Php - Write Special String To Url?

Mar 11, 2011

how to write special string such as %31 to url.

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How To Fix Special Characters In String

Aug 3, 2010

I've got a program that in a nutshell reads values from a SQL database and writes them to a tab-delimited text file.

The issue is that some of the values in the database have special characters (TM, dash, ellipsis, etc.) When written to the text file, the formatting is lost and they come across as junk "â„¢ or â€" etc"

When the value is viewed in the immediate window, before it is written to the txt file, everything looks fine. My guess is that this is an issue of encoding. But, I'm not real sure how to proceed, where to look, or what to look for.

Is this ASCII or UTF-8? If it's one of those how do I correct it before it's written to the text file.

Here's how I build the text file (where feedStr is a StringBuilder)

objReader = New StreamWriter(filePath)

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How To Remove Special Characters From String

Feb 20, 2011

i want to display values in dropdownlist using querystring[which is successfully happening] but the problem is when id passed in querystring is 7.17 then in dropdownlist it is displaying values as 7 . 1 7....but i want to display it as 7 and 17...

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string imageid;
string logoid;
string id1;
string id2;
String Name;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)...

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Replace Special Character From String?

Sep 16, 2010

txtPhoneWork.Text.Replace("_", "");
txtMobile.Text.Replace("-", "");
txtMobile.Text.Replace("_", "");
txtPhoneOther.Text.Replace("-", "");
txtPhoneOther.Text.Replace("_", "");
location.ContactWork = txtPhoneWork.Text.Trim();
location.ContactMobile = txtMobile.Text.Trim();
location.ContactOther = txtPhoneOther.Text.Trim();

but it is not replacing and is there any method so that both - and _ can be replaced in single function.

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Parsing A String For Special Characters In C#?

Mar 6, 2011

I am getting a string in the following format in the query string:


I want to convert it to just "Arnstung Chew". How do I do it?

Also how do I make sure that the user is not passing a script or anything harmful in the query string?

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How To Insert String With Special Characters Into RTF

Jan 20, 2010

How to programatically insert string with special characters into RTF? I have rtf template I load to string and then replace all $MY_VARIABLE$ with data. Data contains special chars like 'ąęść' and the problem is that in result file these characters are replaced with '?'. It's something wrong with encoding but what?

My code looks like:

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("template.rtf");
StringBuilder form = new StringBuilder(reader.ReadToEnd());
// here I replace variables in rtf with data
Encoding srcEncoding = new UTF8Encoding();
Encoding dstEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] utf = srcEncoding.GetBytes(form.ToString());
byte[] asci = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.ASCII, utf);
return dstEncoding.GetString(asci);

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Create Table ComentTable(id int,coments varchar(4000))

insert into ComentTable values(1,'sanjay I don%27t Know Tamil Language')

insert into ComentTable values(1,'sanjay I don%27t Know Kanar Language')

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Jun 12, 2010

I am using a code where I can upload a file to my other ftp. This code works without problem.

What it does is to create a file named TextFile1.txt

What I want to do is also to write a string to the uploaded file (putString) ?

What is needed to add to this code to do that.


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Aug 1, 2010

I have a serialized object which needs to be sent as an encrypted XML string. I am able to save the serialized object to a well-formed XML file, but this is not what I want. I have already got Rijndael encrypt/decrypt working for a sample string.

Person person = new Person("Irish", "Chieftain");
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person));
// Write serialized XML to file
System.Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid();


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Web Forms :: Write A String To A File On A Server?

Apr 12, 2010

It is possible to upload a file to an account using the below code by specify an existing filepath.

What I wonder is how it instead would be possible to just write a string to this file instead. Like I want to open the file and write the string "Hello" to this file, file1.txt.

How can that be achieved. I beleive I would have to open up a stream of some kind but are not exactly sure how to set that up:


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Web Forms :: Url Write Breaks Query String On Postback?

Nov 18, 2010

i am having a problem on my aspx page, what i did was i wrote a simple url re-wrte rule in my aspx page, after i write my url re-write rule my query string looks like this [URL] idea been to writing a rule to accept that above query for user friend seo url string, but when i am in that page i cant click any of my datalist page indexes will redirect to [URL] i dont know how to fix this proble, i am trying s hard ,but i cant make it work, i think page post back changing my url re-write link.

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how can i show it on my page without using Response.Write(foo)

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Feb 6, 2011

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I want to write a wcf service to ruturn a list of filenames based on the text typed in a text box.

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The requirments is to return only the filenames that starts with the typed text. Only the file name part is required not the full path.

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Re-write A String And Convert Http Text Into Actual Web Links?

Nov 27, 2010

In my code below, I'm trying to re-write a string and convert and http text into actual web links.

It doesn't seem to be working and I think the problem may be that I'm rewriting the string and inserting another http string into the original string which then causes problems with the loop.


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Web Forms :: How To Write Dropdown Menu Value In Oder To Get Empty String Instead Of Null

Aug 26, 2010

I have drop dowm menu as follow.

<asp:ListItem Value="">none</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="STO">Stock</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="ORD">Order</asp:ListItem>

If I chose none, it stores data as "Null" If I Query the data as below, I don't get the data has value of "Null" SELECT tabale From type Where type <> STO or type <> ORD I get data that has empty string but not Null.

1, How do I write dropdown menu value in oder to get empty string instead of Null?

I did <asp:ListItem Value="">none</asp:ListItem> but this stores Null.

2, Why this Query won't pick up Null?

SELECT mytabale FROM type WHERE type <> STO or type <> ORD

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding LinkButton In GridView1 And Write A String To Does Not Work?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a problem to write a string to a LinkButton that is located inside a GridView1. Now the hiarchy of controls is like this to understand how to Find this control:

TabContainer0 TabPanel5 TabContainer1 TabPanel7 Panel8 GridView1 LinkButton1 So LinkButton1 that we want to write a string to is located in a GridView1 which is located in Panel8 which is located in TabPanel7 that is located in TabContainer1 that is located in TapPanel5 that is located in TabContainer0.

So below is my code but no string is written to that linkButton, so I wonder if I miss something basic out here?


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Security :: Write Custom MemberShip Provider Only To Read Connection String From Other File

Sep 16, 2010

In mvc project I am using MYSQlMemberShipProvider. Now I want that instead of reading the connection string from web.config file, it will read the connection string from external file every time. So that I am implementing the cutsom mebership provider class, this class inherits the MemberShipProvider class. But the problem is that if I inherits the MemberShipProvider class then I have to impelment all of its method in my cutsom membership provider class, But I want to use all other inbuilt methods of MemeberShip. What can i do. I only want to add the code like below:

public class CustomSqlMembershipProvider :MembershipProvider
public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection configs)
base.Initialize(name, configs);
Connectionstring objProducts = // redaing the connection string.

But on compiltaion it is giving me the error does not implement inherit abstract member.

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How To Format Search String / How To Write A Simple Search Form For Website

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to write a simple search form for our site. Here is my delima... I am trying to figure out that if there is nothing to search for in one textbox then search in the next textbox. The problem is that I dont know how to format my search string: For Example:


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Web Forms :: Response.Write (string.Format (" ('{0}', '_blank');", Url));?

Oct 14, 2010

Here is the website situation:

Webpage A: look & feel alignments are in the central of the screen. It has a submit button. The last code in the submit command() is this message subject:

Response.Write(string.Format("<script>'{0}', '_blank');</script>", url));

where url = another webpage B.The outcome is fine. Webpage B is populated properly. However, Webpage A postback as aligment to the left, it is no longer the center. I could not find a way to debug the issue.

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