Necessary To Call Response.End() After Response.Redirect(url)?
Jan 13, 2011
Is it necessary to call Response.End() after Response.Redirect(url) Update for all the answers. Because some answers say that it's necessary and others say no, I have searched more and have found in msdn under remarks the following: Redirect calls End which raises a ThreadAbortException exception upon completion.
I got a ASP.Net website (webforms application in C# - .Net framework 2.0) with Master Page, webforms and a GlobalFunctions class in App_Data folder where i do have ErrorLog functions and few other generic functions. Everytime an exception is caught in my webform it calls this GlobalFunctions.Errorlog function to log the error in my database table. After the exception details are written to the database table, I also would like to redirect the user to my ErrorPage.aspx like
However since i am inside a class (GlobalFunctions.vb) and not a webform, I don't know how to redirect this to ErrorPage.aspx since i can't access Response class.
I have a page that when the user clicks a button there is a custom loading panel placed in the update panel by the PageRequestManager BeginRequest event. So when the page is loaded the loading panel is removed. My issue is that when the user clicks a button that redirects to an httphandler the page is not reloaded therefore the loading panel is never removed.
So I'm trying to think of a way to remove the loading panel before the redirect occurs, whether this be with a client script call before the redirect or what ever. So far I've thought about trying to do Response.write("..."), then Response.Redirect().
I have a masterpage and inside that masterpage I have to check if a session is null or not. If the session is null, then there has to be a redirect to a login page.
That is no problem, but the problem is that the masterpage also have controls using the session and the child also uses the session so I get a nullreferenceexception.
I now have this:
But the problem is that the controls on the masterpage are also called instead of redirecting immediatly.
So the main question:
How can I redirect immediatly, without loading further things. Because the page_init gets called as first method the redirect should solve my nullreferenceexception, but than I don't need to load all components etc.
I have a try-catch inside a method that is called asynchronously. When an error occurs, inside the catch I have a Response.Redirect because I need to redirect to the login page.
This is my issue.
But my problem doesn't involve things that expire, so the idea of a timer isn't the best way to resolve it.
I've just finished reading URL vs. URI vs. URN, in More Concise Terms, and it's really helped understand the distinction between the three terms. Since then I've skimmed the RFC2141 and RFC2616 specs and Microsoft's Response.Redirect Method documentation in an effort to answer the following question confidently.
Given this line of code:
And this resulting HTTP response (trimmed for context):
I want to redirect to "~/City/Göteborg", but if I just write Response.Redirect("~/City/Göteborg"); I will end up with an ugly URL in the address-bar like this:
So my question is how to redirect to obtain a clean url likeöteborg?
if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......
What i want to do is.. I have one main page with new posts Each subject of the new post is the link to Another page where is Specific post and coments and user can leave a coment.
What I want is when the Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "" or null I want to redirect to error page ...
I am working on a website that I inherited (ASP.NET and C#), and I noticed that in almost EVERY method in the code behind of the project pages (except some helper methods), the original author uses Response.Redirect() to redirect to a page (typically home.aspx, but not always).
What is the purpose of doing this? It seems unneeded to me - at least it doesn't appear to change anything the website is doing if I keep it in or remove it.
I have a flash image slider with a button below each image. When i press that button, the user is redirected to a new page where i add that image product to my cart. The problem is that after doing the adding, i want to redirect the user back to the initial page.
note that in Firefox is working fine but in IE or Chrome it is DOWNLOADING the swf...If i comment Response.Redict(...) the user remains on this page so the click button is working well, only the redirect seems to be the problem.
Edit: The problem seems to be that Request.UrlReferrer keeps as link not the initial page containing the swf but the swf itself.
So, instead of doing redirect to:[URL] if does redirect to the swf contained on the Index.aspx page[URL]
Solved: with a session variable where i keep the initial page's url
I recently upgraded a web app to ASP.NET 4.0 , but I have to downgrade it back to 2.0, because the Response.Redirect from another web app, which is in ASP.NET 2.0, did not work.
I'm looking at creating a simple URL shortening service for our corporate intranet, and I'm curious if anyone knows if there's a maximum length for URLs returned by ASP.NET's Response.Redirect method?
I am working with MVC 2 framework, for multiple sites. We have a base site and then sub sites that inherit from a "Core" site that contains 90% of the functionality that the sub sites will use.
In one of the controllers, I am saving some data, adding a UI message to the tempData and then using Response.Redirect.
The redirect works, but the tempdata is empty after the redirect.
I have tried returning "RedirectToAction" and "RedirectToRoute" with the same routing location and while it populates the TempData, the redirect doesn't happen lol..
So I guess in short, is there a way to get tempdata working when using a standard Response.Redirect?
Is it possible to pass on variables in response.redirect in a query string kind of way (without using form and submit).
If yes, what is the format?
I want to pass some variable (from a text box) from a classic asp page to .aspx page and this is what I am trying to do (I could not use session variables since classic asp and .NET asp share different sessions)-
What this code does at the end is Redirects to a direct download, and THEN afterwards, to a "tutorial page" on how to use the download. I can't seem to use these back to back. I've even used Response.Redirect(tutorialURL, false) so it wouldn't terminate processing, but it didn't work. It just STOPPED page processing. I've tried to use the Sleep() method of the Threading namespace, no luck. I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, I just don't know what it is.
I'm trying to get the previous page URL after I do a response write and i've looked around the web and people are using HTTP_REFERER but that doesn't work with Response.Redirect so is there anyway to get the URL of the previous page?
I have this code on a few pages and i need to know which page it is coming from when it gets to the servererror/default.aspx page
And on my servererror/default.aspx page i'm just trying to grab the previous page URL and put it into the Session Session("ErrorPage")
For some reason, the response.redirect seems to be failing and it is maxing out the cpu on my server and just doesn't do anything. The .net code uploads the file fine, but does not redirect to the asp page to do the processing. I know this is absolute rubbish why would you have .net code redirecting to classic asp, it is a legacy app. I have tried putting false or true etc. at the end of the redirect as I have read other people have had issues with this. it runs locally on my machine but won't run on my server! I am getting the following error when I debugged remotely.
I have a page grid.aspx which contains a rad grid, when a row is selected for update the user is redirected to another page where the he can update the row, after submitting the updates I want to redirect the user back to grid.aspx, but the grid displays that there are no records to display? When I navigate to another page and then go back to grid.aspx it works fine.
FYI: the update page doesn't use a data source, the item is retrieved and the form is filled manually. I used response.redirect("grid.aspx").