Plotting Graph In Web?

Jul 7, 2010

I been google for some time i only manage to find how to create plotting graph for window app which i wanna to do it on anyone did a temperature plotting graph in b4? any advice or example ? guide me along..

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MS Chart - Reading Data From Textfile (separated By Delimiters) And Plotting Out The Graph

Jul 19, 2010

My whole project is about reading data from textfile(the readings is separated by delimiters) and plotting out the graph. But somehow i am meetnig some problems as i think my method is wrong... It's something like this..what should i do?

Private Sub CreateChart()
'Create some dummy data
'Dim random As New Random()
'For pointIndex As Integer = 0 To 9
' Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddY(random.[Next](20, 100))
Dim h, g As String
Dim lc As New StreamReader("C:Tempdatalogger" & date1.ToString & "int_ana_" + date1.ToString + ".txt")
Dim ff As String '= Label5.Text & ":00"
'Dim sr As String = lc.ReadToEnd
Dim line6 = lc.ReadLine
Do While Not line6 Is Nothing 'loop until end of file
If IsNumeric(line6.Chars(0)) Then
Dim fields5() = Split(line6, ";")
'Dim fields5() = Split(s.Substring(sr.IndexOf(ff)), ";")
h += fields5(0) + vbCr
g += fields5(3) + vbCr
End If
line6 = lc.ReadLine
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
For pointIndex As Double = 0.0 To 2.0
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(h, g)
'line display chart
Chart1.Series("Series1").ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
'set the bar width
Chart1.Series("Series1")("PointWidth") = "0.1"
'Show Data points labels
Chart1.Series("Series1").IsValueShownAsLabel = True
'Set data points label style
Chart1.Series("Series1")("BarLabelStyle") = "Center"
'Draw Chart as 3D Cyclinder
Chart1.Series("Series1")("DrawingStyle") = "Cylinder"
End Sub '****End of Graph

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create A Bar Graph And Line Graph

Nov 16, 2010

I am creating a bar graph and line graph. I am using 2 dropdown list for the date and category. The user can chose the date and category that he want to view. I also have a upload button for the user to upload the excel file and dispaly the data in girdview.

However i have error whenever i want to view the graphs.. I have upload my code in the attachment. Pls take a look. I do the coding invb.


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SQL Reporting :: Line Graph In .rdlc / Display Line Graph For Each Product?

Sep 4, 2010

I have to desing line chart graph in .rdlc report, can you please help me, i have decimal values on Y-Axis and date time values on X-Axis , i have two series of product, according to product value during specific time i need to display line graph for each product.please do needfull to me.

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C# - SilverLight LineSeries Graph - Graph Being Displayed But The Line Not Being Displayed?

Nov 3, 2010

I been stack for the last few days trying to figure out the SilverLight 4 LineSeries graph, for some strange reason the graph being displayed but the line not being displayed. I am pretty sure that my mistake is something very basic but I been straggling to pinpoint the problem by myself.Bellow is the code that I having problem with.

<toolkit:Chart HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Name="chartLine" Margin="31,35,0,0" Title="Chart for test" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="233" Width="309">
<toolkit:LineSeries IsSelectionEnabled="True" HorizontalAlignment="Left" DependentValuePath="Y" IndependentValuePath="X" [code]....

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Plotting Google Markers Using An XML Data Source?

May 24, 2010

I have three files which are necessary to mention:

APSX Page called contact-us

Javascript file called googleMaps

XML document called markers

Im placing all google code relevant to plotting markers and creating the map in the googleMaps file.As i am using Master tempaltes and inheritance i have place an onload javascript function called initialize on the body tag to call the jscript file.

Im happy to manually input all of the markers in the script which i have done like so..


Works perfectly fine, but i would like to load in XML data which will no matter the size 10 or 10,000 to plot the markers on this contact-us map using the javascript file.I know there is a solution but as there are a number of solutions and possible ways of doing this, i need to know a dummy's guide to understanding the correct or simple way of doing this.XML Document as shown below:


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Web Forms :: Plotting Multiple Marker In Google Map

Oct 27, 2013

I found a good tutorial from you about plotting multiple location using Google map.


I'm pretty new in using Visual Studio Web Express and I dont know how to import namespaces and on how to populate marker from SQL server. I have a project solution called GoogleMap and I have the HTML codes as my homepage but I don't know where should I put in those codes for VB.Net. I also have the database created.

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Plotting Locations From Database On Geographical Map (city Scale)?

Feb 21, 2011

I have to do the following.

There is a database (SQL Server) with locations (longitude and latitude values). I need to plot the route on the map (Google or otherwise) based on those locations extracted from database. Plotting lines and map are on ASP.NET webpage.

What would be the most and cost-effective way to accomplish the task above?

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Forms Data Controls :: Plotting A Chart Using Charting Control?

Mar 15, 2010

I am plotting a chart using charting control. The x-values are text values and y values are date values.

If there is same text multiple times, then the plotted chart has multiple bars of same value. I want the values for the same text to be on the same bar.

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How To Use Facebook Graph Api

Sep 17, 2010

I am using facebook graph Api for my application where i want the data of this page.

In this page there is option TV SHOW I want collect all information of that page.
But i didn't any graph api method for this page.

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How To Get My Friends Using My Facebook App With Graph Api

Feb 16, 2011

i'm using Facebook C# SDK i can get my friends like;

JsonObject friends = (JsonObject)facebook.Api("me/friends?");

But i couldn't get my friends which uses my application how can i get them?

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Add ImageMap To Graph On PageLoad?

Jun 24, 2010

I have got a graph with x number of datapoints, the data for the graph is coming from a stored procedure. I want to make the labels for the datapoints hyperlinks and I believe the best way to do this is with an ImageMap.

I am needing some advice/guidance in achieving this. I understand how to use the imagemap control, but I need some in how to add the hotspots on pageload.

I have a store procedure which will return the pixel coorinates of each datapoints on the graph, I just need some with the code and how to loop through each record and add a hotspot for it.


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String For Bar Graph Tooltip?

Jan 24, 2011

I have this tooltip that looks like the preview of a graph.

However, the graph in the tooltip is not able to come out, and I think it's mainly due to the name. Below is a portion of the code for the tooltip.


My product name has more than one word (e.g. Yuppy Gummy) and the tooltip is only able to retrieve the 'Yuppy' part of the whole product name. I also have a query that makes use of the 'product' (in the above code) in the Where clause.

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Display Graph From Excel Spreadsheet?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm working on a project which requires me to plot a graph using Visual Studio ASP.Net from a data I've collected either in .txt or .xml format. The data consist of, eg. 15 records, but I'm only needed to plot 8 graphs out of the 15 records.

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C# - How To Persist Graph Data For Website

Nov 1, 2010

We've worked out some of the tasks on our website can be efficiently solved by maintaining the data using a graph structure. But we don't have much of an idea about how the graph is best persisted. Further we want to write and read simultaneously in an efficient manner in out app so it needs to handle multiple threads. It doesn't need to be super fast but it needs to be scalable to handle potentially millions of nodes.

I don't want to hack my own system and have heard of Neo4j. Lots of Java developers seem to recommend it to one another. Obviously I'm on the .Net platform and prefer to not have to switch.

What are the available options, particularly on the .Net platform?

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C# - How To Graph Multiple Columns On The Y-axis

Nov 20, 2010

Trying to follow this example: [URL]

I have a database with 4 columns, 3 of the columns are int (1-10) and the other is a "DateTime". I am trying to graph the 3 columns vs the DateTime(X-axis) on one line chart.

To add more than one y axis value I go to the Series property -> YValueMembers (notice the plural) and enter my 3 columns of the database (followed by commas) that I want on the Y axis.....but doesn't seem to work.

I get a run time error saying only 1 column is allowed on the Y axis.

Data points insertion error. Only 1 Y values can be set for this data series.

How do I get all 3 columns vs the 4th column on one line chart?

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Web Forms :: Generating Graph In Excel?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a web application which will write a set of values returned from

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ADO.NET :: Convert Object Graph To Dataset?

Feb 2, 2011

I have object graph, of Customer, Contact and Address... I want to convert it to dataset and then convert the dataset to xml. i don't think there is a straight method to convert to dataset or xml, therefore the my approach is the convert the objects to dataset using Reflection.

I am trying to create a GENERIC(used for any object type) function to convert object graph to dataset. but i have hit road do i type cast a generic type cast..refer to the function ObjectToDataTable code marked inRed

my object is as follows


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ADO.NET :: EF4: Convert Entity Graph To DataSet?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm using EF4 and have created POCO objects. The problem with POCO objects are all the entity graph are ICollection....therefore cannot be serialized.

The problem lies is passing the entity graph to stored procedure....therefore the approach i have take is to convert the entity graph to dataset, convert the dataset to xml and then pass it the stored procedure....this is the only way i could get a clean XML in my stored procedure.

I'm trying to create a generic helper method to convert entity graph to dataset.


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C# - Social Network Directed Graph Library?

Jan 4, 2011

I am on a project where I have multiple users of a portal and they are connected to other users of the portal, now we are asked to draw a "Social Network" relationship graph to see the relationships. The constraint is that this graph has to be seen on the WEB BROWSER.

The graph has to be something like:

Is there any C# library or component to draw this type of graphs? We have already checked these:
.NET graph library around?

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C# - Facebook Graph API Getting Data When User Not Logged In

Feb 28, 2011

I have this requirement of fetching facebook user information like friends count and other basic information and integrate to our website.

I currently use facebook graph to ask user to authorise, fetch information and store in my database.

When their say, friend count changes how do I update my database without asking user to trigger it manually.

Is there a special permission where i can fetch user data when he/she isnt logged in.

I have seen this somewhere but not sure of the permission.

Or does facebook have any feature of publishing information on subscription ?

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C# - How To Use Localhost While Developing Facebook Graph Website

Jul 20, 2010

i want to use localhost for developing website facebook application using the graph api.
i working in c#

in the previous api of facebook i was abe to write the
http://localhost:4300/ in the connect url at the application settings.

now it dosent keeps telling me
An error occurred with application name. Please try again later.

** if i upload the website, and use the website coonect url, it is working.

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How To Get The Work Information From A Facebook User Using Graph API

Mar 17, 2011

I am tying to get the work information from a facebook user using Graph API

When I use the Graph API and get the User object, it contains work information, which is essentially a list of the work history. The list elements contain nodes of employer, location, description, etc...

The FQL return it as a JsonObject, how do i get the the value employer out of it. I am only interested in the last employer. I tried something below but could not get it working.


There is more information that says it return the "work_history" as an array

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Javascript - Best Practices For Facebook Integration Using The Graph API

Mar 27, 2011

When it comes to integrating your site with facebook, is it recommended to save all the user's info from Facebook to your DB, or is it recommended to query in real time all the info you need based on the user's id?

For example the avatar sizes are different on my site than on my facebook, so I may have no choice but to download the fb avatar, but for other things like name, gender, hometown, I was wondering if I need to save that data. Also, if I decide to change extended permissions at a later time, is that going to be an easy task?

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How To Post Photo To Album In Facebook Graph Api

Mar 27, 2011

i wrote an application for facebook but i couldn't upload image to album that i created,
code is in below

Facebook.FacebookAPI api = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(GetAccessToken());
Dictionary<string, string> album = new Dictionary<string, string>();
album.Add("name", "Test Album");
album.Add("message", "Message here!");
JSONObject result = api.Post("me/albums", album);
string AlbumId = result.Dictionary["id"].String;
Dictionary<string, string> photo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
photo.Add("message", "test Message");
photo.Add("source", "tgw.jpg");
JSONObject photoResult = api.Post("/" + AlbumId + "/photos", photo);

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