find Drivers for Access Database.

From the Data Connections in Server Explrere window I was able to make a successful connection to the database.

Does MVC 2 support MS Access Database?

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Loop Through Table Cells With JQuery And Send The Data To Database?

Feb 26, 2010

What's the best method for looping through a table, grabbing all the data in the cells, but skipping the <th>? Do I put the data in an array?

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JQuery :: JQuery Sortable - Sort And Update Database / Using For Custom Sorting <ul><li> List?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using jQuery for custom sorting my <ul><li> list.But I have a problem. I can sort and move those <li>-s but problem is I don't know how to update database with new order integers.Example of html ul li:


This is an example of my li element.. I have id=43, thats Id of picture in database.I use this javascript for trying to somehow make array and read that id into array:


Problem is I don't know exactly what am I doing wrong, because my event doesn't fire, when I press "update button.. Update button fires "update" function on click:


I hope someone will try to explain.Do codebehind and html needs to be in the same document? Can I use ascx and use "update" button there, to fire aspx methode?

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Database Using HTML Table And JQuery / AJAX?

Aug 18, 2015

How to do this with database?


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Forms Data Controls :: Adding The List Items As True, False Which Stores In The Database Table As A Bit Value?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a dropdown list inside gridview which has a object data source and I am adding the list items as true, false which stores in the database table as a bit value. Even if i am addin the values 1 and 0 to the drop down list, its throwing the below error'grdDebug' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.Parameter name: value My code to add the dropdownlist with list items are as below

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Debug">
<asp:DropDownList ID="grdDebug" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("Debug") %>'>


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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Generate A Grid View From Database, In One Of My Database Columns The Values Are 'y' And 'N'?

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to generate a Grid view from database, in one of my database columns the values are 'y' and 'N'. and i need to show this values in a check box .I tried to keep a check box in item template and tried to bind it, but could get much success.


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Web Forms :: All Values From List, Get Into The Database, A Table?

Mar 4, 2010

When you fill the ArrayList with some values as:

List<string> ls1 = new List<string>();
Now fill in the cycle with some values:
while (...){
lst1.Add (value);

And when I successfully filled the List, as now reads these values, so that I can save the database?I want all values from List, get into the database, a table, how to do it?

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JQuery :: Create A List Box From Database?

Nov 17, 2010

how to create a list box from database

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Database Table Search Using Text Box And Dropdown List With C#?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm building a small website using ASP.net/C# and I wanted to know how to implement a simple search feature using a text box and a dropdown.

The datasource is a products table and in the text box I enter the product's name and in the dropdown are the categories. (I have managed to populate the dropdown with the available categories already)

It must follow these conditions:

If both text box and dropdown are blank all products must be listed;
If a category is chosen all products from that category must be listed;
If only text is filled, all products that match are shown;

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