I'm trying to get the previous page URL after I do a response write and i've looked around the web and people are using HTTP_REFERER but that doesn't work with Response.Redirect so is there anyway to get the URL of the previous page?
I have this code on a few pages and i need to know which page it is coming from when it gets to the servererror/default.aspx page
And on my servererror/default.aspx page i'm just trying to grab the previous page URL and put it into the Session Session("ErrorPage")
if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......
What i want to do is.. I have one main page with new posts Each subject of the new post is the link to Another page where is Specific post and coments and user can leave a coment.
What I want is when the Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "" or null I want to redirect to error page ...
I had a problem lately that I managed to have for it 2 solutions and I am wondering which one should I choose. Here the issue : When a user requests my site ( www..com), I am gonna redirect him to (www..com/en) because it is a multilingual site. I am using .NET routing to to that. In the Page_Load of the default.aspx page I check if the language in the Routing Collection is available, I don't redirect. If it is not available I redirect to (www._.com/en). Here is the code :
if (Page.RouteData.Values.Count == 0) { if (SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated) { //Redirect To User HomePage for his Main Language Page.Response.Redirect(UserManager.GetUserMainPageWhenLoggedIn(SessionManager.LoggedUser.LanguageID,true)); } else { Page.Response.Redirect(String.Format("~/{0}", Cultures.en.ToString()), true); Helpers.SetCulture(Cultures.en.ToString()); } } I am using Response.Redirect to do that. Now if I set to End The Response the method parameter, it will throw an exception so I can handle it throught try { this.InitializeLayout(); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionManager.LogException(ex); }
If I don't end the Response, the page will execute the whole lifecyle, redirect and then do it again which results a double execution of the page. My main objective is not to execute the page 2 times to minimize processing ( if the site gets hammered by a big traffic). If I end the Response, a ThreadAbortExeption will be thrown and I think this is not good for the site.( I can catch it and not log it).
what i have is the follwoing Page1.aspx.cs has the following redirection in it. Response.redirect(Errors.aspx) once i go to the errors.aspx page i have a back button but at the moment it does a history.back(-1) . That is not totally corect, what i want to do is when i click on the back button go to the page that originated the call ie Page1.aspx so it goes through the Page_Load in order to refresh statues on the page. What is the best way of achieving this?
I have used following code on my button click Response.Redirect [URL]; but the problem is i have to click 2 times for nevigation. when i clicked for fitst time it just refresh the page ...and second time it actually nevigates the page..
I have a collection of links I response.redirect to the first one. if the first one errors with page 404 ie page does not exist i want to redirect to the next one. If the next one errors I then want to redirect to the one after etc. Basically go through the collection and redirect to a link that doesnt error with page 404 error. is this possible in .net 2?
How can I make a Response.Redirect open in a new page? I guess it would be the ASP.NET equivalent of <a href="page.aspx" target="_blank">click here</a>. I have a lot of code on an OnClick event handler and it redirects at the end of the code. It would make it very simple if there was a way to do it in ASP.NET.
I'm using 2010 to build a website application targets .net framework 4.
I use Response.Redirect(url) to transfer user to another page. All these redirect work fine when I debug. After I publish the website project to the sever. I visit that website on the server. All the redirects work fine but in one page.
In that page. I have a button control. when user click the button, he/she will be transferred to another page. So in the button_onclick event, I have:
I just observed something with the .net 3.5 VS2010 Login control. It seems to response.redirect is doing something I cant explain:
after I hit the response.redirect all that is happening is that I stay on the login page and the URL changes to http://localhost:50324/Account/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fAccount%2fAdmin%2fApproval.aspx
Why am I not properly redirected? I used server.transfer, that put me on the right page (Approval.aspx) BUT as soonas I clicked a button, I was back at Login.aspx.
I have a logon/register control that is on several pages. Users are logged on with code: - FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Userid, False) Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri) ' Round trip is necessary to complete logon
All this was working OK, except that there was a problem with Internet Explorer users: if their browser had the default privacy setting the authorization cookie was rejected. There was no message, but they were not logged on. See [URL] To try to solve this problem I changed to cookieless authentication, but now the logon control doesn't work. The problem is that after cookieless authentication the URL changes from
However Request.Url.AbsoluteUri remains http://localhost:3641/TestGDB/login_pages/home2.aspx even after the logon, and so with cookieless authentication the user is not logged on as there is no authentication ticket in the redirect URL.
The problem is "solved" by changing the Redirect statement to Response.Redirect("~/login_pages/home2.aspx") which works perfectly for this particular page, but is obviously wrong when the control is on other pages.
I'm using a wizard control with 4 steps, when I use the previous button to navigate back to the previous step the page reloads but at the bottom of the page.Instead of showning the whole of the page, the user views the footer of the site and the previous button and next button.I'm sure there is a very simple answer to this but I just can't figure out how to get the page to reload to the top.
I'm rewriting a messaging module and the old asp application has a send button image and it used HTML submit button. My new application is asp.net. Can I use the asp send button image to response.redirect to the View message page?
I am using some code similar to the code below to open a word document on my ASP.net app. Once the file has been downloaded and opened I then want to either redirect to another page or refresh the screen but nothing works after response.end and if i add it before response.end the browser never downloads the file?
I have an webforms app that loses it's session variables on response.redirect. I've read Bertrand Le Roy's blog about this and still can't get it to work. The page works in production. However, when I try in the VS2k8 IDE, the session variables are there right before response.redirect and on the first line of the next page, the variables are nothing. I've confirmed the session id is the same so I'm not skipping sessions. The target page is relative so the web server doesn't think we're changing sites (as confirmed by the sessionid).