've programmatically created a listview, for displaying images. When you click on the download the ItemCommand is fired, and the browser sends the user the image as a binary response, using the following:
In my ASP.Net (2.0) Web Service implementation (The implementation class derives from
System.Web.Services.WebService with WebServiceBinding confirming to WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1 .
The SOAP response sent out by the Service has two elements missing :
1> The XML header itself : (<?xml version="1.0">)
2> The opening and closing Envelope tags with NameSpace ("<S:Envelope xmlns:S=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/>" and "</S:Envelope>" ).
This results in "breaking" of my client unless the above mentioned headers are inserted at the client end, and my intent is to avoid bypasses at the client end as far as popssible.Is this the default behavior ?
I am using this code to download and its working well for me.But i cant understand the code.Can someone explain me this code to me please?
Response.AddHeader is used to add a new HTML header,but what is an HTML header all about?and the parameters i am passing within it as the name and value;what are they?
On the client side I have a form: <form ... action="www.link-to-another-domaint" > <input type="hidden" id="asd" value="fgh" > .... </form> <script type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].submit(); </script>
Then on the other domain - there is also my other application - I'm trying to get the hedaer "key" by this code:
But there is no such header. Is there is a desicion? Where is my mistake?
I have a need to specify a custom response header from code when my web service is called. I know that from an ASPX page, you can easily modify response headers, but it is not so obvious from withing an ASMX page.
I am developing a web application which uses a third party Web service. It requires Username & Password in SOAP Header request. I am passing those credentials well and the web service returns an XML string in Response and also a SESSION ID in the SOAP Header.
I don't know how to read/access the soap header from the response sent from the web service.
From what I can tell the listview doesn't have a header template. I'd like to be able to list and line up the column names with the data on my list view, but there doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to do this. If I put it in a table in the item template, it lines up like I want it, but it of course repeats which is what I don't want.
There are a couple of things going on in this post:
1. The DropDownList (DDL) reverts back to index = 1 on postback (this has been solved, post #10) 2. Use of General Lists to populate the DropDownList (Post# TBD)
I have a series of DropDownLists (DDLs) one depending on the other for its selection value. The first one specifies the table name. On the SelectedIndexChanged event of the table name DDL the second DDL is populated with a list of field names contained in that table. And the third DDL with unique values contained in the selected field (In case you are wondering I am building a custom query tool).
The problem is that the Field names DDL, after selecting a new field, reverts to the second field listed in the table, something to do with the postback I would presume. The interesting thing is that it does not happen for the Table name DDL, though I am doing something a trifle bit different there.
I'll include the code for the three DDLs and the two SelectedIndexChanged events.
HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The size of the response header is too large. Contact your ISA server administrator. (12216) Internet Security and Acceleration Server
I am guessing it has to do with the size of hidden "__ViewState" tag in my ASP.NET pages.
I also realize that this is restriction imposed to by IT on the users end and I have no contol over it.
I disabled ViewState on all the controls in my ASP.NET pages. However, __ViewState is still generated very large (as always) to persist control-state (e.g. checkbox, radiobutton, etc.)
I need to apply a function, called get_local_name() to translate, in the language chosen by the user, the headers of a table in Listview. The function searches a table with all the translations and gets the one corresponding to the original name of the header. I had no problems with other buttons or labels. There I have a label, a property Text, so it's easy, for me, remember I'm a total noob, to recall the element I want to translate in Vb. For instance:
Protected Sub select_local() L_admin.Text = get_local_name("Admins", lng) End Sub Private Sub GV_customers_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GV_customers.RowDataBound If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then.....
and now I have to do the same for the headers in Listview, but I really can't understand how I could apply get_local_name to the Text of the headers.
I have a page where I have a button and a read only text box, and the button uses javascript to open a popup window with a date picker on it, which is used to set the text box. Here is my button code:
I'm trying to implement a custom principal and custom identity in a .NET MVC website. I've created a custom principal class which inherits from IPrincipal and a custom identity which inherits from IIdentity.
When a user logs in I set both Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.Current.User to my custom principal. When I view either through the debugger the values are set with all the properties.
However once the request is complete and I try and request any other pages both Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.Current.User are of type System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal and not my custom principal.
Do I need to do anything "extra" to get my custom principal out of the thread or HttpContext?
In my database I have boolean column to declare if something is 'active'. In my web application I would only like one item to be able to have the 'active' status at once.
Therefore I have a radio button list in my aspx page to force the user to select one item. I know it is easy to set the selected item to true through my SQL update statement, but how do I automatically set everything else back to false/null!?
[URL]I know how to remove the Server response header with an HTTP Module based on the link above. I just want to know why it is necessary to remove it this way.