Oncheckedchanged() Event Is Not Happening When Deselect The Radiobutton?

Dec 21, 2010

In form I have added two radio button and on one radio button oncheckedchanged event has been registered but this event does happen only when i select the button and not when i select the other(The checked is changed).

code is posted below:

<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton1" runat="server" GroupName="a"
oncheckedchanged="RadioButton1_CheckedChanged" />
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton2" runat="server" GroupName="a" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />

And the code behind page just print the text of 1st radiobutton on changing the selection.

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Similar Messages:

C# - Find Datakeys In Oncheckedchanged Event ?

Jun 14, 2010

<asp:Panel ID="pnlFocusAreaPanel" runat="server" GroupingText="Focus Area" Width="800">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750">

i want to know how i find the datakeyvalue on checked event because updateQuery in checked event is generating exception.

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C# - OnCheckedChanged Event Fires More And More Times For Every Time It Is Clicked?

Aug 31, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page that contains a gridview.

I have to create columns dynamically based on a datatable, some field type info and some header texts.

I do that by creating templates.

It created the grid fine and all looks good, however when i click a checkbox and the checkedchanged event fires then something odd happens

The first time i click its fine and i get the expected values in the event

But the second time then the event gets fired with the values from the first time and then again with the values from the checkbox that i actually clicked.. The third time the event gets fired 3 times, first 2 times with the old values and the third with the correct value.

Here is the code:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;........

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Web Forms :: Checkbox In Gridview Doesn't Fire OnCheckedChanged Event

Oct 26, 2010

Here is my situation: I have a overview of subscriptions that look simple:

Active (bool), ID (int), StartDate (datetime) and MaxUsers (int).

I've put this in a Gridview and it renders nicely.

Now everything is simply in ItemTemplates and are formatted.

Now a new feature: In the Gridview active should be a checkbox and when clicked on it, it should (de)activate the subscription. Or simply said, Active status is updated. Now me being a simpleton thinks:


and the cs:


But! the event doesnt get fired. Now I've searched with google and also through this forum and every time I get the answer: autopostback on true or use commandname. Now for this little feature I think the commandname use in combi with rowbound is overkill for such a little thing.

Now I hope I'm just missing something because this would be really nasty and stupid to make it so complicated. I like the autopostback and oncheckchanged combination because it logical, but why doesnt it work?

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Web Forms :: CheckBox Oncheckedchanged Event Causing Strange Behavior On Postback?

Jun 11, 2010

I have an issue that seems to only happen on my production server. I show or hide table rows whenever the buttons are clicked. However, when I do a postback on the checkbox, all of the rows become visible and the textbox stays empty. It works correctly on my test server and local workstation, just not in production.

Here is the markup...


Here is the code behind...


Here are the unexpected results whenever I check the chkShow2 checkbox... I am guessing this is a configuration issue on the server.

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Web Forms :: Deselect All Previously Selected Dates On Button Click Event?

Feb 1, 2011

I am selecting multiple dates on a calendar control ,, and then i insert them into DB. The problem happens after i insert, if i want to add new list of dates, once i start selecting on calendar all last selected dates appear (get selected on calendar) Does this mean these dates are saved in Session or what? Here is the code I am using:


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C# - Moving Button Stops Click Event Happening?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a button, contained in a panel, with a click event, that works fine. However when a users presses another button, I need to move this button into another panel (this is actually a panel with a modalpopupextender), so I this code to do so:


It all get's moved and looks fine. However now when the button is clicked it doesn't fire the associated event. I have tried re-adding the event in the page_init, with this code

((Button)this.FindControl("serverModalSave")).Command += new CommandEventHandler(modalSave_Click);

But with no luck. How can I get this button to fire it's click event when moved, and why does it stop working when it's moved?


This Button needs to be added to a panel specified by the user at run time, so there is not a way to determine where the button will go in advance.

I could instead of moving this button, create a new one, but because this button is not created in the page_init I am having issues getting that to fire an event either.

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How To Wire Up Javascript Event Handlers To Events Happening On The Server-side

Jun 30, 2010

I was wondering if anyone had an easy way to wire up javascript event handlers to events happening on the server-side. I have a long running process that includes a lot of steps, and would like the client to be continually updated with new information as the steps transition. Will this involve some sort of polling mechanism?

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Why GridView / RadioButton Is Not Firing An Event

Nov 4, 2010

I have a gridview with rows of data and a group of radio buttons for each row that can be selected. But when selected the event never fires for the radio dropdown.... why?


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RadioButton Client Event Not Triggering?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm dynamically generating radio buttons in my code behind and assigning javascript to them as they are created. This javascript will change the value in a hidden field for when a postback is eventually triggered (autopostback on the buttons is disabled). I am using the exact same method with ASP ImageButtons and it works fine but when I do it with the radio buttons the event never triggers the Javascript. I suspect that I may be using the wrong event name but I have tried several (onclick, onCheckedChanged, etc).

Here is a sample of the VB.NETcode - how come this works fine with my button but not my radiobutton!

//This is my hidden field
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField(Me.UniqueID & "_someVariable", "")
Dim radDefault As RadioButton = New RadioButton()
radDefault.GroupName = "radio buttons"
radDefault.AutoPostBack = False
//This adds the Javascript to set the hidden field with an onClick event
radDefault.Attributes.Add("onClick", "document.forms[0]." & Me.UniqueID & "_someVariable.value='0';document.forms[0].submit();")

The code is simplified as the button generation is actually through an iterator but the same properties are given to each generated radio button.

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C# - Radiobutton Checked Change Event Not Firing In Gridview?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a gridview where i have a radio button. What i need is to on the selection of the radiobutton i have to find the datakey of the gridview. Also one more issue with that is , i can select more than one radio button, which should not happen.

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Web Forms :: Radiobutton Event Writes To An XML File But Does Not Show The Changes On The Page

Jan 3, 2010

ASP.net radiobutton change event writes the new selection to an XML file and that needs to be shown on the page but does not show the changes on the page since the page load occur before the event fires. give some insight how to resolve this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Use RadioButton In FormView And Get In Event ItemUpdating

Aug 19, 2010

How to use RadioButton in FormView in EditTemplate to get information on the field, for example:

in the template:
<Asp: FormView ID = "FormView1" runat = "server" DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"
Width = "907px" onitemupdating = "FormView1_ItemUpdating" DefaultMode = "Edit">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" border="0" style="width:100%;margin-top:20px">
<td> <strong> Type Person: </ strong> </ td>
<Asp: RadioButton ID = "CHR_TIPOPESSOAFISISCARadioButton" Text = "F" runat = "server" Checked ='<%# Convert.ToBoolean (Eval ("CHR_TIPOPESSOA"). ToString (). Trim (). Equals ("F")
"true": "false")%> 'GroupName = "RadioButtonTipoPessoa" />
<Asp: RadioButton ID = "CHR_TIPOPESSOAJURIDICARadioButton" Text = "J" runat = "server" Checked ='<%# Convert.ToBoolean (Eval ("CHR_TIPOPESSOA"). ToString (). Trim (). Equals (J)
? "true": "false")%> 'GroupName = "RadioButtonTipoPessoa" />
</ Td>
</ Tr>

</ Table>
<Asp: LinkButton ID = "UpdateButton" runat = "server" CausesValidation = "True"
CommandName = "Update" Text = "Update" />
</ EditItemTemplate

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Radiobutton Click Event In Gridview

Dec 17, 2010

i have a gridview which consists of two columns.

1. name

2. radiobutton

when ever i click the radio button, the correspondng name should be saved in a variable in code behild(c#)

the gridview code looks as below:


View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Why CheckBox Is Not Getting Checked On OnCheckedChanged

May 14, 2010

I have a CheckBox field inside a Formview.

<asp:FormView ID="_fvApplicant" runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit" OnItemDeleting="ApplicantItemDeleting" Width="100%" DataSourceID="_dsApplicant" ondatabound="ApplicantFormBound">
<asp:CheckBox ID="_chkSuitable" OnCheckedChanged="test" AutoPostBack="true" CausesValidation="true" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("Suitable") %>' /></td>

In my Code Behind in test method I am trying to set the checked to true, but in the ApplicantFormBound event when i debug it is never true...any reasons why? Basically I want to set the Validator to true when checked.

protected void test(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox vld = (CheckBox)_fvApplicant.FindControl("_chkSuitable");
vld.Checked = true;
protected void ApplicantFormBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
var chk = (CheckBox)_fvApplicant.FindControl("_chkSuitable");
if (chk != null)

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: Select Checkbox To Deselect Other?

Apr 15, 2010

ive 3 CheckBoxes I'd like to only let the user select one at a time so each one must be able to deselect the others when checked. how would i Do this?

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Web Forms :: Deselect Selected Date On Second Click?

Feb 5, 2011

I am selecting multiple dates from a calendar control, asp.net. I want the user to be able to deselect a date if he/she click on the date a second time ,, is it possible ,, how can i do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Select / Deselect Checkboxes In A Grid?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using a gridview where there are 6 cols and the last col consist of checkboxes. I wrote a code such that all the checkboxes in the col are selected or deselected at once by clicking the header checkbox. Now the issue is since I am using paging for the Gridview, once I select the checkboxes in the last col and go for the next page and come back to the previous page the checkboxes are deselected. I want to keep the checkboxes selected even after pagination.

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VS 2010 - GridView With CheckBox In Each Row - Button To Select / Deselect All And Not Postback

Aug 12, 2011

I have a gridview with a checkbox in each row for selecting. I want to have a button which will select all/deselect all and not post back.

I first implemented this with a link and it works perfectly, but I don't like how it looks.

<a href="#" onclick="javascript:sel();">Select/deselect all</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
isSelected = false;
function sel() {
var frm = document.forms[0];
isSelected = !isSelected;

[Code] ....

So now I have a button that I want to rig up to execute this javascript. Which I believe would be done this way:

<asp:Button ID="btnSelectAllSummary" runat="server" Text="Select All" OnClientClick="javascript:sel()" />

But it is posting back. How do I prevent the postback and have it execute on the client?

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AJAX :: Update Panel Deselect The Current Selection In A Listbox When Selecting Another?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a asp:ListBox wrapped inside an asp:UpdatePanel. The list box contains Bus Codes. If I select AH, for example, and then scroll down to select XY, the listbox jumps back up to the top of the list instead of staying on XY. Listbox's autopost back is set to True. As I need to get selected values and then pass it to another web page to display a crystal report. The report web page is opened using JavaScript Window.Open and on page load of the web page that contains the listbox this JavaScript is added to a button. Is there a way I can stop my list box jumping back to the 1st item?

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Page Load Is Not Happening?

Feb 4, 2010

I m passing Id from one page to another other page using querystring string. At first time it is displaying data in datalist in 2nd page on basis of selected Id. But again on home page while clicking on other image then previous record is showing. At second time, page load is not happening while testing using break point.

What is the error.? There is also AutoEventWireup="true".

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2nd Postback Not Happening Via SiteMap Link ?

Nov 29, 2010

NOTE: I have an aspx ASPX page which is rendered from a SiteMap. 1st time the POSTBACK happens, but subsequently in same sessions, POSTBACK does not get fired.

HACK (not working) - I have the refresh meta tag like this inside the HTML tag

<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/Main.css" id="style"/>

When I am visiting this ASPX page, I want this META tag to be called only ONCE. So, I was trying the following code in OnLoadComplete event ?- HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta();
HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;

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JQuery :: Alert Popup Only Happening Once?

Sep 6, 2010


Alert Popup only happening once

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Async Postbacks Happening When SupportsPartialRendering Is Set To False?

Sep 9, 2010

We're getting a confusing error on two of our pages in our ASP.NET application. Both pages originaly had tags to reload the page every so often if a user sat on it for a while, but opted to remove those in favor of some AJAX flavoring. Specifically, we created timer controls on the page and wired the timer's tick event as a trigger for an update panel to reload a portion of the page. The page(s) also have scriptmanagers on them as we don't have one on the master page. This largely works great except we're getting a lot of these errors:

"The page is performing an async postback but the ScriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering property is set to false."

It is my understanding that if the .NET framework detects a browser doesn't support partial rendering it will set the ScriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering value to false and we're NOT overriding this in any fashion. Therefore, the pages shouldn't be by performing async postbacks if that value is false, but based on the error the postbacks are still happening and the page is throwing an exception.

Curiously, the user agent always seems to be GoogleBot or "Mozilla/4.0 (Windows 98; US) Opera 10.00 [en]".

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Unexpected Postback Happening On A User Control?

Feb 18, 2011

We are creating a new user control using a boiler plate template for our application. We noticed that anytime a textbox on the new user control has a focus and the enter key is pressed, the form executes a postback. This happens even if the AutoPostback on the text box is set to true. No other user controls in our app behave this way. What could be some of the places for me too look?

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