Need To Supply A Chat-room For Customers?

Jun 2, 2010

Just looking for recommendations, we have a need to supply a chat-room for our customers. It will be small-mid scale usage, has anyone purchased any products recently that they recommend? Open to bundled, open-source, or SaaS implementations.

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Architecture :: How To Save A Large Data Of Chat Room In Chat Application

Nov 3, 2010

I'm developing chat application on mvc, in my app, user can create room and invite other join to chat, but don't need to save chat room information.So, I designed to save all chat message ,room information and user info in Session and clear it when owner close the room.I'm worry about stressing server when I save alot of data (include room info, user info, and message) in Session if there are up to 5000 rooms created and alot of messages transfered in that room.Is my solution good enough ? is it ok to save in Session ?

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Web Forms :: Create Chat Room In VB

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MVC :: Save Chat Room Data In Application Variable Or DB, Where Is Better?

Nov 4, 2010

My application is MVC Web App Chat Room , it supports following features:1.Create/Join/Close room 2.Send message in room (just live message, offline message might be supported in future)I have done logic for application, but I'm considering where to save chat room data (message,room information, and users in room) ? I see there are 2 options:1. Application variable2. Using file or database-What if I saved in Application variable:In case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, mean I have to persistence in Application variable (actually in RAM memory) information of 2000 rooms, more than 10000 message (text), these numbers might be increased by second if there are more users online in real time. and what's next ? I don't know what will happen to server, crash ? or my web app will be terminated ? whatever I don't want both results !

-What if I saved in file or DB (i.e: SQL Server DB) Because of web application, clients have to send request every 1 second to fetch data (messages and user list in room). So in case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, means they will make 10000 requests every 1 second to DB. I don't know what will happen to DB, there are a lot of connections and in EVERY 1 second, can DB still be alive to serve request ?I don't know where saving is good now because both seem are bad solution

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Save Chat Room Data In Application Variable Or DB?

Nov 4, 2010

My application is Web App Chat Room , it supports following features:

1.Create/Join/Close room

2.Send message in room (just live message, offline message might be supported in future)

I have done logic for application, but I'm considering where to save chat room data (message,room information, and users in room) ? I see there are 2 options:

1. Application variable

2. Using file or database

-What if I saved in Application variable: In case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, mean I have to persistence in Application variable (actually in RAM memory) information of 2000 rooms, more than 10000 message (text), these numbers might be increased by second if there are more users online in real time. and what's next ? I don't know what will happen to server, crash ? or my web app will be terminated ? whatever I don't want both results!

-What if I saved in file or DB (i.e: SQL Server DB) Because of web application, clients have to send request every 1 second to fetch data (messages and user list in room). So in case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, means they will make 10000 requests every 1 second to DB. I don't know what will happen to DB, there are a lot of connections and in EVERY 1 second, can DB still be alive to serve request ?

I don't know where saving is good now because both seem are bad solution :(. What is your opinion ?

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DataSource Controls :: Select All The Customers From "customers" Table From A Specific Country - Query Is Not Working

Feb 23, 2010

I want to select all the customers from "customers" table from a specific country. I write the following query but it is not working. why?

select *
From customers
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Sep 5, 2012

I want to develope web based chat application for an organization

My requirements are,

1. Group chat
2. Private chat
3. All chat information will save in sql server
4. if user minimize the browser,it will blink like gtalk and face book

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Data Controls :: Save Chat Messages To Database Using SignalR Chat

May 7, 2015

I had create an application to allow user to register new project.Manager will chat with user base on the project ID(chat room id = Project ID) and store this conversation to database.

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Way To Supply For Remote Site The URL Using IP

Feb 3, 2010

We have a web application that I've just enhanced (and gotten rid of the MsgBox in it , too!) It runs on our production web server. I have the solution loaded in VS2005 on my PC. It's been deployed before, but this is the first time I am deploying it and I want to make sure I know what I'm doing. So I will choose Publish from the Build menu, and I think I want to say Remote Site - is that what will plop all my new stuff over the old? And is the value that I supply for Remote Site the URL, or would I use the IP

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User Control - Must Supply Property?

May 28, 2010

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Security :: How To Supply Dll And Licensing For Each Client

Aug 7, 2010

I have a custom code that I was planning to distribute as class dll. I would like to add Licensing logic to it so that my dll is not distributed freeely to others. In other words, I want to supply dll and licensing for each client. Is there a recommedation on how to do that?

I was thinking on hard coding some lookup value from client hardware and do such validation.. but not sure.

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JQuery :: To Supply An AntiForgeryToken When Posting JSON Data?

May 25, 2010

I am using the code as below of this post:First i will an fill array variable with the correct values for the controller action.Using the code below i think it should be very straigtforward by just adding the following line to the javascript:

data["__RequestVerificationToken"] = $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
The <%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %> is at his right place and the action has a [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]

But my controller action keeps saying: "Invalid forgery token"


data["fiscalyear"] = fiscalyear;
data["subgeography"] = $(list).pa n


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May 25, 2010

I am using the code as below of this post:First i will an fill array variable with the correct values for the controller action.Using the code below i think it should be very straigtforward by just adding the following line to the javascript:

data["__RequestVerificationToken"] = $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
<%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %> is at his right place and the action has a [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]

But my controller action keeps saying: "Invalid forgery token

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Web Forms :: Add A Button Next To The Next/previous Buttons That Would Allow The User To Add Another Room?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a wizard that has 3 steps

1 - add property
2- add address
3- add room

on the third step I would like to add a button next to the next/previous buttons that would allow the user to add another room.Is there a way to add a button to the wizard and then handle its onclick event

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VS 2010 - Combo Box Wrapping Text Even Though There Is Room To Display?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a dropdown box which has the work Fa?? Group Ltd which should fit the drown down because on screen it looks like it can show this twice. However it is wrapping the Ltd around underneath.

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Forms Data Controls :: Send Email After Loaded To Supply Notification

Jan 28, 2011

I have a form in formview which uploads data to my mssql databse fine. I want to send an e-mail after the data is uploaded to supply notification that someone has filled out the form. I am trying to use OnItemInserted to achieve this. This is the error message I get:

Compiler Error Message: CS0122: 'Personal_Loans.ClientappFormView_ItemInserted(object,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs)' is inaccessible due to its protection level

linked to the line of code for the formview:

<asp:FormView ID="Clientapp" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Key" DataSourceID="ClientData" DefaultMode="Insert" OnItemInserted="ClientappFormView_ItemInserted" >

My code on the page behind is this:

void ClientappFormView_ItemInserted(Object sender, FormViewInsertedEventArgs e)
TextBox email = (TextBox)Clientapp.Row.FindControl("email");
DropDownList title = (DropDownList)Clientapp.Row.FindControl("title");

This is then followed by the e-mail sending code. The servers CAS level is set to "full" I have tried using capitals and all lowercase for OnItemInserted I get the same result.

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Using Different Themes For Different Customers?

Jul 23, 2010

What is the best practice to apply different themes to different customers with

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AJAX :: Dynamically Create HoverMenuExtender - Display Information About The Room Occupants When User Hovers Over The Label

Jul 3, 2010

I have an accordian control with a set number of panes. Each pane has a table created with the code:


I would like to display information about the room occupants when the user hovers over the label. Is the HME the right tool for this? If so, how do I add it?

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Produce Trial Version For Customers To Download?

Mar 21, 2010

I've written a ASP.NET app that I hope to sell to businesses, I could host the trial but it's designed to connect to the customers data so customers will certainly want to install it to do a successful evaluation.

I've never produced anything commercial before so I'm looking for advice on how best to limit the trial, a 30 day trial seems most common, do you simply rely on the clock of the PC/Server they install it on? keep in mind this is ASP.NET app so will be installed on their web server.

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SQL Server :: Send Automatic Email To Customers?

Sep 7, 2010

I need to write a stored procedure to schedule a job that will send automatic email to customers based on some condition as follows:

1. I have two tables. One table is table1 like the following:

Name Date1 Date2 Date3 Rahim, Khan 29'10 30'11 25'08 Karim,Abedin 12'10 28'11 26'09 Fahad, Alam 26'10 12'11 25'10 Another Table is table 2 like the following:

Name Email Rahim,Khan Karim,Abedin Fahad, Alam In table 1 the date format is in format where 30'11 mean work week is 30 and 11 means last two digits of the year.

2. Now , I need to write a stored procedure that will check :

a) What is current work week and current year?

b) It will then determine the difference between the current work week (now 37) and work week mentioned in date (Date1, Date2 and Date3) columns from table1 and if for current year(it's 2010) at least one difference in each row is>=8 then it should send an automatic email to the corresponding email address of Name column using the relation between Table1 and table2. For example: For first record in Table1 the three difference is: 37-29=8, 37-30=7 and 37-25=12. There are two differences >=8, but only first difference is for year 2010 and third one is not for current year. But, since at least one difference in this row satisfies condition (That means >=8 for year 2010)hence email message should be sent to the address using relation of table1 and table2.

I know how to set a schedule job in SQL mail but I need this stored procedure to run this job on daily basis.

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MVC And Custom Created URLs By Customers Like Facebook ?

Aug 18, 2010

how best to allow a user to create their own URL? Say I have a domain like,, and I want the user to be able to create a custom ending to the URL like . Then when the URL is hit it will load the data for that company. Is this done via ASP.NET MVC routing? Any other ideas? I don't want to have to do any manual setup of site after user names it - like IIS changes or routing config file changes.

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Building A Custom Form Builder Module For Customers?

Jul 20, 2010

I am working on building a custom form builder module for our customers ... and wondering if you know any good .NET code base references for this module.


Customer should be able to add a form field(radio button, text box, dropdown menu) and customize the values real time.

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